Another Sea Fluffy Gathering [ASimpleRoleplayer]

Just a group of unremarkable aquafluffs. I think I’ve comfortably settled into drawing again and a general form for them. As some do, they have touches that aren’t consistent with the lore- but I like to think the small canines may help with foraging, eating or even defense.


Cute little foal, I love your sea fluffies.

Thank you! Hope the variations are okay!

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Me and my love for fluffy babbehs brings me here to say I wanna squish the babbeh in a totally not violent way.

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I like the shark fin variation, I can see gray sea fluffies having a lot of fun playing tricks on each other with their shark fins.

And that is totally fine! All your works are absolutely adorable! And make me want to buy candy for some reason.

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The baby is so cute! I love your aqua flufflies

Just sayin

Hope my works can inspire you to continue!

Oh, didn’t come across your version of sea fluffs, but it is an interesting concept.

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No worries! Keep up the good work!
I’m always happy to share!

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