Asbestos is apparently quite dangerous, and upon realising that HR has given you such a toxic substance, you research ways to make the stuff safer for you to handle. And as such, you follow the safety guidelines of only handling Asbestos with cold water, can’t let it get everywhere.
It’s mouth and stumps get pruney and it starts secreting water from it’s head orifices, you’re thankful you left it soaking, look at how much water it wastes. It’s kneading soon turns into frantic rubbing at the glass, soon his stumps become sore, then raw from all the rubbing against the sensitive skin.
After leaving Asbestos in the cup by itself it seems to excrete a thick slurry that cakes it’s underside, gross, thank goodness it’s all inside the cup. Now with proper care, Asbestos is sure to be much happier, look! It’s even talking now!!!
Awww it’s crying tears of joy. I hope the owner feeds it and gives the toy antibiotics to keep it alive. I want to see a pt 3 a month later where it’s still in there and its condition has worsened. Maybe even a pt 4 after it went wan die but he forcefeeds it so it can continue play time