Abandoned Angel
Part 55: Strange New World
It was was over a week since daddeh got huggies from doktuws and came back. It felt like forever for the fluffies, it could have been forever for all they knew. Brave spent most of his time in the new strange house hidden, as best a bright red giant ball of fluff could, underneath the coffee table. Over a week he and Angel hid. Angel was a bit more adventurous, Pizza even more so. Brave, however, was blind, and the strange new environment made his life a bumpy owie nightmare.
Mummah didn’t bring many toys, and the ones she brought weren’t the good toys like daddeh had. No chirpy baww. No nummie baww. No poppy bubbles. He didn’t even have his stuffed animal, and Pizza didn’t want to be cuddled all the time. Brave lost his foals. His brother. His toys. All in one night and he had been miserable ever since.
Several times he would wake, unable to find Pizza, and have an adorable version of a panic attack. “Angel?” Silence. “Pizza?!” His squeaky voice got louder, not loud enough to wake his . Brave scurried out from under the coffee table, bumping his horn into the hard wood. “Owies…” He moaned as he tried to rub his horn with his hooves, his stumpy legs wouldn’t reach no matter how he tried.
Carefully, he padded around the couch, purposely rubbing his fluff against it, he remembered that mummah’s sweepie room door was by the couch. He could smell it, it smelled of lavender, or as Brave knew, a sweet type of smell. Not nummies, not nu-pwetty, but a sweet type. His nose bumped hard into the door. Daddeh and mummah were in there, he could smell that, and he could hear daddeh snoring through the door.
“Babbeh? Angel?” No response again. Brave’s anxiety increased and he plopped down, listening. He gently rubbed his owie nose, it was sore all the time now, and nipped at the fluff around his hooves. Several small tuffs fell to the floor, unnoticed. He slowly made his way through the nummie room. His food bowl was easy to find, and very empty this early in the morning.
Down the hall Brave went, walking with his fluff pushed against the wall to keep track of where he was going. The next door was what the hoomins called “baffwoom.” Wawa was bad, very bad. But daddeh gave them baffs anyway, and they never got hurt. Sometimes the warm wawa was nice, but as a fluffy he couldn’t admit that openly. The room smelled clean, well, like clean. Mummah used icky smelly things in there. Once mummah went in there and came out and the room smelled of bad poopies and icky flowers.
They weren’t in there but he started hearing noises from whirring noisy box room. His ears perked up, he could hear Pizza giggling! He dashed for the office door, missing by several inches. His nose hit, slipped and his horn made a small puncture into the wall. The blind fluffy spent several moments whining, “bad waww gif Bwave owies…” No crying, he was trying to be a good fluffy.
Finally he found the door, and Angel and Pizza. “Why pway in hewe?” He sat on his rump and rubbed his nose, wondering if it would ever forgive him.
Angel sounded happy, Brave’s painful adventure unknown to her. “Pizza pwaying wif windy bawks!” She trotted over to Brave and gave him a hug, not taking her eyes from Pizza.
“Thhhpthhh!” Brave would’ve laughed as Angel had at the sight of Pizza’s cheeks were puffed out as he raspberried into the computer fan, the slight wind blowing into his tiny mouth.
Angel had woken when Pizza squeezed out of the fluff pile. She was curled up tight with Brave, he was the best at making sleep time warm, with Pizza between them. Pizza was second best. She supposed daddeh would be better than Brave, but she so rarely slept with him. She saw in the faint moonlight that Pizza used the witta bawks. He was very good at making good poopies, she only had to bop his nose once, which caused Pizza to cry. Both Angel and Brave started to cry at their foal’s crying, thinking another munsta was on its way.
Pizza had started to play with the ball in the dark, batting it from the living room and bounding off to the kitchen. Angel pulled away from Brave and followed, too afraid to let the foal out of her sight. Under the chair and around the table legs Pizza ran. Angel held her tail as she watched. He soon became bored of playing by himself and ran off as fast as he could down the hall.
Down the hall and into the office Pizza went, Angel not far behind. She nosed the door open more. “Pizza?” A faint giggle. “Whewe Pizza?” She looked about the faintly illuminated room, she could hear giggling and the fan whirring away. “Pizza hewe?” She nosed at the book shelf. Nope, not there. She nudged the chair and chirped when it rolled a bit.
“Mummah nu fin Pizza! Pizza gud at hidey!” Pizza loudly announced from his hiding spot behind the computer.
“Mummah fin Pizza! Mumma gud at dis!” Angel’s distress suddenly forgotten as she walked around the chair searching for Pizza. She made her way under the desk, “foundu!” She proudly announced. “Why Pizza in whirry woom?”
Pizza crawled back from the computer. He shrugged, not that Angel could really see. “Pizza wan pway.” Angel nodded, a good enough answer for a fluffy. “Der funny whiwwy ding back hewe!”
“Nu pway wif dat, mumma an daddeh get mad.” Angel tried to sound firm, but hated to chide her child for having fun. She watched Pizza climb over the cables back to the fan.
“Ish fun! Wook!” Pizza opened his mouth and his cheeks puffed out, his lips wagging in the air.
“Siwwy babbeh!” Angel giggled, not hearing Brave bump into the wall.
Not under there, where could they be? Robert thought to himself and turned on the living room light. Carefully, oh so carefully he walked to the kitchen, cane in hand. He should really be using the walker to help get around, but sometimes he was stubborn. It was still too painful to bend down so Erin was left to feeding the fluffies. They ate, but when she wasn’t around they would say “Mummah’s nummies gud, but daddeh’s nummies best.” It amused him so since it was exactly the same food.
Briefly he wondered where the fluffies were. It wasn’t a large house and there was no safe room. Thankfully Pizza took to litter training and the only messes were from Angel and Brave getting scared. Erin managed to keep her spirits up, even if nearly every day she was cleaning fluffy shit out of the carpet, off the walls, off their fluff. Erin had convinced him to stay with her until he was healed. A good idea. Then she told him to sell his house. A potentially good idea. Followed with “Move in with me. If it doesn’t work out you can simply buy a new place.”
He shook his head, that was a topic he couldn’t start until after a few cups of coffee and several beers. With the coffee brewing he remembered his fluffies. Their high pitched voices coming from the office, generally a no-no place for them.
He opened the door and peered in. Brave was sitting in the middle of the room with twitching ears. Angel was giggling. Pizza had his face shoved against the fan.
“Daddeh!” Pizza pulled his face away, “Wook!” Pizza repeated the raspberry into the fan and shouted, “Pizza wuv daddeh!” into the computer. Robert smiled and wondered if that is what Darth Vader sounded like on helium.