Adoption #2: Sky and Sunrise (Hedgehog)

Hewwo all! Got another adoption I’m looking for ideas for the ending. Please vote below and then I will get to work. As always, open to criticism and tips. Thanks everyone! Credit to @infraredturbine and the Folly of Hope series.

  • Take them both home and try to correct the smarty behavior
  • Take them both home and don’t try to correct behavior correctly
  • Take Sky home and toss Sunrise
  • Take Sunrise home and toss Sky
  • Adopted by a major hugboxer
  • Adopted by a major abuser
  • Not adopted(The shelter will dispose eventually)
  • Other(Please leave suggestions in comments)
0 voters

give sky a choice, if he wants a home, he must kill the smarty in front of you
(google traductor)


I hope Sky no matter what suffers horribly. God I hate Sbs foals …


‘Hey take these 2 retards lmao’


I think truth in advertising is great!
No one is getting any surprises with these two. I also don’t think anyone will be getting these two at all.
I could see a hugboxer trying with Sky, maybe. But making ut a mandatory two for one situation kind of lowers his chances. There’s being a hugboxer and then there is being a masochist, and Sunshine seems like he’d be a reason why you’d never be able to have nice things.
So, I’m guessing time will quickly tick to crush-a-foal o clock.


Shred that toy and slap the shit out of the one on the left, to start with. Toys should not have toys–it’s just wrong.


I don’t know. It’s just something about sky that I like, besides not his fault that he was born With poo brain At least with him at least be loving and understand right from wrong

sunrise On the other hand he’s a piece of shit. He was a piece of shit and he will die a piece of shit.

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It depends, does Sunrise care for his brother?

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Ohhh… a double dosage of defective dispositional development! Waste them not with some common street abuser but a true connoisseur of torture. May I suggest that these two are given what I call, “Starve a Fever, Feed a Cold”.

Sunrise is quite hot-headed and needs to be cooled down. A bestest babbeh needs to be taught some humility. Starve him to the brink of death but do not let him die; make him see the life of a poopie babbeh as heaven compared to his existence… Remember, Sky needs all the food to grow big and strong.

Good babbehs grow into big and strong talking adult fluffies for their owners. Mommies and Daddies make sure their babbehs’ tummies are full so the babbehs will start talking. Nothing makes babbehs want to talk more than addictive fattening foods. Provide him with everything he needs, but do not interact with him. This will give Sky “hallow love” (a feeling of unfulfillment). Sunrise was kind enough to give Sky all his food so Sky can talk, only a bad babbeh would betray his sibling’s generosity…

A professional must make sacrifices of themselves to reap their reward. The challenge is that the owner must spend all interactions with the foals dressed in a replica costume of Sky’s toy. When brought home, make them think you are not their owner, you are just taking them to their new owner. Let them play and settle in for the first evening. While they sleep, remove Sky’s toy, and dawn the costume in the morning. This will give the illusion that Sky’s toy has come to life to be their new owner. Socialize with a neglected Sunrise, ignore a pampered Sky. Their misery will stem from the others’ existence.

This can be done for years. After enough time has past, you can freestyle it. They “failed what they promised to you” so their lives are forfeited to you. Remember, you must still wear the costume during your freetime to drive the point into their ruined psyche.


Sky gets a brutal and slow torture in front of sunrise, using it to try and force Sunrises behavior to become normal. This fails however and so he is made to wear sky’s skin like a mask and leg warmers while sky cries but doesnt die yet. Then sunrise has his leg bones pulverized and mechanical limbs zip tied over top of his now noodley legs to make him move around, preferably by remote control.

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According to the poster he cares for his brother

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Going to close the poll, with 90 votes this got way more than I expected. Major abuser adoption won out, so that will be coming soon. May try my hand at turning it into a comic. Thanks everyone for participating!

Democracy wins again!

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I don’t think sensitives have the mental capacity to understand that request.

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that will make it more fun

How do I feel?

I mean vote