About a bad world idea

Maybe you could do Schindler’s List with fluffies too.

Or The Diary of Anne Frank.

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Maybe not now. English is hard to do without help.

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I get it, you’re not the only person on FC who isn’t fluent in English. It’s very diverse here. For the record, English is my first language, but I also speak Dutch.

It’ll probably get easier. Have you tried watching movies in English? I’ve heard a lot of people learn English that way.

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Trying, but spoken english is too much and confusion.

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Maybe try books instead? Then you can take your time with each page. Comic books, maybe. That way, you’ve still got an idea of what’s going on if you can’t understand the text. I think you could start with something for younger kids, like Marvel Adventures. Start with something small, and work your way up.

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Can work. Thank you.
Still trying to making fluffy things, even if some think it is autism niggery because they are assholes.

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It seems lots of people did not understand my question: how would fluffies live in a world where people are not treated like people? Would they live in the woods? Sewers? Would fluffies be saved by an international organisation?
Used DeepL translate.

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