Here you go everyone. Not really sure what to put in categories. But hope you like it.
Fwuffy had many heawt huwties. Mummah an’ daddeh been gone many foweba. Mummah had big tummy an’ said was soon mummah. Fwuffy saw mummah make bad peepees one dawk time, mummah an’ daddeh weabe fwuffy awone. Fwuffy cwied buh mummah an’ daddeh nu come back.
Buh den fwuffy heaw doow open an’ saw mummah an’ daddeh come back!
“Mummah an’ daddeh homies!!”
Fwuffy wun to dem buh den heawd scawy noise.
“Waaaaa! Ah waaaaaaa!”
“Oh we just got her to sleep too.” Said mummah.
“Pearl don’t yell, you woke up Sophia.” Sad daddeh mad.
Peawl was saddies daddeh was mad at. Buh mummah den gib fwuffy petties. Peawl den saw mummah nu hab babbeh tummy nu mo’.
“Mummah nu hab tummy?”
“Because mommy had her baby silly. Pearl, this is Sophia.” Said mummah.
Mummah showed fwuffy bwankies was wittwe hoomen babbeh. Fwuffy gasp an’ twy to climb in bwankies wif babbeh, it’s buh mummah pushed Peawl away!
“No no Pearl, You’re too big and can hurt the baby.” Meanie mummah said.
“B-But Peawl am babbeh too!”
“Pearl no. You’re a year old already and are an adult fluffy.” Stoopi’ daddeh say!
Fwuffy get vewy bad heawt huwties an’ cwy. Dummeh hoomen baby den cwy too and mummah take babbeh away as daddeh gib bad upsies to fwuffy!
“Pearl, you scared Sophia again, you’re going into your safe room till you start acting right.” Meanie daddeh say.
Daddeh put fwuffy in safe woom an’ wock doow. Fwuffy used hoofsies on doow buh nu open! Fwuffy nu get why mummah an’ daddeh su meanies! Fwuffy just wan’ wub an’ huggies!
“Huuhuu stoopi’ daddeh! Meanie mummah!”
Fwuffy pway wiff bwockies an’ stuffy fwend, nu nee’ mummah an’ daddeh! Buh heawt huwties nu go away. Many wong times daddeh open doow an’ fwuffy twy ignowe 'cos stiww angwy!
“Pearl it’s time for dinner.” Daddeh say.
Peawl su happy! Daddeh gib fwuffy bestes’ nummies! Fwuffy wun to nummies woom an’ see mummah gibin’ miwkie nummies tu stoopi’ hoomen babbeh! Fwuffy puff cheeks wantin’ all dah nummies!
“Here you go Pearl.” Daddeh said.
Daddeh put fwuffy boww down. Fwuffy go to buh nu see bestes’ nummies, dewe onwy dummeh kibbwe!!!
“SCREEEE!! Wan’ sketties nu wan’ kibbwe!”
Fwuffy gib sowwy hoofies to kibbwe and cwy mo’!
“Waaaa waaaa!” Dummeh babbeh cwy.
“PEARL! YOU MADE A MESS AND SCARED THE BABY!!” meanie daddeh said.
“Nu cawe nu cawe! Take sowwy poopies!”
Fwuffy poopies ebewywhewe an’ get many heawt happies. Fwuffy knew nao daddeh gib bestes’ nummies 'cos fwuffy desewbe it! Buh den daddeh kick fwuffy in faceies!
“Babe!” Mummah say.
“She deserved it! Ugh just, take Sophia to the other room I got this” awfuw daddeh say.
Fwuffy hold sniffy pwace as boo-boo juice come fwom. Fwuffy cwy an’ cwy as daddeh gib bad upsies tu.
“I don’t get why you’re acting like this but you have to stop it! You aren’t a baby, we have a baby now and if you keep this up you’ll be in even worse trouble!” Daddeh say.
Daddeh gwab sowwy boxies an’ put fwuffy in. Fwuffy nu undewstand! Why su meanies! Daddeh den put fwuffy an’ sowwy boxies outside!!
“Huuhuhuu nu wan’ sowwy boxies babbeh sowwy daddeh!”
“No Pearl you’re not. You’re staying outside tonight and maybe that’ll teach you that you can’t act like a brat!”
Daddeh slam doow an’ fwuffy bad peepee ‘cos su dawkies! Fwuffy cwy stiww an’ beg mummah to wet fwuffy in! Buh mummah nu do……
Fwuffy cwy an’ twy sweepies. Buh thinkin’ pwace nu stop. Babbeh wemembah times befowe, mummah an’ daddeh wub babbeh su much! Fwuffy get mo’ heawt owwies fwom thinkin’ pwace pictuwes…
Buh den, wemembah what daddeh said. Mummah an’ daddeh hab hoomen babbeh…. If dewe nu hoomen babbeh, den fwuffy be babbeh again! Fwuffy thinkin’ pwace pwan to gib fowebah sweepies tu stoopi’ hoomen babbeh!
