Anyone else feels sick with themselves for looking at this?

Not for nothing, but there’s an argument to be made for parallels between the seemingly incongruous cruelty of fluffy owners with the way civilians in rich countries are seemingly okay with horrific exploitation of the poor.

“Nice” people can be monsters.


I’m starting to get the feeling the fluffy community will split off before long. Right now all kinds of content are in one place, but eventually I bet hugbox and abuse will deviate into separate spaces.

I love horror games and horror movies and I don’t feel bad for enjoying them. Of course there is stuff that makes me sick, here and in my beloved horror genre but they don’t make me feel bad. Its basically a creative playground for me and I enjoy that. Someone here talked about carthasis and its that, I can work through emotions and archieve a satisfaction with it. That sounds masturbatory but honestly, its like eating sweets.

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At the end of the day it’s just stress relief for me. I don’t try to justify it.

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Which is a shame because ironically we need each other. Hugbox, weirdbox, sadbox, abuse. It’s the range of content that makes this so great and by extension fluffies.


Hewwo, fewwow humie!


The seperations already exist in a way. There are seperate reddit communities for abuse and hugbox. And thats not counting the fact that the people who follow fluffies on a site like derpibooru are different from the ones that followed it on fluffybooru/the reddit and so on.

But I think this diversity should be accepted, and perhaps even celebrated. Of course we can’t please everybody. But I do think we need to respect each others boundaries


@pillows I never liked the comparison of fluffies to Happy Tree Friends because in Happy Tree Friends, the gag is that the characters will come back. Its not the case in fluffies where abusers don’t seem intent on bringing their characters back.

@pillows @Renaissance On my end, I prefer focus on the good material. I have a strong distaste for abuse, and feel that a lot of the edgy/grimdark material has given the community its largely bad name. That said, I do think there’s a lot of good stories in the history of the booru (and the fandom overall) that should be preserved. Non-abuse stories like Avocado, MEH’s NISC, Mutagen’s Postfluff, and yes, Pillows’s Rejects.

I’d rather highlight those stories over the abuse ones.


I mean. I’ve spoken to my therapist about the whole fluffy thing…? And she wasn’t very concerned. She was more excited that I’ve managed to find an outlet for my anxiety again. And that I’ve finally gotten back into drawing. I’m just happy I’ve managed to not self harm again thanks to this community. Not saying this is the perfect way to cope, but I rather draw or write abuse them hurt myself…? Especially for the sake of my kiddos.


Do you feel bad by eating beef or pork?
Do you sympathize with the fish you caught and killed in the grill?
Do you feel sad seeing how chicken is raised with hormones to become egg pumps and, when it cannot do this, becomes another food source on our table?

This is what I believe is happening with fluff in their world. Their suffering got normalized, and they got a label as plague, and you normally don’t have sympathy with a plague like a cockroach or rats… They are filthy, can transfer many illnesses to you and your family… So, you just kill the shitsquak and continue on with your life.

Then you say: But Vinie, they are loving beings and great companions!

My answer to you, hypothetical person, is: So are dogs, but in China they are seen as delicious snacks, and their suffering is normalized.

Of course, there are always some deviants who do the contrary of what is expected in their culture.

And, if you break the fourth wall, there is also the idea of cathartic release, but I didn’t remember where I post about it.

That being said.
Success for all of ya, and till later.



@realvinie I used to think that, but after looking after an autistic child and a severely handcapped elderly person, I can’t look at fluffies as being “like animals”. They’re too humanlike for me.

Don’t get me wrong though. I am familiar with the treatment of dogs in certain areas of China and Korea. And, haviung spoken to a farme,r I do know that livestock like cattle and chicken have personalities if you get to know them. But fluffies, to me,a re just too humanlike.

Perhaps its a matter of approach. Someone like @DokutaSuton is capable of an immense “othering” of the fluffy, at least in his headcanon. But I can’t, as I relate to them too much.


The content creators are free to make their headcanon as shallow or deep as they see fit to tell a story. Depending on how incongruous it becomes, it’s almost up to the reader. While some thinks that no one would blend live animals alive, there are some who thinks that would happen.

