Bad Mummah Ch. 2 (FluffyChimera)

Another idea is, give her a nice and rough manicure on her hooves with sandpaper until raw or bleeding. Then put her in a tub/basin filled with hot water (not boiling but hot enough to hurt a fluffy) and mix in salt and lemon juice to make it a bath from hell.


As long as most of the foals are okay (preferably all, but that blue-green one looks pretty bad off), Iā€™m happy. Do whatever you gotta do with the hell-mummah, just donā€™t let her hurt the little ones any more than she already has, plz.


R.I.P to that one baby she crushed


Iā€™m definitely waiting for part 3 when is it scheduled???

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Rest in pieces, you mean.

What a nasty mother she is, good job, from the most nasty and manipulative ā€œbitch maresā€, in my opinion it would be direct sterilization, but I trust you can get more out of her.


Funny how the mare never noticed the foal it stepped on and killed lol


Tell Trixie what happened and see what she does.

Wait a damn second I agree with Jittersā€¦

How are these things made for kids? I mean Iā€™m a hugboxer (to an extent) but yikes, this little hellgremlin makes me wanna put itā€™s bestest babbeh into a woodchipper.

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