Abandoned Angel Part 4 [author:SpaghettiDave] [id:17180]

Abandoned Angel
Part 4: A lesson learned

The next morning Robert reheated her milk mixture. No point in making it fresh, his blue and green baby fluffy is getting punished. He knew it was a battle of wills at this point. He couldn’t back down. This was his, “I’m going to own a chimpanzee and have to fight it when it reaches sexual maturity otherwise it will rape and beat me,” moment. Really? I need to get some friends. Or a friend. Or a girlfriend. Or a fluffy…

He made no grand gestures or made any overtly affectionate motions towards Angel in the sorry box. He silently opened it and pulled her out. She was shaking, her tiny blue wings fluttering. She smelled awful and must’ve shit herself again in the night as her rear was completely covered in brown filth.

chirp “daddeh… hewp… “ chirp

Much like the first time he washed Angel, he just held her under the running tap water. Not scalding hot water, but warm enough to wash her waste from her fur. The hard part was washing the shit out of her face and mane without drowning her. Thankfully he did not end up with a dead pony, but instead a wiggling and very unhappy but very clean fluffy.

“Angel, are you hungry?”

She looked up with her sad green eyes, “yesh, daddeh…” She spoke quietly. She knew she was still in trouble. “Wub daddeh,” and she tried to hug at his hand. Angel only met resistance and food. Robert fed her again like she was a baby. She was, but she has already learned to eat out of a bowl.

“I love you too, Angel. Now, eat.” He fed her silently, her hooves holding onto the sides of the eyedropper full of food.

She must have been starving as she ate several ounces of the formula. She was already much bigger than she was just a few days ago. Robert pondered the incredible initial growth rate for a fluffy, in just another 10 days she should be fully grown. Her bed and box set up had already been converted into a full time litter box and she has her own basket bed with the heating stone underneath. Even so, she still begs every night to sleep next to her “daddeh.”

“Daddeh…? Am fuww.” Her ears and wings twitched, “huggies time nao? Pwease daddeh?”

“Do you know why you were in the sorry box?” Robert held her firmly in his hand forcing her to stare at him.

“Fwuffy made bad poopies. Fwuffy den boss daddeh.” Her eyes tearing up again.

“That’s right. Will you do that again?”

“Nu…. Wub daddeh!” She held out her tiny fluffy legs, wiggling her tiny fluffy hooves begging for a hug which Robert quickly and happily obliged. After several minutes of disgustingly cute and adorable fluffy hugging, Robert set her down. She pranced around his legs, her dark green mane and tail dancing with her. He tossed one of her favorite balls into the living room and she went running, that would keep her occupied for a good solid hour. His thoughts migrated back to his friends and girlfriend, or lack thereof. Maybe it was time to fix that?

Angel played like the young fluffy pony she is as Robert started dialing this phone. Time for a date! “Mary? It’s Robert! … Got any plans on Friday? It’s been forever since we last hit up a bar. … Great! My place or yours? … Sounds good. I’ll see you Friday!”

Well, Robert thought to himself, that wasn’t nearly as hard as I expected.

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Thanks to @pillows for reuploading


LMFAO what a phrase.