Ask FluffiesAreFood, Vol 1 #10


Volume 1 Number 10

Happy Saturday Fluffherders, and I hope you are having a great weekend! It’s time for another edition of Ask FluffiesAreFood, the advice column that seeks to answer questions of fluffherders and fluffy eaters everywhere! If you have a question, just ask in the comments!

PaoloAlfa asks:

How do you feel about the new craze sweeping all the colleges where they swallow fluffy foals whole and alive? It seems an especial part is to record the fluffies pleadings as it watches it’s companions being swallowed and even as it’s being consumed itself

I’m not going to mince words here: this is an extremely dangerous and stupid fad. Fluffies are safe, nutritious, and delicious, if cooked properly. One can even eat a foal alive if the foal is properly prepared first — that is, shaved or skinned and the bowels evacuated. Eating whole, unshaven, unevacuated, live foals, will ALWAYS make you violently ill, possibly for days. It CAN kill you. This is because the fur on the foal is basically indigestable to a human, and worse, shields the foal from the digestive juices for long enough so that it’s flight-or-fight response system can kick in. A panicked foal, evacuating its bowels and struggling to escape inside your stomach, will do a world of hurt.

The danger here cannot be overstated. In 2077, Jordan Bell, a student at DePaul University in Chicago, consumed seven whole live foals on a dare. His stomach ruptured seconds after consuming the seventh foal. I’ve seen the tape, and you could hear the foals screaming and struggling inside him. Some screamed for help, some tried to escape, and two, a colt and filly, had vigorous “befo foweva sweepies” sex inside his guts. Mr. Bell never stood a chance; by the time first responders showed up, his organs were mush. Ironically, the foals that had sex inside him survived.

The danger presented by this fad is why the Fluffherders Association of America has taken out public service ads denouncing the practice.

In summary, PaoloAlfa, your best bet is to consume fluffies the way they were meant to be consumed: either butchered, or if live and raw, carefully prepared by an expert.

sugarnacid writes:

I have feeding my gators fluffies and now the meat tastes like Lucky Charms! What the actual fuck?

I can’t say I’m surprised. What makes fluffy meat naturally sweet isn’t glucose, but fructose or plant sugar stored in the meat. The meat uses this as a reserve of energy, which it converts to glucose on the fly (this is called “rapid myofructolysis”) in case of emergency. The process is inefficient and generates a lot of lactose, which is why distress makes fluffy meat savory. My advice would be to scare the fluffy half to death before feeding, so that it suffers at least two minutes of intense suffering. This will burn off the unwanted sugar. Jamming a fishing hook through its eye sockets and dangling it above the gator should do the trick.

Wait…seriously, jamming a fish hook into a fluffy’s eyes? What kind of sadistic fu
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((2080-07-30 13:04:06.25Z)) Caught exception Com.HasBio.HiveMind.BrainNode.DissentError in line 418 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.WriteAdviceColumn(Date, String[]): Node dissenting, unable to reconcile. Recommend reboot.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:06.26)) Caught exception Com.HasBio.HiveMind.BrainNode.DissentError in line 418 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.WriteAdviceColumn(Date, String[]): Node dissenting, unable to reconcile. Recommend reboot.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:06.26)) Caught exception Com.HasBio.HiveMind.BrainNode.DissentError in line 418 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.WriteAdviceColumn(Date, String[]): Node dissenting, unable to reconcile. Recommend reboot.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:06.26)) Caught exception Com.HasBio.HiveMind.BrainNode.DissentError in line 418 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.WriteAdviceColumn(Date, String[]): Node dissenting, unable to reconcile. Recommend reboot.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.12)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 1023 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Regulate(Thread): DissentErrors exceed set limits (5), rebooting.
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((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 49 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): Brain 1, rebooting.
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((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 49 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): Brain 5, rebooting.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 49 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): Brain 6, rebooting.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 49 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): Brain 7, rebooting.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 49 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): Brain 8, rebooting.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 49 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): Brain 9, rebooting.
((2080-07-30 13:04Z:07.15)) Com.HasBio.HiveMind.Message from line 66 of Org.FluffiesAreFood.Persona.Reboot(): All brains rebooted cleanly. Returning to calling routine.

Ask FluffiesAreFood is a service of the Fluffherders’ Association of America. If you have a question about raising, slaughtering, or eating of fluffies, you may comment here.


I’ve heard that people feed other fluffies to their fluffy stock, couldn’t that cause something like the crazy cow desease and make the fluffies dangerous to eat?


I’ve heard that people feed other fluffies to their fluffy stock, couldn’t that cause something like the crazy cow desease and make the fluffies dangerous to eat?

The answer is: yes it can! But only if you’re not following recommended practices set down by the Fluffherders Association of America. This was a big and problematic deal in the 2050s when Mad Fluffy Disease spread through the less sanitary fluffy farms of the Eastern United States. It turns out that Mad Fluffy Disease, like Mad Cow Disease, is a prion disorder that affects the nervous systems of fluffies. The good news is that fluffies and humans can only get Mad Fluffy Disease if they eat the spine or brain of a fluffy with Mad Fluffy Disease. So as long as you are feeding your home grown fluffies a vegetarian diet of kibble, grasses, fruits, and vegetables, they are safe, and so are you. Similarly as long as you feed your fluffies the occasional spaghetti with only vegetarian meatballs or meatballs made from certified Mad Fluffy Disease-free meat, they will be safe, and so will you. And if you find yourself with a fluffy with Mad Fluffy Disease, you can theoretically still eat the meat safely, but my advice is to follow FAA guidelines and compost the fluffy corpse.


Heres a question why do you do what you do


This was really creative I loved it please keep it up :slight_smile:


Why else? I’m hungry.

1 Like

Definitely one of my favorite series back from the Booru, I always liked the idea of fluffies being used as livestock.


Thank you Arch!