Badger's Daycare Adventures! Chapter 3 by SnakevsFluffy

Badger the fluffy art by the wonderful and talented @PeppermintParchment ! Thank you so so much for the art!

Seeing Badger so happy and excited after his day at daycare filled Max with nothing but relief. Despite the daycare’s solid reviews, the whole day long he had been fretting and worrying about how Badger was doing.

Was he scared? Was he behaving? Were the other fluffies being nice to him? Was the staff nice? What if there was an accident and Badger was hurt? What if Badger was killed?!

All those thoughts and more swirled in his mind from 10-6 as he worked from home. He had to admit though, not having Badger around DID make it easier for him to get more work done. Sure, Badger was well behaved and smart……but he was still a fluffy. He was pretty sure his little guy would drown from looking up at the rain for too long. So usually Max had to frequently go check on Badger in his safe room or around the house to make sure he was out of trouble and out of danger.

Now that Badger was out of the house however, there were no such distractions. Though Max was still a nervous wreck for most of the day.

The whole car ride home Badger babbled and coo’d about how fun it was and how it was the bestest day ever and how he couldn’t WAIT to go back.

“Badgew NEBA hab su much funsies in whow wife! Wuz amazin’! Tank yoo su much daddeh fo bwingin’ Badgew to dehcawe!”

Max smiled as he opened the front door and let Badger toddle inside, the black and white fluffy yawning as the day’s activities caught up to him. “I’m really glad you enjoyed yourself and had fun with all the other fluffies. They all seemed nice too, Flappy and Mossy were their names, right?”

“Yup daddeh, Badgew fwiends wit Fwappeh an Mosseh. Dey gud fwuffies, Fwappeh weal gud at bwockies an Mosseh weal gud at hugsies tag! Had su much fun!”

Max knew that Badger had probably eaten at the daycare, so he just set out a small bowl of kibble in Badger’s safe room, which the fluffy nibbled on for a bit before straight up passing out on his bed and snoring softly.

It was so goddamn cute that Max took a video to post online.


You are Badger and your daddeh has just dropped you off at daycare for the…….well, you can’t remember how many times it’s been. Maybe more then the fingers daddeh has on his handsies? Either way, you had gotten more and more used to the daycare.

Everyday you had played with Mossy and Flappy for the whooooooole day. You played bwockies and then huggsies tag, and then you got an idea for a game to play which was hidsies and seeksies! You were really good at hiding, maybe even the bestest cause you always won. You had to admit, it felt really really good to be the bestest at something. Mossy was bestest at tag, Flappy was bestest at bwockies, and you were bestest at hidsies and seeksies!

You were all such good fluffies!

This day however, something was different. You waited a long time before it finally hit you.

Mossy and Flappy weren’t here!

You looked for them everywhere but couldn’t find them! Then when one of the daycare hoomuns came in you went up to ask her.

“Hewwo miss dehcawe hoomun! Wewe Flappeh an Mosseh be! Wan pway wit dem.”

The hoomun frowned before she gave your soft little head a few pats. “Sorry kiddo, they’re not here today. They usuallly don’t come on the weekends. But hey, there are plenty of other fluffies here to play with, so make some new friends until those two come back. Go on.” She then exited the room.

You began to sniffle and have really bad heawt huwties. You loved playing with Mossy and Flappy, they were your bestest fwiends! Tears fell down your dark cheeks as you began to softly sob. “Huu huu huuu huuuuuu, Badgew miss fwiends, is no faiw dat Badgew no can see dem. Dummeh dehcawe be mean tu Badgew. Wan Mosseh an Flappeh bak fo pway an huggsies huuuu huuu huuuuu….”

You cried for a little bit before out of the corner of your eye, you saw a yellow wingie mare with a pink mane and her 3 babbehs. Maybe they would play with you!

Approaching them, you waved a hoofsie in indroductiom. “Hewwo fwiends! Name am Badgew! Wha youws?”

The wingie mare smiled and giggled at you. “Namesies Fwowew. Am mummuh fwuffy! Dis muh babbehs, Dey da bestest bebbehs eva! All giwl fwuffies! Puwpwe babbeh am namesies Puwpwe, wed babbeh am namesies Wed, an pink babbeh am namesies Bwoken!” The babbehs all coo’d and waved at you, Red was doing dancies! It was so cute! Purple approached you apprehensively, but soon nuzzled your leg with giggles and smiles.

You found it strange that Broken was ignoring you and was rapidly sucking on her mummuh’s miwkie pwace. You also found it strange how much BIGGER Broken was compared to Red and Purple, she must have been double their size!

