Babies Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-0446, and your daddy is giving your babies names! You’re so happy! You and yout special-friend even get to help!

“Alright, this is a brown fluffy baby. I know you two are good sickie-friends, so I won’t give you the ‘all colors are good colors’ talk. How about we name this one… Chocolate?” Your daddy decides, as your nod and smile and he lets you hold Chocolate.

You name all the babies together, and now you have ten babies with names! Some of them are even talking-babies now!

“Peep! Wub Mummah an’ Daddeh! Chirp!” One of your fluffy babies, Coco, peeps and chirps, smiling at the both of you as you set all the babies down on the carpet with toys in your safe-room.

“Yesh! We am mom-mee an’ dad-dee! We gu chek on otha bay-bees, oh-tay?” You giggle, hugging Coco and walking away while F.A.07 stays to play with her.

“Sickie-baybees am oh-tay, tuu? Wuv aww bay-bees!” You ask, as the some of other babies you have nod and continue playing.

“Giv Eff-vee-zewo-zewo-thwee-tuu sickie-juicesies? Pwease?” One of your babies ask, as you pick them up and they latch onto your pointy-thingies.

“Wuv bay-bees…! Wuv bay-bees su much…!” You yawn, smiling softly at all of your babies as you take FV-0032 off your pointy-thingies and continue to watch them.

You are Chocolate, and you are so happy! You have nice toys, and milkies, and a mummah and daddeh! You’re currently drinking milkies from the fluffy on the other side of the room! But, why do they have no leggies? And, why do they have tubes sticking out of them?

“Mummah? Peep! Daddeh? Chirp! Wai fwuffy oba dere hab nu weggies? Peep!” You ask, as they sigh and bring you closer.

“Fwuffy name am Pwincess. Pwincess was vewy bad fwuffy. She fink she was bestest pawentaw fwuffy, buh nu. She twy… Weww, nu. She giv wittwe bay-bee fowevew-night-nights. Stiww miss wittwe bay-bee…” Your daddeh explains, as you gasp. But, you thought all fluffies were good! Who would ever give forever-sleepies to a little baby? You’re a little baby!

“Peep! Am Pwincess gon’ gib babbeh foweba-sweepies, tuu? Chirp!” You question, visibly horrified, then a bit calmed as you hear a ‘no’.

“Nu, Pwincess nu hav wegs aneemowe. Nu can giv bay-bees fowevew-night-nights wit’ nu wegs! Nyo, gu dwink fwuffy-juicesies ow gu pway!” Your mummah answers, as you toddle over to cautiously drink milkies.

How’d Princess’s legs get taken off, anyways? Did they run away because she was that bad of a fluffy?