Bad Meets Worse Ch. 3 [END] By BFM101]

Sometime in the past.

The Old Fluff walked the edges of the cliffs, he knew he wouldn’t find much on these sandy shores, but he enjoyed the calming sounds of the waves, just so long as they stayed away from him. The day was dank and dull and dreary, the humans didn’t come to the sandy place on days like today, humans didn’t come to the sandy place at all since the big stone place got built on the cliffs above him, even less once it stopped making noise. He still saw humans on occasion, usually little humans talking about ‘haunted houses’ and ‘scary monster’ and telling each other to go inside, but they were few and far between.

The Old Fluff had learnt long ago that humans were not to be trusted, so whenever he saw any, he would keep his distance and wait for them to leave.

Today, he had no such problem, the entire beach was his to explore, from the collection of colourful shells that peeked out of the sand, to the rolling dunes that serves as mounds for him to survey his land, to the strange Fluffy rock being pushed against the tide, to the…


The Old Fluff raced over to the object, a wave pushed it closer to the shore and he could see it was a Fluffy, its soaking wet Fluff was stained brown and green from the detritus in the ocean, bits of seaweed and broken twigs hung from its corpse, and blood was pouring from its mouth. From what The Old Fluff could guess, it was a foal, but a large foal, larger than any he’d ever seen, and with two horns jutting from its head.

“Whu wewe yu?” The Old Fluff asked the corpse as he placed a gentle hoof on its shoulder.


The Old Fluff jumped back, it was alive? How on earth could it be…? No time to question, he grabbed the foal by its neck and dragged it out of the ocean, a herculean task given the size and bulk of the foal. The poor thing kept spitting up blood and water as it slowly but surely regained consciousness, and as it did, it began to freak out.

“Uhuh, whu uhuh?”

The foal desperately looked around, the panic in its eyes only matched by the agony on its face with every painful turn sending jolts of suffering throughout its body. It turned to The Old Fluff, sheer desperation on its face as it jumped forward, trying to plead with him.


The Old Fluff looked on in horror as he realised why the foal’s speech was so unintelligible and why there was blood pouring from its mouth. The foal had bitten off its own tongue, the how and why would forever allude him, but neither of those questions were important right now.

Instinctively, The Old Fluff took the foal in his hoofs and hugged him, letting the scared little one weep for what he had lost and what he may never have again.

“Huuuu, wuh uhuh.”

“It ok wittew wun, Fwuffy wook afta yu nyo.”

The foal kept crying, and occasionally still let out a garbled ‘wuh uhuh’, but within The Old Fluff’s hugs, they eventually calmed down. Not that The Old Fluff could blame them, because even through unintelligible noise, he could understand the frightened pleas of a lot foal.

He understood that this strange, impossible young Fluffy, was crying out ‘Wan mummah’.


Carver’s howls of pain echoes through the factory, Slash and Primrose both shit themselves in fear at the sound of his death-cries. They looked towards the noise, both terrified at what could’ve forced such a sound out of a Fluffy as tough as Carver.

“Bwudda?” Slash asked the sound, tears welling in his eyes as his imagination took over, filling his head with all kinds of torturous imagery at what might be happening to his kin.

Primrose cowered behind him. “Nu wike scawy noisies, am bad fow tummeh-babbehs. Speciaw-smawty-fwiend pwotek soon-mummah wight?”

Slash didn’t answer her, he kept staring off towards the screams.

“Speciaw-smawty-fwiend pwotek soon-mummah, wight?”

“Wha? Yeh, yeh, suwe.”

For the first time in the long relationship of three days, Primrose didn’t believe in Slash’s words.

Suddenly there was a loud thump coming from the other side of the factory, the couple shit themselves again, and looked over toward what was making such loud and terrible sounds. From the shadows they could make out what seemed to be a Fluffy, but it was much too large and misshaped to be one properly. Primrose tried to cower behind Slash but Slash was too busy backing away in terror to care about her, both of them scampered further and further backwards as this monstrosity edged closer to them.

Then the monster stopped in its tracks, still drenched in shadows, they couldn’t tell what part of the beast was what. The monster pulled its head back and tossed a part of its body towards the pair, Primrose screeched as something round and bloodied landing in front of them, Slash on the other hand remained deathly quiet. Because he had realised why the monster looked so misshaped, because what it had thrown at them both was not a piece of its own body, but a piece of its victim.

Because he knew he was looking at the severed head of his own dead brother.

Slash looked back up at the beast, just in time to see the blood soaked and mangy face of Jason stepping out of the shadows and grinning menacingly at him. Slash found himself staring into the face of an impossibly large and muscular monster of a Fluffy, unlike anything he had ever seen before.

And all his fears evaporated, replaced with unearned bravado.


Slash charged at Jason, his horn aimed low, ready to kill. Jason stood eerily still, waiting for the Smarty to get closer. Slash felt his confidence shake at the unflinching terror before him, but for his brother’s memory, he stood strong.

