Abandoned Angel Part 6 [author:SpaghettiDave] [id:17189]

Abandoned Angel
Part 6: The Special Friend

Robert sat on his bed, putting his socks on. Angel hated this part of his day. While she did not blame him for the sock incident, she was a bit more skittish around socks. Angel was quite big now, compared to her size three weeks ago. She’s now a full grown fluffy. Long dark blue fluff engulfs her body with matching colored wings. Her mane and tail are a dark green color. Angel peered at her “daddeh” with her green eyes.

“Whewe yu goin, daddeh?” Angel hated to be alone but she never complained about it to his face. She knew he would return and she was a good fluffy so rarely did he have to lock her in the safe room. In fact, lately, most nights she has been sleeping next to his bed.

“Your daddeh has a date. I’m gonna be going out with a girl. Getting us both drunk and paying for it because that’s how it works. Then we’re gonna come back here and maybe she will…” He stopped, knowing full well she didn’t understand the concepts. “I’m trying to find my ‘special friend’ like fluffies have.”

Angel didn’t have a special friend. She had her “daddeh.” Somehow she understood what a special friend was. She wanted one! She also didn’t want to share her daddeh. “Wiww Angel get a speshew fwend?”

The idea of his foal, his filly, his nearly fully mature mare having babies never crossed his mind. “Maybe. One day? Maybe.” Angel mulled that over and then walked away silently. Robert just assumed she was content with his answer. Instead she became jealous. She didn’t want to share her daddeh with anyone else. Maybe another fluffy, that’d be okay. But no one else.

Angel was being carried. She loved it when her daddeh carried her around. “Angel, you’re staying in the safe room tonight. I’ve got Mary coming back tonight and we won’t be able to play with you. So, you’re sleeping here tonight.” She just nodded, looking back at him sadly as he walked out.

SLAM! The door slamming shut scared Angel away. No scary poopies this time, she was lucky. Lots of noise came from beyond the door. Which was cracked open. It was open! She ran to the door and shoved it open with her muzzle and hooves. So much noise and it was so dark! But Angel was being brave. She timidly padded past the living room and peered into daddeh’s room. So much noise and weird grunting. There was another loud person in there too! Daddeh was making special huggies!

Thok thok thok thok! Quickly she ran back to the safe room and covered her eyes, hiding. She was upset and jealous. Mostly she didn’t understand. The morning will sort this out, she knew it. The bright sky ball and daddeh’s hot black water always makes things better.

“NUUUU! NU daddeh’s speshew fwend! Nu speshew huggies!”

He couldn’t process. He couldn’t react. It was bright. His head hurt. Damn, really really hung over. And now his fluffy is screaming at his date. I hope she’s… He couldn’t finish his thought, not that he could even start it properly. His eyes were greeted with sharp sunlight and Mary. Holding the sheet up covering her body. While his fluffy turned, her tail lifting. It was in slow motion. It was over in an instant. Angel yelled “Giv sowwy poopies!” And the floodgates opened.

Mary screamed!

Angel screamed!

Robert yelled!

Angel cried!

Angel ran!

Mary ran! Straight to the bathroom. Robert could hear the shower going but couldn’t make out what she was yelling. First things first. He ripped the sheet off the bed, thankfully nothing seeped into the mattress and the blanket was safe. Right in the trash. He got dressed and put some coffee on.

The bathroom door opened. Mary stood there wrapped in a towel. She was pissed. “Mary, hey… I’ve got a fluffy pony. It’s about three weeks old which is really young. And apparently she’s got some issues. But… Umm… “ Mary stormed past him into the bedroom and slammed the door. Moments later she walked out, fully dressed.

They had a decent thing going. Friends for years. Occasional friends with benefits. If looks could kill, Robert and Angel would be shuffling off the mortal coil. She growled at Robert, “I’ll call you later.” And the front door slammed shut.

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Thanks to @pillows for reuploading


At least he didn’t get cockblocked but sure it’s a horrible way of waking up.


What goes through a fluffies head, that all-out ass blasting an opponent is the best call to war? Idiots.

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Oh lawd!!! Poo everywhere

“lmao get shidded on” - Sun tsu, art of war

Bean soup

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