Here’s my entry into Octoberthon Marathon Prompt #5
After the Qu conquered Earth all of its inhabitant became play things for their religious belief in recreating the universe as they saw fit. Masters of genetic manipulation, they took great offense to these primitive Fluffies and remade them into what they believed was best. And as with many of their creations they left their consciousness intact, if only to wallow in the sheer helplessness of what they have become.
Where are the All Tomorrows chads at?
Yoooo one of my favorite books
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Was literally just thinking of a scenario like this earlier today.
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This was not something I expected to see. Good stuff!!
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While I wouldn’t have thought of this, I’m jealous that you did it first nonetheless.
I’ve still yet to decide what I’m gonna draw but would you be ok with me potentially jumping on this and using the Gravitals or the Asteromorphs?
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from cringe to badass, just like that. i tip my hat to you, Qu
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YES fucking finally XD YES
Best book too
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Qu be looking at the Star People like “Not even we would make something like this, flesh carpets the lot of you”
I love the concept of this book, I really should read it!
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There is a channel on YouTube called
“Beware the Qu” who dose massive in depths looks and hours long audio read of the book all tomorrows
Unfortunately I’m not the biggest fan of audiobooks, can’t explain why, just can’t enjoy them.
For people wondering what even is "all tomorrows "
Its a "what if " story about the humor race over a billion years , and no the qu never visited earth XD
Basically humans in a few hundred years finally got mars to and colonized it , but in the coming years ( like 2 thousand years) earth and mars have been at war for all those years start to finally realize…war bad and have no real idea as to why there even fighting any more , so the best of earth and mars decided to bioengineer a new human race deliberately designed for space called the "star people "
Over the next few thousands years as the Star people began to inhabit new planets and even altered to be habitatable , they would eventually meet the " Qu" ( as seen above) who by the time the star people were even born the qu are already a billion years old , so there 10x more advanced then the star peeps , and ther insanely religious, believing the universe is theres too shape abd bend to thire will
Over the next few hundred years the star people would all loose and become enslaved to the Qu ( sept one group) all the planets and colonies would be lost as the star people would be bioengineered into … basically what ever the Qu wanted , sept 1 colonial of star people would go into hiding inside asteroids, eventually becoming the "Astromorphs "
As for the rest of humanity look up a youtube channel called " Beware the Qu" for the audio reading
Its sooooooo worth the time trust me
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very good summary. I think the most foreboding part of the book is when humanity discovers, on a planet with aliens with copper bones, a relative of Therizinosaurus that was taken from Earth and put there for no known reason. It essentially proved to humanity that there was something out there that was spare faring before humans even existed.
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Yeh if we as humanity found out that happen irl …god help us XD also didn’t want to spoil some of the best parts XD