Eventually he was only a few short steps away from Jason, he saw the massive Fluffy raise his hoof, ready to strike, but Slash closed his eyes and pushed forwards with a sudden burst of speed…

And leapt forward, burying his horn into Jason’s neck.

Whatever splattered out of Jason’s wound was not blood, it was thick and black and stunk of rot, Slash pulled his horn out of Jason’s neck to throw up from the stench alone, but when he looked back up, he saw the monster swaying and stumbling as its black blood spurted out of its neck.

Jason’s one good eye tried to focus on Slash, but it eventually rolled back into his skull and his colossal body collapsed to the floor, bleeding out his last onto the red stains of his family.

Slash wiped the vomit from his mouth, was it over, was it… dead? He prodded Jason with his hoof, the body gave no reaction.


“YAY SMAWTY!” Primrose shook his hoofs in the air in celebration. “Pwimwose knyw Smawty gib munstha foweba sweepies, nu Fwuffy am as stwong ow bwave ow… AAAAAAHHHHHH!!!”

Slash turned back to what had scared Primrose, only to find Jason pulling himself back onto his feet, like nothing had even happened. The absolute malice in his one red eye burned even bright, and Slash felt all his bravado disappear as he stared into the face of a very real and very painful death.

“NUUUU!!!” Slash squealed as he turned to run away. “SMAWTY NU WUN HUWTIES, NU WAN GU FOWEB…”


Slash felt himself stop dead in mid-air as something grabbed him, he turned his head and saw Jason had grabbed onto one of his back-hoofs with his teeth, the razor sharp fangs cut into Slash’s flesh like a hot knife through melted better.


Slash tried to shake his leg free but all he did was cut his own skin more against Jason’s teeth, the giant Fluffy remained unshaken by the pathetic Smarty’s attempts of freedom. He waited until lash stopped fighting him, and then he chomped down and severed Slash’s leg with one bite.


Jason smirked at Slash’s panicked screams, the formerly brave Smarty tried to pull himself back up but Jason simply stepped over to Slash’s other back leg, and bit that one off as well.



Jason cut off Slash’s bullshit pleas for mercy by stomping on one of his front hoofs, then he stomped on it again, and again, and again.





Slash threw up once more, this time from the pain of Jason’s mighty hoofs severing his limb through force alone. The giant kept stomping and stomping until finally bone and tissue finally gave way and Slash felt the last of his nerve ending scream out as his arm was torn from his body, the entire left side of his body now drenched in blood, sick and tears.

“Huuuuuhuuuuhhuuuuuuu, huuuuuuuuhuuuuhuuuuuuuu, huuu, chirp, huuuuuu”

Slash couldn’t even speak anymore, the scorching agony had rendered him back to chirping, too broken and pained to find the words anymore. He daren’t even use his one remaining limb, for fear of losing it to this beast.

Seeking the one final light of his life, Slash looked up towards Primrose, towards his beloved special-friend and their unborn children, his hope for the future. And he caught just the final piece of Fluff of her tail speeding through the doorway and she abandoned him for her own safety.

“Spec…chirp…iaw fwiend? Peep”

Suddenly all thoughts in Slash’s head vanished as a sharp pain pierced the back on his neck, it took Slash a moment to realise what was happening but then he saw Jason’s might body over him, and realised that the monster was biting down on the skin on the back of Slash’s neck, and he was pulling.

Not outwards the tear the skin off, but upwards, towards Slash’s skull.

Piece by piece, fibre by fibre, Slash felt his flesh being torn from his neck, then at the base of his skull, then further and further up. Everything he thought was wrong, THIS was the worst, most horrific and cruel pain he had ever felt in his life, and it had only just begun.


Slash wailed as the flesh was pulled from the top of his skull, the cold air of the factory stunk every single vulnerable nerve-ending, blood was rushing down his face now, blinding his eye, blocking his ear, and still Jason kept pulling.

As the ripping reached to just above his eyes, Slash was able to squeaked out two little words, his heart finally breaking enough to realise how wrong he had been about this entire situation.

“Swash… sowwy.”

His apology fell on deaf ears as Jason tore the entirety of Slash’s face off with one bloodied pull.

Primrose ran.

She didn’t know where she was going, or how she was going to get there, but she ran. She had to, that monster, that THING would surely kill her if she stayed too long.

She thought of her mummy, yes of course, she could find her way back home, she was smart. Wasn’t she? If she told her mummy about what horrible things had happened to her, she would surely take Primrose back and let her keep all of her wonderful babbehs to help her cope with such a traumatic incident.

Primrose pushed her way through the wire-fence, ignoring the scratches it gave her on her back. She pulled herself back to her feet but stopped when she saw The Old Fluff standing in front of her.


To her shock, The Old Fluff laughed. “Hehe, yeh, he am munstah awwight.”

“Yu… yu knyw?”

“Couwse Fwuffy knyo. Fwuffy teww yu munstah gib yu aww wowstesh huwties an yu aww stiww gu into his homesie. AN yu gib foweba sweepies an bad speciaw huggie tu his speciaw-fwiend an babbehs.”

“Nu… nu dat nu faiw. Dat was Smawty wand.”

