Hello i’m still alive
I did this drawing a few months ago but I had forgotten to post it here, but it is finally done.
If you guys had a fluffy (one you don’t want to smash) would you buy a litter pal for him?
Hello i’m still alive
I did this drawing a few months ago but I had forgotten to post it here, but it is finally done.
If you guys had a fluffy (one you don’t want to smash) would you buy a litter pal for him?
Good to see more of your work
and glad to know that you exist as well
yes, but i would switch them from time to time for a laugh
Oof spaghetti and milk?
Greens got his work cut out for him.
Only if the pal was a bad fluffy.
I too have some art i have not posted for some reason!
Ps.AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA THE unicorn is too cute!
now the real question is, how little does it need to do to become bad?
Litter pals are stupid. I’d have to buy a litter pal for my litter pal, and then another one for that litter pal. Where does that end?!
That green fluffy is pretty. Why is it a litter pal? What makes a fluffy into a litter pal?
I’m unsure about litter pals. I don’t like the idea of a fluffy being a litter pal due to color. Bad behavior though, I think it a good justice. Like for those who think them bestest babbeh and won’t take no for an answer. That blue fluffy makes me mad. I’d make it a litter pal for the green one. Call it dunne poopie fluffy as if it is better than the other fluffy.
sighs I seem to have a thing for the fluffies that others find ugly due to color. So many are just normal animal colors
Brown (poopie color) or discussing green (vomiti cowow) = possible litterpal
Any bad actions towards me/ted
For example :
Bad poopies on something i own
Harrasment (like " u am dummeh) towards me
Even stepping on my lawn!
don’t forget to expand this list without telling your fluffies. not knowing does not save you from responsibility
This. So much this, I’ve seen various artists depicting periodic reversals and it makes the most sense. Keeps the shitrats occupied , socialised, and suffering. all while keeping them convinced it’s the other fluffy tormenting them and not the owner
That would be a hard no. Nobody eats shit in my house.
No you still num poopie you ugly baby and ugly baby num poopie
Yea, i just need to explain the 5 main rules better in the furure.
Ps. Those that i mentioned are for wild fluffies (not for what i own)
If you guys had a fluffy (one you don’t want to smash) would you buy a litter pal for him?
Hell no. It’s funny in a comic. irl I’d puke my fucking guts out.
No litter pal for me.
Frankly, given how the dogs after with cat poop, they’d likely volunteer.
i’m a hugboxer and i want to use it as a fuckin stressball rn
the way you draw foals is the embodiment of cute aggression-
when you get to the end of the universe with the line of litterpals, duh-