A shitty mummah (Bad_Roomie)

Well he’s right more milk for him better odds of him surviving.

And what mare doing perfectly natural sacrificing the other foals for the survival of the mare and most likely to succeed offspring.

Except for camouflage colours would have no other advantage in fluffy society and human society.

Plus it’s not the a smarty syndrome baby it’s just the normal baby.

This triggers all white knights. :joy: :rofl:


It’s blood, its legs are not designed for such aggressive terrain :3


You are right! That is why she is alone with her babies in the forest, otherwise she would surely be with a herd.




The mare is already tired and still in the eyesight of the trash pandas.


Fluffies have the same cardio levels I do


If it only loses “most of the time” thats an improvement.

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Many irl animals will just drop their babies as a distraction for predators, since they can make more later

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Your right with the suffocation and i understand that your Bree of Fluffys (i hope im right to call Headcanons that way) is week but and this is a big but i have read many storys with different Fluffy Breeds who are some what stronger and faster and to be fair Flesh and Muscels are flesh and Muscels so if Fluffay can rip each others troats out or ears of and stomp their Genetals of they can kill a Baby or atleast Maim it. Posibly bi Gouching out its Eyes or bitting of Ears, Nose, Lips and if the Child is Male its Genitals. Their is also death by Sorry Poopiehs.

And to everyone who says Fluffys would not do this… Pleas we ale have read enove awful shit that Fluffys do to other Fluffys and Smartys that would kill Humans if they could and as far as i undestand these Fluffys are not even Hellgremlins they sem to be on a total different Level.

Sorry for my bad english im german and i have Dyslexic…

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Thanks for your reply

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English is a mess of a language when when so don’t worry :slight_smile:

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You mean fortnight players can hide. :scream_cat:

My god explains so much. :exploding_head:

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I have heard of but do not play this Nite of Fort. My ignorance had defeated the joke

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That’s the big ass rock your under. :thinking:


I’m in my mid 40’s, no kids, can’t play FPSs anymore (make me motion sick), don’t game much now. It’s a little bit of a bummer. Hell, I don’t play fighting games much now and those are my favorite.

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Thanks i try my best and i hate googel Translate because it so often gifes me semengly the ride words but they are sometimes not rite for what i wonet to write or anacronistik.

But thanks i would like to write storrys Here. I have two ideas the first is a distopian Future strong influenced from the two Pen and Papers shadowrun and Cyberpunk about how the Fluffy world could be in 60-70 years with way more stronger genemanipulation and cybernatiks. About an Old Merc and his Fluffy friend kicking ass and taking names.

The second wone came to me when i read two comics whone was about Fluffys with jobs the other one was about a Mare who feeds her Milk to the Baby of her owners.

But my fear of my Dyslexic is strong.


The story with the Fluffy who gifs her Milk to the littel Human is from Bad_Roomie



Ngl, I’m super impressed by how your fluffies are conventionally cute, but are also just very puntable.


well, for all i could understand is that fluffies have the mentality of a children which it mean they prefer brighter color stuff over the dark color objects, mostly brown color becouse they relate this color with the poop with they dont like.

also, im quite surprise that these racoons still wanted to eat those foals after they shit and piss alot, considerating that racoons have a good sense of smell.


You’re right, I guess the recommended age to have a fluffy would be +5 years. Although I also like to think that fluffys can kill each other because they are too soft.

As for the language … well, I’m Mexican and I don’t speak English well, so I also make a lot of mistakes when writing :sweat_smile: