Abusers are like animals?

I survived abuse by men and women stronger than me. They beaten me and my cat. How is fluffy abuser different in your story? I think they are like a rabid animal wanting to feeling power.
Your story can have abuse, and there is horrible people who abuse fluffy if they exist. There was story about fluffy experiment like rats in big towers and that seem good because they are like animals, hurt because of anger and need. Another was about hugboxing harming fluffy and not help.
Is your story abuser just another animal? I want mine be yes. Sad, angry animal want power over weaks and innocents, hating because they hate all.
What of your story? I am wrong?


As someone who has also experienced abuse at the hands of more than one man I can understand your plight. I see abusers in fluffy stories as the fictional equivalent to an actual real life animal abuser. And I would already label those kinds of people as monsters…? But sometimes some fluffy abusers go past monster and teeter on the line of like boogeymen for fluffs. Like serial killer levels of grotesque and brutish.


If abuse content affects you so much, you shouldn’t be involved in abuse content.


Someone said I am in it? I am having interest in your idea about abuser in story.

Yes, imagine such happening to fluffy if bad person finds them.

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I guess that abusers can be as varied as real life humans can be.

From a stupid kid shooting at pigeons with a bb gun, killing them whenever a shot hits their head, because he doesn’t even stop to think about his own actions, to fully blown sociopaths who take their inner demons out on defenseless animals to “avoid doing it to other humans” instead of seeking professional help.

In the end, it’s up to you how abusers act and what the motivations behind said actions are.

Beyond that, I am sorry you and your cat were hurt by others, hopefully now you’re better.


I’m a CSA survivor.

I love abuse content.

I love to watch fluffies get abused for no reason by ordinary people as if it were a completely normal thing to do.

Because fluffies are fictional and not real.

Not like human beings.

Or your cat.


Yes, similar bit.

Thank you. I was waiting for such explanation comment because it is what I not understand often.


If you’re posting about abuse, I’m going to assume you’ve encountered it’s content to comment on it.

As for my opinion, abuse is great. Some of the best the fluffy genre has to offer is in abuse.

I think I had a stroke reading this lol
The rat story is The Fluffy Sink

edit: also all my respect to you for surviving abuse and protecting your cat :heart:


That or have established cognitive dissonance where its more like a video game or art, like lighting Furbies on fire for clicks. I do treat most Abusers like Tik Tokers doing cringey stupid shit or those youtube channels that saw stuff in half.

Or people who disregard other beings, like folks sipping coffee while watching squirrels die of poison they left out because they are sick of them eating birdseed or who steer the car towards crows and pigeons in the road because “its vermin”.

Finally the profited ones. Any cruelty is justified if its efficient and society looks the other way to some folks, with money lubricating most resistance in their minds. Systemic abuse and abusers, as in real life such as past supporters of Weinstein and buddies of Trump who found his habits and personality on the pageant circuit vile but spent time with him socially, exist as an open secret across entire industries spanning half the world for a reason. Fear of reprisal is part of it, but another is when culture seems to say its okay and its the status quo. To say nothing of pitching a thousand male chicks a day straight into a grinder as an industry standard practice, or cooking shellfish alive and doing vodka shots containing live goldfish who were already in agony.

Fluffies feel like dark satire of reality. Though its more fun to write them as parodies of toy history I must be honest. I gotta tackle the Robotech/Macross legal cold war with them sometime.


if you mean in story then yes abusers are fiend and degenerates, if you are trying to equate the story to the writer or reader then no the majority of us are just regular people

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I mean I draw fluffy and will create fluffy stories as I do have urges/thoughts to kill people irl which I would never act on which I know others people has moments like “god I wish i could hit with my car” but I would into detail about how “I would get them in that spot what car to hit them etc,” and yes im getting help as of lately for it but this is a place where I can be my trueself to make things cute one day or hell the next and it would be okay

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The character I’m working with right now is just a dick, does it to hear them beg and scream. It’s his hobby, and it has been for a short period of time before my stories pick up. The begging and pleading is his favorite part, so he likes to make as much return on his “investments” as possible if he bought them. He isn’t into the instant gratification of just killing them immediately, he wants to toy with them and break them down mentally as he hurts them. However I’m thinking he may not bother babies below a certain age, maybe 3 weeks.

At one point I may give a reason as to why he’s such a fucker, but I haven’t decided on that yet.

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You’re not wrong, but you are using the wrong word.

I think the right word is bullies, and fluffy abusers aren’t even good at being bullies if picking on a small, comically fragile, baby-talking pig-horse is the best they can do. When’s the last time you saw a bully target someone bigger than them?


I’m sure in terms of fat content you have me beat.


They’re fucking fictional retard horses based on mlp ffs.


I fear you might have misunderstood the original poster’s questions.

He’s talking about abuser characters not abuser artists.

  1. humans are animals
  2. its vital to remember that fluffies and fluffy abusers are FICTIONAL.
  3. while an author is welcome to develop the psychological underpinnings of the abusers in their own stories, it is pointless and in bad taste to psychoanalyze abusers in other people’s stories without permission
  4. because, as fictional characters, abusers only have reasons for what they do if their creator gives them reasons.

Most abusers abuse fluffies because their creators think its funny. Or, in more traditional wording, “because fuck you, that’s why.”

And that’s fine, becuase fluffies are fictional, and one of the whole reasons for fiction is for us to imagine experiences we would never have or want to have in real life.

tl;dr don’t psychoanalyze abusers unless invited to do so by their creator, its a waste of time.