Pink Pony Club
I’m gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club
I’m gonna keep on dancing down in
West Hollywood
I’m gonna keep on dancing at the
Pink Pony Club, Pink Pony Club
I wonder what Rainbow would think of his human being turned into a fellow fluffy? Probably would be pretty low on the list of priorities for Jitters to concern himself with at the moment though. Are both Loretta-fluff and Jitters-fluff unicorns because of the being ‘smart’ thing or just a design choice? All of these are so adorably cute though!
Screaming Jitters as Rainbow look at his owner worried.
Witch Bride: " Be damned, tis why thy own curiosity to blame human, thou has startled me and dropping my polymorph powder spell pouch!
But do not fear, tis effect only last for the night. Sleep beside this tree and in the morning thou be as before. But be warn, NEVER poke your head where it doesnt belong, understood? (Hyper noding Jitters) good, well then good night ~💖 "
Jitter woke up the next day back to normal with Rainbow beside him , quick went home and put his experience in his logbook.