The Old Fluff’s smile vanished and he spat at Primrose. “Yu weawwy am dat dummeh, huh? Dat was HIS homesie, HIS famiwy yu gib huwties an foweba sweepies tu. Yu am da bad Fwuffy hewe, nu him.”

Primrose started crying. “Huuu it nu faiw, Fwuffy nu du nuffin wong.”

“Yu fink Fwuffy gun bewiebe dat? Eben if yu nu du aneefing, an Fwuffy knyo yu du sumfing, yu nu stop yuw dummeh speciaw-fwiend fwom gibben wowstesh huwties, yu as meanie as dey awe.”

The Old Fluffy turned to leave, but Primrose bounded forward, gripping onto him with her hoofs.

“PWEASE, pwease nu weave, Pwimwose du aneefing, tummeh-babbehs nu du aneefing, dey nu desewve gu foweba sweepies, pwease hewlp Pwimwose, Pwimwose jus wan gu homesie an be mummah, huuuuhhhuuuuhuuuuuuu!”

The Old Fluff rolled his eyes and pushed her off. “Wewax, Fwuffy knyo munstah since he tawkie babbeh, he hab namesie bu nu can tawkies gud, Fwuffy neba knyo his namesie. Bu he am Fwuffy fwiend, an Fwuffy knyo dat munstah fwiend nu gib Pwimwose foweba sweepies.”

“How, sniff, how Fwuffy knyo dat?”

The cruel snicker that escaped The Old Fluff’s mouth filled Primrose with utter fear. “Cos yu gib munstah fwiend’s babbehs foweba sweepie, yu take way his famiwy. Nyo, yu gun gib him bak his famiwy, wetha yu wan tu ow nu.”

“H…ho…how Pw…pwimwo…wose sup…suppose d…du da…dat?”

The Old Fluff didn’t answer, but his glance down at her pregnant stomach told her everything she needed to know.

“NU!” She screamed. “Nu yu hab tu hewp Pwimwose need git way fwom munstah wight NYO!”

“Git way? Yu nu can git way fwom munstah fwiend. He awweady hewe.”

Primrose gasped and turned around, she saw a flash of green before a heavy thump caught her in the head and everything went black.

Everything hurt when Primrose woke up, aches and pains coursed through every part of her body, she couldn’t tell what was where or who was what. As her blurred vision slowly returned to her, she spotted him, Jason was sitting across from her, his back to her as he chewed on something wet and sloppy.

Primrose held her breath, this was her chance, the monster was distracted, she could escape when he was eating. Slowly she crept her leg down onto the floor where…


Primrose couldn’t understand it, all four of her legs were gone, nothing remained by jagged bloodied stumps across her body. She started to hyperventilate, wondering just what on earth had happened. And then she looked up, and saw what Jason had been chewing on.


She trailed off as the cold emptiness echoes inside her, she couldn’t feel her tummeh-babbehs anymore, no movement, no shifting, nothing. With tear filled eyes she looked up at Jason, and his demented smirk confirmed her worst fears.


Primrose was so lost in her own wailing that she didn’t notice Jason walking behind her until his hefty hoof were pressing down onto her back and he was pushing himself inside her.

All thoughts left Primrose’s body, this damp, disgusting beast was assaulting her, the immense pain in her bruised special-place hurt almost as much as the disgust she had for this stinking creature. She had no legs to escape with, no family or friends to search for her, she was going to be forced to give Jason back the family she took from him over and over and over again until eventually she found a way to die. This was her life now, and there wasn’t a damn thing she could do about it.

As Jason finished inside her, Primrose couldn’t believe how unlucky she was.


Is “he’s already here” and the green flash a reference to what I think it is?


Probably not. Old Fluff was just distracting Primrose while Jason got into place behind her. The green flash was Jason punching her in the face to knock her out.


Ah, I was thinking it was a shoutout to this guy (flashing images warning): Lord English | MS Paint Adventures Wiki | Fandom


Wow nice ending and karma comes in full circle.

Did Jason bit his tongue as a foal or someone did? His mother perhaps?

Man Jason is one tough two horn fluffy.

For Slash its coming to him a mile away after what he did.

For Primerose well thats what she gets for being an entitled bitch and her stupid “its nut faiw” man fits her to suffer forever.

Hope Jason will found a better and good mate rather than that bitch.


Jason deserves better.

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I’ve got an idea for Jason’s origins that I’m not 100% sure I want to commit to, but I figured I’d scatter some breadcrumbs just in case


The old fluffy did try to warn the invading dumbasses, but of course they paid the price. And thankfully not only did Slash really get what he deserved, but so did Primrose. Fuck them.


Jason deserves multiple special friends.


Ohhhh interesting :thinking:

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jason is a great fluffy friend I wish some of his family made it or something of his special friend survived I get the feeling Primrose make bad babies if Jason doesn’t have a hand in rearing her crotch nuggets himself but maybe one has a color that reminds him of a dearest friend…


Woah! So glad I read this first great story poor Jason though


Jason did nothing grong