Ask FluffiesAreFood Vol 1 #24

This was originally posted to news websites in timeline #00347-FAF on Monday September 16, 2080, during the 50th Anniversary remembrances of The Fracturing. It was reposted to Fluffybooru on September 16, 2018, by timeline terrorists, and is reposted here to preserve the historical record.


Volume 1 Number 24

Happy Monday fluffherders! It’s September 16th, 2080, 44 days to the 50th anniversary of the Fracturing. On this day, fifty years ago, the protests against the administration of President Ivanka Trump had reached critical mass. Neither Donald nor his daughter and Vice-President were popular, but maintained power through a cult of personality against which his rivals had no match. But Ivanka never had the following that her father did, nor were the Trumps as well versed in the art of dynastic politics as the Kims. What started out as protest marches - the first seen in the United States in over a decade - swelled into mass rallies with millions of people. Entire cities were shut down as workers, students, parents, grandparents, religious figures, and practially everyone else, jammed downtowns from Boston to Los Angeles in peaceful protests. People called it the American Spring, a name that would be unfortunately prophetic as the same thing eventually happened to the American Spring as happened to the Prague Spring in 1968 and the Arab Spring in 2011.

Of course, as we all know, the fluffy would play a critical role in those events, which would change the course of North American history forever, and would also establish the fluffy as the staple meat of the American diet. We will explore this further between now and Thanksgiving.

And now for today’s question! Anders_Brevik asks:

Dear FluffiesareFood, I used to raise rabbits, and I discovered that the optimal rabbits for stews are those with lots of fat, while the best roasted rabbits are those with lots of muscle mass. What about fluffies? what’s the best muscle/fat ratio for fluffy meat? Should the fluffies be kept enclosed and fed an high fat diet, or left free to roam and fed an high protein diet? Thanks!

The answer of course is: it depends! A healthy adult fluffy will have a combination of meats: rib meats for stew or “pulled fluffy,” lean leg meat for roasting, and steaks that range from lean towards the middle to fatty towards the top and bottom. But you can vary the yields by how you raise the fluffy. For more fat, feed the fluffy more refined carbohydrates and fats. Spaghetti twice a week instead of once is perfect for this! For more lean, feed the fluffy more protein - such as peanuts and pumpkin seeds - and let the fluffy play more!

Now, be careful about buying fatty fluffies. Some fluffherds produce fattier stewing fluffies using a cruel practice called pillowing, that is, removing the fluffy’s legs and denying it the ability to exercise. Believe it or not, this used to be a trend among fluffy owners! People used to think that removing a fluffy’s legs made it happier and easier to manage as a pet. There is no doubt that removing legs makes a fluffy easier to manage - this is a common practice in managing milk fluffies and some breeders - but removing the legs makes the fluffy miserable, and the proof of this is in the meat, which is often inedibly sour. Only buy fatty fluffies from FAA-certified fluffherds and butchers who know how to raise fatty meat in a humane and natural way.

Bon appetit!

Ask FluffiesAreFood is a service of the Fluffherders’ Association of America. If you have a question about raising, slaughtering, or eating of fluffies, you may comment here.


I just ate raw fluffy legs am I gonna die?


I might need more details. For example, did you eat them as a sort of Fluffy Tartare served in a restaurant? Did you rip the legs off of a stray and eat them there? These are two very different circumstances that would lead to very different advice.

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Oh no, did you eat all 4? (If so how much was the bet?)


I ripped them off of a shelter fluffy and ate them. Yes of course I ate all four. I was a bit drunk.


“Slow clap”


Bro I kinda want to eat some more tbh. Breeder mare’s don’t need leggies and I have too much BBQ sauce.


Shelter fluffies aren’t necessarily the cleanest animals. You’re gonna want shots for those parasites you might have picked up. Don’t wait too long on that either, or the things you defecate later will be the stuff of Lovecraftian nightmares.


(True story incoming) I once drank a half full bottle of Pepsi from the trash.

Nothing can kill me Mwahahaha


Damn man, you got an iron gut.


I am half hillbilly and half eastern european. Nothing can kill me except my weak teeth


I’m not saying the parasites will kill you. I’m saying it’s possibly that you will wish they had killed you in the closing seconds of control over your mind and body before [[This content has been censored for your reading pleasure]] and that’s BEFORE your balls explode sending [[You really don’t need to know about this part either]]