And Pumpkin Hates you Too (ElGuzz)

She gonna grown up and carry her dad legendary

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oh man that is horrible

now the mom will have to clean the blood out of the bed


Eh, some club soda will get those bloodstains out.

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I love when their special friends witness and struggle to process their deaths.


And @ezpete too: yes, and it’s an adorable detail that just kinda adds an extra layer to the psychopathy, cause damn… :shrug: great job, @ElGuzz , but that Doom music kicked on tho’…


So looks like she was a decent mom just obstinate that one time and ouch that dad went all out poor girls gonna be traumatized

I think he was reasonably upset all things considered


I like the father thou. Awesome


A double standard, but a fluffy’s got to learn

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Or she’ll learn not to listen to dirty vermin


Lol at all the edgy teens itt going “hurr, id kill my dad if he did it” or “do pt2 where she grows up and kills her parents to heal her trauma” :rofl:


I did grow up abused (complicated emotional bullshit at home and bullying which turned sexual at school). It gave me anger issues. Abuse doesn’t always produce the same results.


Right? Giving old Daddy Dearest the one-way ticket to Shady Pines is much more feasible. And it’s not a felony.

Might take a while to get to the payoff, but hey, you know what they say: revenge is a dish best served cold.


Never have I ever seen truer words.


Honey i killed pumpkin cause she didn’t respect my authorita - cartman


Oh! She’s gonna be a Spiderman, well girl, Spidergirl!



I’m really sorry that happened to you :heart: I also grew up in an abusive home—physical, emotional, and sexual—and was severely bullied in school (although, to be fair, that was mainly because I was a shitty annoying kid). I ended up with extraordinarily bad anger issues; and even after going through years of therapy, I still have some moments.

But even as an adult, I still have trouble standing up to the people who hurt me, many of whom are still in my life. I know they don’t have the same physical power over me they did when I was a child, but I’ve been conditioned to never stand up to them in any meaningful way. It’s like how if you whip a pit bull enough as a puppy, it’ll lay down and take it as an adult even though it can easily rip your throat out.

Thankfully, my contact with those people is minimized, so I don’t have to deal with them too often. But, my point is that getting revenge on your abuser tends to become more and more difficult as they do more and more heinous things to bind you to them through hurt. That’s the depravity of it—the people who deserve justice the most have almost always broken their victims beyond the capacity of fighting back.


I’m glad you are low contact with your abusers.

There’s a saying about how you cage an elephant by leaving it tied to a pole in the ground. It struggles but can’t leave and slowly the elephant learns to stay by the pole. Soon it’s captors don’t even need the rope. The elephant sees the pole and in it’s mind it’s already knows escape is hopeless
