Babies Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are Chocolate, and you can eat nummies now! To celebrate this, your human daddeh got you and your three other fluffy siblings…

“SKETTIES! Wub daddeh suuuu much!” You praise, smiling up at your daddeh before messily eating the spaghetti.

“Enjoy! Now, I have to go check on the sickie-babies. Everyone, be good. Okay?” Your daddeh smiles back, walking upstairs.

You love your mummah and daddeh, even though you know they’re not fluffies! You love your siblings, too!

You are FV-0446, and you are playing with some of your babies! The other ones are downstairs in the kitchen eating! You’re so happy that your babies are happy!

“Bay-bees, wook! Dad-dee am bak! Say hewwo!” You point at your daddy, as he waves happily and laughs, watching your babies wave at him.

“Now, you and your siblings are becoming big babies now, so I have to ask this. Have any of you thought about ‘replication-huggies’ yet?” Your daddy asks your babies, as all of them nod…

Except for one baby.

“Bay-bee nu wan wepwication-huggies? Buh, wepwication-huggies maek bay-bees! An’, wepwication-huggies am gewd!” You panic, picking up the baby and rocking it slowly. This baby was always so normal! What will you ever do?

“Bay-bee nu wan giv owwies tu fwuffy sibwings. Pawentaw viwus stiww wuv bay-bee…?” Your baby asks, as your nod and hug them. This may not seem normal, but that makes sense! They just don’t want to hurt anyone! And, there are other ways to get babies!

“Yesh! Wuv bay-bee! Wuv aww bay-bees! It am oh-tay if 'ou nu wan wepwication-huggies, bee-cus 'ou am stiww gewd sickie-fwiend wegawdwess!” You reassure, hugging your baby even more before putting them down and letting them play, your special-friend playing with them.

You love all your babies!

You are Coco, and you have a funny feeling in your thinkie-place. You want… what are they called? Oh, a special-friend so you can have babies when you’re a big fluffy! You even know how to get babies! You’ve seen your mummah do it!


Oh shit, is Coco going to crawl into another fluffy’s mouth and choke it to death?