Bitch mare syndrome/ Bitch mare tag?

I was wondering if we could get a bitch mare syndrome tag or something like that since i’ve seen Bitch mare syndrome in some works yet there has never been a tag for it


We need a sensitive baby tag as well


you mean #spoiled ?

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not that big of a thing to make a tag for it in my opinion. bring me 5-10 stories with them, and i will reconsider


I know we used to go crazy with tags here but a lot of people have expressed wanting a sensitive baby tag


then bring me the stories to justify the need for it

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Hard to find them without the tags


mummahs often decalre them to be sensitive out loud, so it shouldn’t be impossible. no need to bother with the art. i already know all of it is from one singular story

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Google can search the site for “sensitib” or “sensitive”. You can get links that way.

My stories “A Walk in The Woods” and the “Badger’s Daycare Adventures” series feature sensitive babbehs.

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For bitch mare sydrome, You’re A Bad Mummah!, A Ray of Sunshine, Ruby Red, Super Secret Skettis,Filling the Space, No Free Nummies and Hunting Wabbits.

For sensitive babies, No Miwkies, The Fluffy Dumpster Experiment, Mo’ Miwkies Mo’ Pwobwems, The Fluffies of Foxglove Manor,Badger’s Daycare Adventure, and Adopting a Good Toughie Friend.

Is there a global tag limit on the site? Because it seems weird to have to prove that well known concepts in the meta need tags, its not like too many tags hurt anything.


@Mr_Owl I think the above post is sufficient for your request. :owl:

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they actually do hurt. More tags=equal load time for the tag list. A lot of work has been put into shortening this list and i want to make sure that the creation of a new tag is waranted
Which brings me to a small misunderstanding that might have occurred. How often a bitch mare used in stories isn’t a problem. I wanted you all to explain to me what’s the difference between a mare with a bitch syndrome and a mare who is a #bad-parent and #spoiled

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And while we are at that, in the process of creating sensitive baby tag, i just learned that we have a #disabled-foal . How is it different and why can’t we use that?

It’s bitch mare syndrome. Most people’s lore makes it an inherent biological thing rather than just spoiling a mare. Multiple of the stories I provided explain that it’s from a mare getting pregnant too young rather that being spoiled. Bitch mare syndrome can happen to the most well behaved and well disciplined fluffy. It seems to be a counterpart to smarty syndrome. So spoiled doesn’t really cover it.

Disabled foal would cover sensitive baby syndrome, but it’s still its own thing that I think deserves its own tag. Disabled foal would cover derped foals as well, yet that has its own tag. It’s another well documented part of the meta that people are clearly looking for specifically.

Maybe put it up to a poll if you’re worried about load times? I don’t think two new tags will add that much load.


Also, not really a misunderstanding when you said:

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about the sensitive babbehs, not the bitch mares. anyway, the point is taken, the point is valid, give me a second


and done



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