Abusers/Abuse leaning neutralboxers - If you are able to abuse a fluffy/some fluffies in any way, how would you?

You are able to have as many fluffies as you want, all customised to your liking from age to type. You also have an infinite budget, which you can spend on anything, even things you normally can’t purchase (ie. cities, capital buildings, wild animals, etc.) How do you go about this?


Buy two buildings, then section off the alleyway, dump fluffies in the alley, and let the shitrats do the rest. Perfect reality tv. Their own stupidity will be the best kind of abuse.


I’d just build one of those torture basements/garages that every fictional abuser seems to have, with full soundproofing and fluffy torture obstacle courses and shit.


I would probably mentally abuse them.
Humiliating and belittling a smarty would be fun.


pile a bunch of them into a big box like a huge ball pit to see how many it would take to crush the bottom-most fluffies to death. then how many it would take to crush them to mulch. then just watch how the rest deal with being in a pit of dead and dying fluffies.

if any actually make it out, just push them back in, as it’s likely to be too exhausted to try a second time. the majority of whatever fluffies might’ve helped it get out will likely succumb to the pit themselves by the time they’re ready for a second attempt. leave the few survivors in the pit until one is left, then let it out onto the street. it won’t likely last long as a lone fluffy for miles around, but still. a taste of freedom before being mauled by a dog.


To answer my own question, I would have a dome built that is 2km tall, and 8km long + wide. The dome would be made of transluscent materials and support struts and would be split into four rooms, each one simulating a different type of environment; One would be grasslands, one would be an empty city, one would be a savannah, and one would be a tundra. Creatures and plantlife from each environment would be taken and placed there, and given time to form a foodweb of some kind. When needed, food would be deposited in certain areas to keep a total extinction from happening, especially in the city.

Now here’s where the fun begins.

600 fluffies, none with any aggressive impulses, raised from birth in a typical middle-class hugboxer’s house-like environment are placed in each environment. All of them prior to this would have been carefully introduced to one another, so no power struggles and aggression would result in any unneccesary deaths. 600 specifically was chosen as it combats inbreeding, and provides 100 extra as a reserve.

These fluffies would then be left in these environments where they would most likely do well, which at first would make this seem like a neutralboxer experiment. However, if there is at least 300 fluffies left, every 3 months a disaster will occur, be it an earthquake, fire, mini-nuke, a roaming squad of abusers, volcanic eruption or plague. These happen randomly at any point in the months and are completely random, and the natural environment is always brought back to it’s previous state afterwards, as to prevent an ecological collapse. Before the disasters are enacted, though, the fluffies will be given a year to get comfortable and situate themselves. If the fluffy count was to drop to or below 50, additional fluffies would be provided, with the exact same conditions being fufilled minus the socialising, and if it dropped to 0 the then another 600 is added. The dome would be fully automated in maintenance, feeding, simulating disasters and in every other way as to keep this going for as long as feasibly possible.


Now that sounds like a story I’d read.


psychologically break them down, maybe practice some things on them like my sewing.
they also would make good food for large snakes,

ill always love foals though but…it wouldnt be hard to break their psyche, id love to see how long it takes til they reach the wan die loop through psychological torture or how long i can keep them right on the verge

maybe bring 'em back from the loop to see how fucked up they are now


Might give it a try


I’d do what I initially set off with Josef and give a Fluffy family a choice between hurting them or hurting a loved one. I.E. asking a mother if I should cut off one of her legs, or the leg of her bestesh babbeh.

I’m curious just how selfish Fluffies actually are


Maybe some light teasing, the way one would by making a cat think the laser pointer ran under the couch or into a shoe and just let them go nits trying to find it. Though aFluffy can comprehend more, so they get more elaborate pranks.

I’m writing a character who does that basically. A bit of a spoiler, but sticking some tree sap under the hoof of a Smarty is a thing. Its bitter and unpleasant so eventually they will have to suck it off. Because the hoof is more intimate than the cruder butthole, they’ll do it themselves instead of have the Poopie do it.


To misquote the line, “If you write it, we will read.”


Enroll the fluffy in an expensive private school, then tell him how he has disappointed me and let me down when he gets bad grades.


Place them in a peaceful resource rich safe habitat free of all humans and predators.

Let the little idiots enf with no thought to planning or resource management. Walt for the inevitable population explosion followed by famine while fluffies try (too late) to portion out resources, all social structure collapses, and the very hesitant cannibalism begins.


