Aliens WIP (Rampage) [for Octoberthon]

I’ll update this when I finish it but I’ll actually be leaving on a trip soon and taking a break from fluffies so I just thought I’d post what I got. Mason ended up being fairly popular so yeah.

After I saw this lovely post by @chase70140 I knew I wanted to reference All Tomorrows too. Yes I know the timeline is off and the Asteromorph isn’t evolved enough. Let’s just say this is an alternate timeline where they decided to interfere with the Gravitals sooner and are more compassionate about other life.

Anyway see y’all later and happy abusing/hugging


Yay, happy ending!


Relatively. I’m actually thinking about giving him a slightly happier ending at some point because I honestly feel kinda bad for him at this point lol


Hey, through suffering comes happiness and enlightenment.

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He got more enlightenment than he bargained for.

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I think his owner should check the house for bones from an ancient indian burial ground because damn he’s one unfortunate little guy.

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That’s beautifully portrayed, poor little Mason couldn’t even begin to fathom the scale of conflict he was almost caught in. Even as a work in progress this is my favorite piece of yours


I’m glad you like it! Yours was fuckin A1 too

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Then it shits all over the spaceship and constantly demands food until the aliens turn to the abuse side.


No need for alternate timelines, considering the huge gulfs of space & time involved, there are bound to be local variations. Including Gravitals who decide to start of their annihilation of all Earthly life by Abusing 1 particular fluffy, as an amuse-bouche. Or Astromorphs who have recreated the entirety of our history, but with fluffies, & are not amused by the implied criticism.


Jesus Christ, Mason needs a heaping bowl of Sketti at the end of the month or something!


Out of all the places to see an All Tomorrows reference, this was the least expected.

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