Next bwight time, babbeh put back in housies an’ weady pwan! Fwuffy wait fo’ mummah to weabe dummeh babbeh awone, den fwuffy dwag bwankies to babbeh an’ cobeh babbeh wiff. Nao dat mummah an’ daddeh nu see babbeh dey fowget babbeh exist!
Fwuffy heaw mummah comin’ back an’ fwuffy go hide. Babbeh wait fo’ mummah to ask whewe babbeh am and fwuffy come out say ‘hewe am babbeh mummah’ an’ mummah wub fwuffy again!
“Huh? How’d this blanket get on you?” Said mummah an’ pull off bwankie.
Fwuffy nu undewstand!! How mummah find stoopi’ babbeh?! Fwuffy huuhuu saddies buh nu gib up! Next pwan wowk!
Fwuffy see daddeh weabe babbeh awone an’ fwuffy dwag wawa boww tu ugwy babbeh. Fwuffy den spwash wawa on babbeh! Wawa am bad fo’ fwuffies su dummeh babbeh go fowebah sweepies! Den stoopi’ babbeh cwy an’ fwuffy bad peepees 'cos scawdies!
Fwuffy heaw daddeh comin’ back and fwuffy hide again. Fwuffy see daddeh gib upies to babbeh.
“Sophia how’d you get all wet? I smell pee but, this water on you is cold….” Daddeh say and take babbeh away.
Fwuffy nu get! Wawa make fowebah sweepies buh babbeh nu do! Fwuffy feew many heawt owwies buh nu can gib up! Wast pwan wowk it has to!
Fwuffy see mummah an’ daddeh wiff babbeh. Ugwy babbeh hab bottwe of miwkies an’ fwuffy angwy, miwkies fo’ gud babbeh onwy! Mummah an’ daddeh weabe babbeh awone an’ fwuffy go to. Fwuffy puff cheeks angwy and gwab bottwe!
“Stoopi’ ugwy babbeh, miwkies fo’ fwuffy!”
Stoopi’ babbeh den cwy. Fwuffy go to wun away su babbeh fowebah sweepies fwom nu nummies! Buh den fwuffy get bad upsies by taiwie! Dummeh daddeh hab fwuffy!
“Pearl, why did you take the bottle?” Mummah ask.
“Huuhuhuu!! Dummeh babbeh nee’ go fowebah sweepies!!” Fwuffy cwy.
“I told you babe she’s been trying to hurt Sophia.” Meanie daddeh say an’ gib owwies to fwuffy tummy!
Fwuffy put back in sowwy boxies! Fwuffy twy teww mummah an’ daddeh fwuffy am gud babbeh buh nu wisten! Fwuffy go in vwoom vwoom munstah an’ daddeh take fwuffy to scawy pwace.
Meanie mistah gib fwuffy su many owwies…. Fwuffy just wanted wub and nummies buh nu get…. Buh Fwuffy see owd daddeh one wast time…
“Hello sir, glad to see you’re back.” Said meanie mistah.
“Yesh just here to pick up that order, and maybe to see that stupid bitch be miserable.” Said owd daddeh.
“Of course I understand and I must say this fluffies fur did make a lovely sweater, I hope your daughter loves it.”
Meanie mistah den gib owd meanie daddeh pwetty sweatah made of fwuffy pwetty fuw! Fwuffy huuhuu at saddies and meanie daddeh wook at fwuffy.
“Damn, you took out her tongue right?” Owd daddeh say.
“Yeah and her legs. She’ll make a good ‘enfie’ mare for my breeding stallions.” Meanie mistah say.
Huuhuuu! Fwuffy nu wan’ be enfie mawe! Fwuffy wan’ wub an’ huggies!!!
“You breed fighting fluffies right?” Owd daddeh ask.
“Yeah they’re bred to be rough and violent so she may lose an eye or ear during mating.” Munstah mistah say!
“Like I care. Little shit deserves it.” Owd daddy say an’ spit in fwuffy faceies!
Nuuuuu! Nu wan’ owwies fwom enfie! Wan’ weggies back! Wan’ toysies an’ sketties! It nu faiw nu faiw! Fwuffy do nothin’ wwong!!! owd daddeh weabe and fwuffy twy teww to take fwuffy wiff buh nu can talkies!!
“Okay little bitch, time for your first breeding.” Munstah mistah say.
Fwuffy cwy as gib bag upsies an’ put in sowwy boxies next to othah mawes wike fwuffy. All cwy as get bad enfies an’ fwuffy heaw doow open an’ meanie munstah fwuffy come in.
“Nyu sheshuw fwend smeww pwetty, buh nu am pwetty.” Munstah fwuffy say.
Fwuffy cwy an’ twy caww fo’ mummah to sabe babbeh! Buh mummah nu come…
“Ugwy mawe gib gud enfies.”
Fwuffy nu feew pwetty in speshuw pwace as munstah fwuffy gib bad enfies!! Fwuffy just wan’ go away! Wan’ be homies! IT NU FAIW NU FAIW NU FAIW!!! WHY FWUFFY HAB TO GET WOWST OWWIES?!! FWUFFY AM GUD!! WHAT FWUFFY DO WWONG!?!