Suspiciously specific. You okay there?


Yes. I just expect academic performance from tiny horses.


Since I have an infinite budget to make it happen, I’d construct these complexes solely dedicated abusing & killing fluffies all over the USA. These complexes would be massive we’re talking several football fields and lakes! Since there’s so many fluffies in the world I see it as a means of population control and containment because were going to need a constant stream of fresh fluffies daily!

So the first field for example would have large groups of fluffies would be transported up via raised platforms from an underground holding chamber. Once the countdown begins the fluffies are told at the end of the field is their freedom where they’ll get special friends, sketti, saferooms, and everything they could ever want all they need to do is make through to the goal/end zone.

But all Throughout the field, however there’d be vents constanting pumping out the alluring smell of fresh skettis along with bait. Here people would be able to operate the various traps hidden all over the field. Some of the various traps would be pits of spikes they could fall into, spikes that spring up, along with so many other traps!

There’d be many hidden pits where the fluffies will be crushed, burnt, drowned, eaten by wild animals, even people, etc other pits have Car sized shredders! to accomodate for large groups of fluffies that will fall in!

If the traps aren’t to your liking there’s also private suites and skyboxes available where you take machine guns and rifles to shoot to the fluffies running all over the field with all calibers are available for selection. Want to use drones with flame throwers and automatic weapons, there also available for rent for us as well!

Want to burn some serious money there’s designer fluffies and alicorns we can place in the group of doomed fluffies or you can opt to have only designer and alicorn on the fields for you high rollers! Feeling that the land fluffies are boring well that’s where the fresh and saltwater lakes are for sea fluffy hunting either by boat or with scuba gear it’s up to you! We can also have piranha’s, sharks, and other predators available if you want to see a show.

But if mass slaughter isn’t your thing and want to be more up close and personal we offer basement torture rooms complete with tools and devices available with any fluffy or herd of your choosing.

How about wanting to get the feeling of breaking the law without actually breaking the law? As you’ve always had the fantasy of going crazy in a fluffy mart, adoption center, or wanting to publicly kill a fluffy pet! But the stimga of being arrested or publicly shamed stops you well you are in luck!

We have set up licensed and fully authentic fluffy Fluff-Marts, Adoption centers, and daycares so take your weapons of choice and slaughter those hapless owned fluffies to the horror of the workers and customers present, go on let loose this is your time to shine!

The same level of detail is also available for fluffy parks, and even saferooms where we contiditon all the feral fluffies to 100% fully believe they’re beloved pets with loving families so it all feels so very real when you come in and go in and shatterer their worldview by bringing the abuse to their saferoom!

If we don’t have what you’re looking for feel free to contact us and lets make your abuse happen today!


honestly id have to just mess around and see


The simplest of tools does create the best torture devices. For example, a file. Open a fluffies mouth and grind its teeth to the gum line, exposing the nerve. Force it to eat and drink cold water.

If you feeling saucy (and have a Male fluffy), make him ‘happy’ and, once he’s fully risen, grind his little dick off. This will be messy, so I’d recommend that you do it on a hard surface.

If you have a bad mammah treating a runt/poopie babbeh horribly, she has supplied you the tools needed. Snap the runt/poopie babbehs’ neck (because I’m a nice guy and don’t want the downtrodden to suffer) and shove it up her ‘poopie pwace.’ If she starts whining, tell her that she treated them like poopies, so they go in the poopie pwace.

Subsequent, the bestest babbeh gets to ride the microwave lightning as I force them to eat a metal object and toss in the microwave for as long as it is entertaining as sparks cause the fuzzball to ignite. The ‘other’ foals are taken and hand raised as I tell the mother they thought of her as a monster and ran away.

Smarty issues, break its horn and impale one of his eye with it. Sit back and relax as the herd beats the smarty turned dummeh relentlessly.

I don’t need a lot of money to torture any fluffy effectively.


Use them as manual labour on my farm, producing nothing but agony and tears.

As I can get as many as I want for no investment other than looking the other way when they do their stuff, I’m not spending a dime on housing, food or other stuff. It’s work and die.

Some days, I’ll walk through the fields and whip a few fluffies close to death to motivate the others. Other days, I’ll sit on the porch while the sun sets, sipping cold ice tea while listening to the wind carrying their wailings to me. It’s good to own land, even better when it’s being worked on for free.

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