A quick search on the internet shows the human capacity for incredible cruelty towards animals and humans alike. What you see as unacceptable are shaped by your cultural influences, and can/will be perfectly normal and not given much thought elsewhere.

Exactly! In certain cultures, animals are butchered alive in the most horrible way possible to get “special flavor” in the meat.

I like you!


Fluffys are not animals let alone humans. You trying to compare them to invalid humans speaks ill of you not of fluffy media


mcgee, I’ll just say what I always say, it depends on headcanon. I know enough people who see fluffies as animals marketed as toys I know you don’t, but whatever.


It does not depend on head cannon it depends on the viewer trying to find offense whit fluffys given that they are meant to be completely imaginary,everyone who is offended by fluffy media wants to pretend they are starting into some dark corner of humanity when it is them dragging their presupposed misconceptions on to fluffys. To put in words you can understand your head cannon is not everyone’s head cannon yet you judge everything through your head cannon

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at first yep but now im used to it, i guess. could be way worst lol. i feel like there’s so much potential in here and that the people are so nice. i like this community

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I do admit that it is a bit judgemental to judge other headcanons from the basis of my own head/hivecanon. I feel that it is a problem that affects a lot of people, and not just myself. I have seen @DokutaSuton judge artists like coalheart and lordanubis because of their hugbox headcanons, which doesn’t go well with his pro-abuse one. It doesn’t make him more right, but he will still be prone to hold that oipinion, as will I with my own pro-hugbox view.

That said, part of the reason why I make this defense that is that there is a definite stigma against fluffy pony fiction and art, with too many assuming that its “only abuse”. Its why I have mad respect for fellow hugboxers like Pinkyfluffy, who stuck to their guns and did their own thing. I should be doing the same too, but I will also state my opinion. If abusers and neutralboxers are free to state their opinion and inclinations, sometimes vehemently, then I think hugboxers should as well.


A good abuse story is horror content. If a writer is presenting gore, death, or even just emotional distress, they should make an effort to make it horrifying. Unfortunately, I think the majority of abuse writers are not horror writers. They miss the beat with their storytelling and it becomes a one-note description of the violence visited on another person (yes I think fluffies are people in the fiction)

A big part of that is the number of abuse writers who are just starting to flex their writing skills; we called the stuff from your first five years “woodshed work” in one class because you should put it in your woodshed and not share it. A lot of abuse stories are in this category.

There’s also markers of the just world delusion in a lot of abuse work, the core of the delusion is that the world is just, so when bad things happen, they’re deserved. That’s how depiction has shifted from a biotoy that’s so cute it makes you want to hurt it, to the hellgremlin rapists that stomp on babies and deliberately shit everywhere. Haven’t we all experienced the moment where you want to spike a human baby into the ground like a football, and then the immediate horror at our own minds? A good abuse story can explore the mental anguish of being ruled by intrusive thoughts, the fear about our own natures, the meaning of god in a world where I can throw pets into a woodchipper and my neighbors won’t mind. There’s a lot to unpack in fluffy fiction and abuse is a big part of it.

I guess my TL;DR summary is that there’s a lot of bad abuse stories that aren’t bad because they’re abuse, but because it isn’t good writing. Edit your shit and think about what you’re trying to say with it, and if you’re not saying anything, edit again. Abuse needs a literary purpose or it’s just gross violence.

Edit: I was watching how my roommate plays with our cat and thought that a fluffy would interpret that as abuse, since they think every bump is an injury and every harsh word is a terrible assault. It’s hilarious to see them over react to normal pet interaction. That’s non-horror fluffy abuse that would still be good- not torture voyeur, but hilarious out of proportion response to situations that pose no meaningful threat.


Agreed, to some extent. I feel like there’s a big difference between horrorbox and abuse. That said, I think that there are some horror stories that are definitely abuse (like say, the Ringmaster) compared to a horror story that uses fluffies that has little to no abuse (The Toy Castle, Bozdo, etc) Its a semantics issue, but I feel that exploring dark issues need not all be under the umbrella term of “abuse”.

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No one told you to shut up about your views, only that you want to believe that abuse cunts are actually showing you how horrible they secretly are because you want to believe every fluffy is a stand in for something, a fluffy is just a fluffy it is not a retard or a child or even a pet