about stalkers concept by FluffyStalker art by Somethingcheeky


These stalkers are made when many foals die in the same area, there is a fine line between a soul being part of a neglected or a rejected, a starving foal barely living through eating shit becomes a part of a neglected because it wasn’t abandoned by the mother but wasn’t taken care of properly.

A place where a neglected is about to form can be distinguished because it will let off a sweet smell of fluffy milk to attract nearby neglected foals that are on the verge of death.

Their grudge is against the mothers at this point no matter how good or bad is it, the main focus of its desire it’s milk and food, it can feel love from a human and can be appeased through feeding, unless appeased it’s recommended to keep breeding mares away from them, if a mare hasn’t been mother before it will be ignored.


A rejected often will be born in the same place as a Neglected, a fluffy foal becomes part of a rejected when it’s killed by the mother in the spot after birth or is abandoned as decoy to save the other foals.

A place where a rejected will be born will let a soft mummah song to attract foals that were abandoned near the place, because of this it’s not rare that a place where a stalker will be born smells of fluffy milk and has a mummah song being softly sang.

These stalkers focus the bestest babbehs, executing them as a mare dies to a rejected foal or runt, stomping on them causing shit and organs to spill out through the anus and mouth, they add the bestest babbeh pelt to their body, this is the only stalker wich kill count can be noticed on it’s pelt cape, the longest the pelts extend more bestest babbehs has it killed and potentially took their families with them.


A enfied is often born in alleys known for having smarties and hellgremlins, this stalker ia born when many enfie babbehs die in a same place, they are less common than the rejected and the neglected bit are by far the most dangerous, there have been registers of enfied stalkers preying on humans regardless of gender or age when they get on the way of its hunting.

A place where an enfied will be born doesn’t show signals until the night it’s created, when the last foal it needs it’s enfied and dies a blood curling scream echoes through the alleyway and the street from the darkest part of an alleyway, this scream is often compared to that of a banshee, it will make sounds that imitate a enfie babbeh like “Nuuuu nu wan nu wan, am onwy widdle babbeh” “enfie munstah, mummah help babbeh” and heavy panting and dragging of flesh, the only traces left are herds with massacred stallions with their genitals ripped apart off them.

If a single mummah encounters an enfied it won’t attack, the enfied tends to comfort the sleeping foals that have nightmares for seeing it, if it finds a foal being used as an enfie babbeh they proceed with their normal hunting and provide peace and comfort for the dying foal until it’s last moments.

@Somethingcheeky stalker art

Stalker size chart by @Somethingcheeky


What about fixed mares or stallions


On mares depending if it was a mummah or not, the stallions are ignored


Strange, fixed mares count.


They count if they were mothers before the fix


I could see a Silent Hill like setting with these creatures populating them.

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Me, bottle feeding a Neglected: huh… neat!!


What exactly is a stalker? A vengeful spirit?


Hey looked, i helped that guy.

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Yes, it is a conglomerate of several angry spirits that have molded into one singular hateful being.

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Do stalkers tend to sympathize with foals that make up the majority of their composition? Like will a rejected spare a runt or poopie?

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Yes, their main focus are the kind of fluffy that caused all the foals deaths, only the rejected will kill foals but only the “bestest”

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