A Star is Born Comic 16/16 (Fluffus)

Forever yellow skies



Well I’m happy to be wrong and I’m happy there’s more.

Well, not happy, more dreading


Now you know how we feel some times!

“There’s SO MUCH more to go wrong still!”

@Fluffus I really love this page. I’m not overwhelmed by the art and detail so the pair stand out nicely as being important. I like that the lack of color, of detailing, stand out from what is. The way elements callback to earlier parts. How the past is now set but the now and future elements aren’t defined in their entirely, only their general form.

Like Star’s future. We know the shape of a moment in time with Starstruck but there’s still so much more…

Bravo. This has been quite a treat to say the least.

Can I buy you a beverage?


Why is this controversial? Clicked the wrong thing?

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I feel a part two coming on

That was part two.


(Clears throat) I mean I feel a part three coming on


ETA 5 years. Based on empirical evidence.



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Thank you so much @Chikahiro for engaging so deeply with Star’s story. I really enjoy it when you share your feelings and interpretation.

This has been a mammoth project for me. It has hoovered up all my disposable free time left over from work and family duties, yet it feels intensely rewarding to get a big story out of my system.

I try to make sure each chapter has a complete arc in it and can work pretty well as a stand alone installment, since I can’t know if I’ll have the time and energy to make the next one.

Star may or may not be back in chapter three: Star Power.


I don’t want to presume to speak for the other artists or creatives here, but I feel like your work has been something for us to sink our teeth into. It’s like there are comedians but sometimes there’s a comedian for other comedians (British comedian Sean Locke was supposed to be one). Same here.

The more you do, the more you get out. And while I am admittedly one of the deliberately lazier creators here? Taking and practicing and looking into shortcuts? I’ve done enough to have some basic idea of all the work you’ve lavished upon us.

You have not been stingy. You been extravagant if anything. I don’t think anyone will contradict me on that assessment.


Stands up and claps


Thank you @Fluffus it was an awesome read and I hope you don’t need five years to work your magic.

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Is there going to be more? I love your art style and story telling. I want to know WHY he turned out the way he did in starstruck. I want to know so much more…

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Thank you. I have landed on a process where I complete a whole chapter before posting anything. It mitigates the risk of Internet denizens reposting or mangling a partially completed piece of work.

It will be quite a while before I post another chapter, as they take a while to finish.


While I wish Star well I question how far he can walk with 4 injured legs while carrying another fluffy.

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Glad to see that Star saved his sister. I hope to see you continue this story,one day. Wonderful storytelling,you have a talent.

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I really want to complete the next chapter. Hopefully work will allow me a little more free time eventually.

Please note that Star, like his unicorn brother, can produce light with his horn.