Another "This But With Fluffies" Idea

So I’ve seen a few posts about normal fluffies with unhealthy mutations that some real life cat and dog breeds have, and it made me think of something similar but specifically for fish-like seafluffies/aquafluffies (or “fishfluffies” as I like to call this subtype in my headcanon).

Meet the Bubble-Eye Goldfish:

This is perhaps the pinnacle of questionable breeding in goldfish. Besides the extremely delicate fluid-filled sacs below its eyes which could pop with the slightest abrasion, it also lacks a dorsal fin and that greatly hinders its swimming speed.
And though well-bred Fancy Goldfish (those with short bodies and double tails) are typically more-or-less healthy, poorly bred ones are prone to severe health problems.

Now imagine adding all these mutations to an already brittle and accident-prone aquafluffy. Poor little bastard wouldn’t stand a chance.


There are also a couple breeds of goldfish that have something called a wen, which is a fleshy growth on their heads.
Sometimes these can get overgrown and need to be trimmed.

These are Orandas, whose wens look kinda like little afros.


Id love to see a hugbox owner having to trim these off their Fluffy.


Hu-hu-hu, pwease no pop fwuffies see-pwace sac-ies!


You ask and you shall receive


Regular fluffies already puff their cheeks like this, don’t they

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yeah but this is like taking an air hose from an auto shop and jamming it into their sinuses and just giving them a good blast of compressed air.

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The idea of wen trimming a fluffy sounds like it could lead to a whole fun genre of how many aquarium products can we poison aquafluffies with?


This is a really great idea. It reminds me of spider ball pythons and their wobble.

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Love it. lol

I just remembered yet another goldfish breed with mutations detrimental to their health: the Pearlscale.

They are extremely prone to swim bladder issues and spinal deformity, and can’t swim very well either due to their shape.


Apparently first image is a blobfish in it’s natural habitat but basically a deepsea fluffy that gets brought up too fast.

Also since we’re talking about sea fluffies I’ve yet to see anyone write about someone doing this to a fluffy. Gotta try and preserve that umami flavor.


It is. It always disgusts me how Tumblrtards keep trying to make that disgusting imploded corpse of that poor fish into something “cute”. Some people have even turned that thing into plush toys.
Though now that I think of it, that would also be an interesting scenario to fluffify. Deep Sea Fluffy dies horribly from being pulled up too fast, the image goes viral, and some retards decide its deformed corpse is “cute” and make plush toys based on said corpse.