Original Story and Comish by @BFM101
You can read the story HERE
For commission and info, pm me
Original Story and Comish by @BFM101
You can read the story HERE
For commission and info, pm me
Anime villain intro. This smawty is gonna be the next Madara
Hope your dick falls off, Forrest
What a teaser at the end there.
Or more than likely die trying.
Well…if you read Scarlett story…
I know this is from an already existing story but I kinda wished that right after that speech he gave himself about how great he was gonna be, he tripped on a small pebble and broke his neck.
Just you wait Forrest. You too shall eat shit and die.
When I started this story I didn’t initially plan to have it crossover with Scarlett but I had been toying with the idea of Crimson’s daughter for a while and very quickly I saw the opportunity to connect the two tales.
In a way I do enjoy Forrest as a villain, he’s got so much unearned confidence that I needed to carry him beyond one story in order to effectively and properly terminate him with extreme prejudice.
Or got snatch by a falcon
So that will explain why i saw a flying turd ? I mean not the falcon the other
For anyone curious there is a short Spin-Off detailing what happens next for Snowdrop and the survivors.
It’s not 100% happy, but for the BFM-verse it’s a lot more Hugbox than other stories
Any one else get that excited tingle you get at the end of a marvel movie when we saw Devils Daughter? I did
Oh my god Forrest is alive. Dang it.
I have been warning you all that he’d make it out of this story
Karma will come, in the form of hellfire, sadism and light cannibalism
Omfg panel six where the climb pwetend mummah’s fluff - MY HEART!
So the little bastard survived?
Good to see that Forrest’s siblings got a good ending, well, at least for now.
I honestly thought Forrest was dead
It was already written in the original story. But the karma he got on his sequel is worth the read as it mess him up really bad before his demised.