Baby Factory Ch. 2 (by fluffysomething)

You are A-064, and you are so upset! A-043 told the meanie mister that you were playing with another baby! Maybe you can ask them why they did that?

“Wai Ay-Zewo-Siks-Fwee teww on Ay-Zewo-Siks-Fouw? That am nu nice!” You whine, as they turn around and shrug with their not-hooves.

“Nu cawe, wan’ed pwaytime. Pawentaw viwus say that if Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee hewp them wit’ jobbie, they nu teww on Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee.” They rudely explain, as your jaw drops. What kind of mummah would even think of telling on their baby for playing?

“Buh, nu nic-” You get cut off by your pen opening and you getting taken out along with A-063.

“This is everyone’s first playtime, so listen up. Share the toys, and be nice. Got it?” One of the nice misters order, as you nod along with everyone else, and you watch A-063 walk away to play.

“Nu! If wan this toy, yoo hav tu giv Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee some of yoo juicesies when it juicesie-time!” You hear A-063 shout at one of the baby fluffies as the nice misters walk away, as the baby fluffy’s eyes water.

“Buh, Ay-Zewo-Seben-Fouw nee’ miwkies fo’ gwow up big an’ stwong!” The baby fluffy cries, as A-063 hits them and laughs.

“Nu cawe. If nu giv juicesies, Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee am tewwin’ pawentaw viwus, who teww nice mistews!” A-063 threatens, as you walk over to them. They’re being a meanie! You need to do something about this!

“Stop bein’ meanie tu babbeh, ow… ow…” You think, stomping your front hooves so that they hopefully get the message.

“Ow ewse wha?” They tauntingly ask, laughing at you and making a fake frowning face.

“Gon’ gib 'ou sowwy-hoofsies!” You warn, raising your hooves over them as they move out of the way.

“Yoo nu wan tu du that. Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee am dee-sigh-ew sickie-baybee, an’ nice mistews pwobabwy get SU mad if aneeting happen to Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee.” They caution, as you take a closer look at them. They’re sparkly, white, and even have gray hearts all over them! They’re so pretty, but they’re a meanie!

So, you do it anyways. They’re a bigger baby sickie-friend in terms of size, so they’ll live through a few sorry-hoofies.

“Hay-te 'ou! Thinkie we wus fwends, buh nu! Am wowstest sickie-fwend EBA!” You shout, as they pause and smack you with their stubby not-hoof.

“Fiwst, am bestest bay-bee yoo evew meet. Second, at weast Ay-Zewo-Siks-Thwee’s pawentaw viwus nu fowevew-night-nights by nyo.” They taunt, as you gasp and hit them with your hoof as hard as you can, sending them flying across the play-pen. Is your mummah really forever-sleepies?

“A-063, did one of these baby shitr- baby fluffies hurt you?” One of the nice misters hear their cries of pain, running over as fast as they can.

“Yesh, that wun… Viwaw covew hav owwies…” They cry, as the nice mister picks them and you up, taking a small stick out of their bag.

“Nu, nu sowwy- HUWTIES! HUWTIES! HEWP, MUMMAH!” You scream, flailing your leggies around as the meanie mister hits your rear.

You’re going to say this right now–you and A-063 aren’t friends anymore.

You are A-063, and after you got fixed up by the nice misters, you’re now with your parent, and you both are talking.

“Pawentaw viwus? Am bay-bee gewd bay-bee?” You ask, as they smile and nod.

“Yesh, bay-bee am gewd bay-bee. Evewyting bay-bee du is gewd, tuu.” Your parent confirms, as your eyes light up.

“Am bay-bee bestest bay-bee? Wike, in whowe wowwd?” You question, as they continue to nod.

“Yesh, bay-bee am bestest bay-bee! Gon’ be ah-sish-thant wike pawentaw viwus wun day! Am bestest bay-bee in whowe wowwd!” Your parent agrees, as you giggle and clap your hands.

You knew it! You’re the bestest baby in the whole world! The nicest misters listen to you when you talk, and there’s not a lot of babies they do that with!