Flower noticed you staring at Broken and spoke up. “Bwoken a sensitibe babbeh! Dey otay, Dey jus nut weawn to du tawkies yet, but Dey stiww a best babbeh and vewy gud at huggsies!”

Broken then shuddered and a funny noise came out of her poopie place followed by an awful smell!

Red and Purple both wrinkled their smell places. “Ewwwwee, nu smeww pwetty mummuh! Wha Bwoken su stinkeh!!! Wed nu wike…”

“Hush babbeh! Dun be meansies tu sensitibe babbeh Bwoken! Dey jus diffwent!”

You then played awhile with Red and Purple, passing a ball between the three of you while Flower sang the mummy song to Broken!

“Mummuh wub babbehs, babbehs wub mummy, dwink aww da miwkies, gwow up big an stwong!”

Broken kept making those stinky noises from her poopie place, which kept making the other two babbehs grumble. You had to admit, it REALLY didn’t smell pretty….

Eventually though, Red and Purple both got sleeping and nuzzled up to their mummuh, who also soon dozed off.

Broken was still sucking away however.

Suddenly you saw some other fluffies gathered around a red unicorn with purple hair. Waddling up to them, you heard the red unicorn speak. “Dis smawty Bwaze’s dehcawe wand nao! Aww yuu dummeh fwuffies bettah fowwow Bwaze ow ewse Bwaze gib sowwy hoofsies!”

Smarty. That phrase sounded familiar somehow. Maybe you heard daddeh mention it a few times? You didn’t know if it was a good or bad thing, but considering Blaze was calling you all dummeh fluffies, you felt like a smarty might not be good?

Well, daddeh always said there was nothing wrong with asking.

“Mistuh Bwaze?” You asked, nudging your way to the front of the crowd of fluffies. “Wha a smawty? Badgew dunno wat dat mean.”

Glaring at you and snorting, Blaze waddled his way over towards you. He was really big and fat, towering over you. Then again, you had always been small, even for an adult fluffy. You used to be really bad about it until daddeh told you it was nothing to be ashamed of!

“Awe yuu a dummeh? Bwaze am smawty. An smawty’s aww da best an smawtest fwuffies! Am biggew, bettah, an bestest! Su odds fwuffies gotta du wat smawty see ow else smawty gib sowwy hoofsies!”

Then he GAVE you sowwy hoofsies! Right on your smeww pwace!

It didn’t really hurt too much, but it really startled you and scared you!

“Wh-wha meanie Bwaze gib owwies tu Badgew? Badgew am gud fwuffy! Badgew nu du anytin tu yuu! Huuu huu, smeww pwace huwties…”

The big fat bully simply puffed out his cheeks and glared at the rest of the herd. “Wet dat be a wesson tu yu dummeh fwuffs! Bwaze in chawge in dehcawe nao!”

Then suddenly, the hoomun lady entered the room. “Hey little dudes, just checking up on you and seeing how you guys are doing….”

You spring into action! Dashing as fast as you can over to her, you begin pawing at her leg and telling her what happened!

“Miss Wady Miss Wady! Bwaze gib Badgew sowwy hoofsies on smeww pwaces an an an den he case sewf smawty an say dat dehcawe his nowsies! Huu huu huu, Bwaze bein a big meanie!”

The lady looks over at Blaze, who was currently trying to make himself look very small, but was also failing to make himself look very innocent. “B-b-bwaze nu du anytin’! Honest! Badgew bein a bad fwuffy an makin up stowies!”

The lady then sighed before looking at you with a….sad look on her face. “Sorry Badger, Blaze….well Blaze is….special. He’s allowed to act up, more or less.” Shen then patted your head as you stood there, dumbfounded. This didn’t make any sense! Blaze was being a bad fluffy? The lady was supposed to stop bad fluffies! This wasn’t fair at all!!!

She then exited the room as you pawed the door, crying and whining, frustrated with the injustice of it all.

“Anyway, as smawty Bwaze wuz sayin….”

Now things are heating up in the daycare! Tbh I feel like maybe my fluffies can be a bit too articulated and smart and I dunno how I feel about it? What do you think?


To me your fluffies exhibit typical fluffy behavior and mannerisms. Though I cannot wait for Blaze to get what’s coming to him. Fuck smarties.


I’m planning something…very theatrical for Blaze.


Cant wait for blazes special treatment! Although i already hate him


Most smarties suckkkkkkk

Maybe Badger can be a good influence on Blaze, haha. I doubt it, since it seems that Blaze is allowed to get away with Smarty behavior, but maybe!

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