A shitty mummah (Bad_Roomie)

Like virgil said, they are very good at washing their food :grin:


I will laugh my ass off if the other babbehs survived and the bright one dies. But hey, the mother will die anyway in the wild with such a bright baby on her back.

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Many thanks.
Would you be ok if i use your idea of the nursing Mare for my story?

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After twenty years of emails, letters, etc? Many USA citizens don’t write well in English either!

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Same, dude. It enrages me in the perfect way, I love it


She will probably be saved this time, the twig and thorns in front of the gray foal will not allow her to go very far. The raccoon that is standing will sure grab the little one and let the mummah run away … although she won’t live long


I like this a lot.
Not only well drawn but brings up the issue of brown fluffies being saints in many stories.


Hey! Don’t bring our logical inconsistencies into this! :stuck_out_tongue:


I don’t mind stories about the good poopie boys. :heart:
They can be really good.
But I have seen a lot of stories about them, and they tend to be tortured saints in a world of hellgremlins. It’s kind of refreshing to see an off color fluffy doing something bad lol


I love comics of the struggles of feral survival


That fucking blue shit thinks he get the miwkies? Well she just sign their death warrant soon enough.

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That’s actually a pretty interesting idea. I had never stopped to consider that a full-grown fluffy with ugly colors would still have the same pretty color-favoritism toward her own foals.

I got a good chuckle out of the notion that Mummah is setting herself up for failure with a brightly colored foal who can’t blend in for shit. He’ll probably be a chatty little shithead, too, drawing predators toward him with his incessant demands.

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How do you manage to make your comics so fucking cruel m? I love it.

The good news is that all those foals are fulfilling their most natural purpose by feeding those hungry raccoons with delicious foal meat!

Looks like she’s had to do this plenty of times since her hooves are worn pretty badly.

I don’t know why everyone (including the author) is assuming the mother made a calculated decision to abandon almost all of her foals simply because she didn’t prefer their color. If a lion or a bear was as close to your family as those raccoons were to the mare (which is barely even a single meter away), I highly doubt most of the people on this site would take the time to gather each member of their family before fleeing. Maybe favoritism played a part in which of the foals the mare chose to save, but everyone is ignoring the fact that she clearly would not have had time to rescue all of them.

Well, the author is the one who created the situation and described it. She had as much or as little time as they decided. The whole scene is literally created to show what they wanted. You’re also dealing with an author who has generously translated this into English which is not their first language, so something might’ve gotten lost in the translation. Additionally, they generally don’t choose to portray fluffies in the most positive light, so the narrative presented is quite consistent with their normal presentation of fluffies.


The raccoon should still be able to catch her Fluffy’s are extremely slow

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If an author gives an interpretation of a work that blatantly contradicts what is written, then his analysis is meaningless. The literary concept of “death of the author” makes this very clear. It doesn’t matter whether the author thinks the mare is being inconsiderate or not; she is clearly running from vicious predators that would devour both her and her babies if she stayed to help them. Everything about the image suggests the mare had very little time to help her foals, making the accusation that she’s biased mostly unfounded.

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Well, I am not blaming the mother for not saving all her foals but for making a bad decision due to favoritism.
When the group of raccoons appeared, the mother had all her foals close by, she had a couple of seconds to pick one up and run away, instead of choosing a dark-colored one with a higher survival probability, she preferred to pick up her “bestes’ babbeh” simply by being cuter, ignoring that his shiny fur will attract more predators and both she and her babbeh will be hunted over and over again, until they die.