A sequel to @BFM101 's story: Not Always Right [By BFM101]
Izzy Hue Mann, opposable-thumb-haver, drug-producer, and chef was humming.
He was chopping up vegetables while a butter-colored fluffy sang to her remaining foals.
“Mummah wubs babbehs, babbehs wub Mummah, habe nice nyu daddeh, he wubs yu tuu!”
Izzy did a line of cocaine off the cutting board and nodded.
“That’s right I do indeed love fluffies! WOOOOOOOO!!!”
He’d gotten Buttercup and her foals at a discount since she was apparently ‘partially-used’ or something. And now she and her foals were helping him make a meal.
Well, Izzy was doing all the real work. Buttercup was sitting on her ass while her foals suckled from her teats, singing her mummah-songs and imagining how good and long her life was going to be.
“Babbehs wub Mummah, Mummah wubs babbehs, dwink aww da miwkies, gwow up big and stwong! Daddeh wubs Mummah, Daddeh wubs babbehs, gibe aww da heawt-happies!”
Having finished slicing the vegtables Izzy picked up Buttercup.
“I’m so glad I found you!”
“Buttewcup habe su many heawt-happies tuu, Daddeh! Wub yu!”
“Your flesh and that of your offspring will nourish me and my guests.”
“Teehee, Daddeh am su siwwy, use funny wowdsies!”
Izzy dunked Buttercup in a bubbling vat of liquid he had on the stove.
When he pulled her out all of Buttercup’s fluff had vanished and her inedible parts had magically appeared in Izzy’s compost bin where they’d help fertilize his garden.
Buttercup screamed.
Izzy placed her on the counter, then dunked Buttercup’s foals as well.
“NUUU!!! Buttewcup nu habe pwetty babbehs nu mowe, dey am aww poopie babbehs nao!”
Buttercup’s foals instinctively tried to get to her, but Buttercup knocked them away.
“Babbehs nu wub Mummah enuff tu be pwetty su Mummah nu wub babbehs nu mowe.”
Izzy grabbed one of Buttercup’s foals in each of his tentacles-I mean arms.
“I can’t think of a witty one-liner.”
He then proceeded to shove Buttercup’s foals so far back inside her that the first foal could see out of her mouth. Buttercup screamed in agony as her foals chirped in fear.
Then Izzy shoved the vegetables into Buttercup and put her in a baking pan.
Buttercup’s screamed and begged as Izzy covered her in butter and shoved her in his oven.
The heat of the oven slowly cooked Buttercup to death as Izzy recorded her screams.
Finally Izzy reached into his oven and pulled out a perfectly-roasted fluffy.
Buttercup and her foals were still alive even as their flesh was roasted to a gleaming juicy gold.
Izzy quickly cleaned up the kitchen and triple-checked that his dining room was set up.
Then the doorbell rang.
Izzy answered it.
“Ah, hello Mr. Edwards. You’re just in time.”
The construction worker entered and handed over his guest-gift of a bottle of wine.
Izzy whistled appreciatively.
“Yes, yes, yes, this’ll go perfectly with the meal, how did you know?”
Mr Edwards flushed.
“Er, I didn’t. I just asked the person at the store and-”
Izzy didn’t want to embarrass his guest.
“No-no, it’s fine.”
The tentacle monster-I mean normal human who has opposable thumbs and everything ushered Mr. Edwards and his wife and daughter inside his home.
Then he brought out the main course.
Buttercup’s screams were quieter but no less anguished as she was slowly consumed by the three humans who’d been her former owner and the definitely probably not a tentacle monster.
As he patted his stomach in satisfaction Mr. Edwards smirked at Buttercup’s still-living head.
“My superior human digestive organs are turning your swallowed flesh into poop.”
Then he, his wife, his daughter, and Izzy pointed at Buttercup and laughed.
Buttercup screamed and cried as Izzy brought out sorbet he’d made from her tears for dessert.