“You’re A Bad Mummah!” Chapter 4 [By MostlyNeutralbox]

Chapter 4: Shit Happens

Cleaning the safe room was absolute hell. Erik thought he could handle it. He’d cleaned up Sleet’s poop all her life. He was wrong. Sorry poopies was a defense mechanism. Something about the hormones in the fluffy made sorry and scared poop smell absolutely horrid. Erik had to dash out of the safe room to vomit in the toilet. Normally it wouldn’t be so bad…but the room walls and floor were COVERED in it! He groaned. There was something… Erik had to look through one of his storage rooms…there! A partner’s mask! Next to the paint cans he planned to use…someday… He really had to paint the basement like he planned a year ago. Erik put the mask over his face and gathered his tools once more. He felt like he was going into war. The war was certainly raged on his nose.

It took an hour and a half. Not straight cleaning. Erik had to take bags of trash out a few times, and throw up again. Also throw out a set of clothes from when he slipped. It was something he’d rather forget. He had the look of a haunted changed man after the trash was all taken out and he took two showers. He still remembered the smell. Ugh. Sleet was out of control! She’d NEVER done sorry poopies at him before. He’d gotten her fairly young from a reputable breeder. They said they only sold well behaved fluffies. Was this what he feared? The bitch mare syndrome? He groaned to himself as he dried off. He’d have to fix her behavior. No way could he let her raise babies like that! He was showing her the videos, at least. The ones that told her that alicorns were the same as other fluffies. That all babies were good babies. Color didn’t matter. Erik feared that they would fall on deaf ears as well as his lessons.

Alright. He had to punish her. He hated to have to do this, but it was inevitable. He decided to install something he’d gotten a little earlier. A camera. He’d planned to put it there to watch the babies without disturbing them, but now it would be to keep an eye on Sleet. There was a mic attached so he could listen to what she said. He also read wheats made fluffy stool more solid. He’d added only a little bit to Sleet’s meals, but he was adding more. Hopefully this meant any sorry poops would be logs. She’d also be immobile soon. He wanted to look good to Sleet. Being a ‘Munsta daddeh’ or ‘meanie’ was the worst outcome for him. Yet he now had Sleet in a sorry box and muzzle downstairs. He’d enjoyed sorry sticking her and giving her a cold bath. Where had that anger come from? Oh well. He’d sleep on it. He’d retrieve Sleet in the morning.

The next morning Sleet seemed repentant. She was crying, her fur stained with tears. She was apologizing with her name. Erik took her back into the safe room and got her soon mummah kibble with some bread in it. Until he could get some proper grains for his fluffy, he’d put bread in it. “Okay, Sleet. Rest today. Watch your FluffTV.” He said gently. He turned on the soon mummah programming. He’d ask later what was on to see if she even listened to it…

Erik did some chores he neglected yesterday due to cleaning before he settled down to play some video games. He wanted to chill out before dealing with Sleet. There was likely to be another problem. Erik wanted to have his time to relax before that.

Three hours later, it was time to check on Sleet. She seemed to be watching the show. She was staring in that direction. Erik wanted until the show was over, and more commercials were on. “Hey, honey.”

“Name am Seet. Nu am huney.” Sleet said.

Erik chuckled. “It’s a nickname.” He said, petting Sleet. “So what were you watching?” He asked, watching her carefully.

“Teebee was tawking bout mummahs. Seet nu wemembah wut dey said. Was watchin’ babbehs.” Sleet said, wagging her tail.

Oh god no. Erik felt his eyelid twitch. “Well, you should listen to them.” He said. “I know your instincts tell you about how to be a mummah, but these are for the things fluffies don’t know.” He said.

“Buh Seet knu ebweting bout babbehs.” The fluffy claimed, puffing her cheeks.

“Not everything. That’s why these videos are made. For first time mummahs. Things you won’t know until you experience them. And how to take care of babbehs.” Erik was worrying now. She wasn’t even listening! “Plus about how to treat babbehs. Equally. No matter what color or type.” He said.

“Buh dose am dummeh babbehs.” Sleet protested.

Dammit. Nothing got through. Nothing! “Sleet…you shouldn’t think like that. If that was true, your mummah wouldn’t have liked you because of your color and spots.” It was a low blow, Erik knew, but the only way he could think to get through to her.

“Nu twue! Seet is pwetty fwuffy! Am bestest mummah!” Sleet tried to struggle to her feet, but found her belly was still on the ground.

“Looks like you’re immobile now.” Erik said. This meant no more physical punishment beyond a flick in the nose. The foals were too vulnerable. He gave her a flick.

“Owies! Why huwt soon mummah?!” The fluffy protested, her arms not reaching her snout.

“Because you were calling yourself the best mummah while also discriminating against your unborn foals. You’ll need to treat them all equally, Sleet.” Erik said, his voice a bit coldly. “I’ll be watching carefully.”

He left the room after, IMing the stud’s owner. He told him about how Sleet was acting differently and likely had bitch mare syndrome. He had cameras, but needed advice.

The response was near immediate. Keep an eye on her. It was good he had a camera, but he had to be there for the foaling. Keep formula on hand just in case. If she showed any negative reactions to the foals, separate her and them. Hand rear if necessary.

Erik sighed. Nothing about how to deal with Sleet. He asked, and got a bad response. She was a lost cause. She was fine before all this, and was acting up now. She was too lost by being a soon mummah. Erik refused to believe this. Somewhere in there had to be the Sleet he remembered. The sweetheart who sat with him on the couch…this had to just be the pregnancy hormones. This was what his heart said, even if his mind told him the breeder was far more experienced than he was. He must have seen this before. He even mentioned he moved onto studs because he was sick of dealing with mares.

Several days passed, with Erik trying to break through the mentality Sleet developed. It was a poor amount of success. She somehow thought she was the best mummah to have ever lived, despite having no experience and serious issues about species and color. Nothing worked. he’d have to make sure he kept a close eye on her when it was time to foal. Judging by how round she’d been getting, it was soon.

Sleet was getting demanding. Erik had put her in the mummah bed since she could no longer move. There was a litter box behind, her food and water in front. She was in front of the TV. Yet she still screeched and demanded things. The most disgusting and recent was demanding ‘licky cleanies’. Erik knew she wanted to be clean. He used wet wipes, but she kept trying to get I’m to use his tongue. He was NOT going to do that no matter what. Wet wipes, or he’d take her back to the bathroom if that wasn’t good enough. The threat of a bath was the only thing to shut her down.

Just when Erik thought he was going to go crazy, he heard the cry “BIGGEST POOPIES!!!” It has begun.


dundundun du-dun~


Hope he has some formula and a way to hand rear the inevitable poopies or munstahs


You know I’m geniuenly curious about bitch mother syndrome is it intentional, hormones or just social conditioning? The fact that she seems to have newfound prejudice makes me think the former, seeing as she’s a “nu pwetty.” In a way it makes sense assuming all flluffies were supposed to be sold fixed.
Think of it like this, Hasbio might for some dumb reason only want to maximize “Good colors” (not how scarcity works but ok) so they make moms hyper discriminatory asshats. However if you happen to have a brown fluffy then I doubt you’d want it getting ostracized by your friend’s fluffies so it’d make sense for this to be intensified by pregnancy. It also would explain the weird cliche of Stallions showing more love to their less desirable foals than mares in fluffy media. Basically the public was never supposed to interact with Mummah fluffies.


Please tell me they’re all brown. I would love to see her reaction to all of the “poopie babies”


Good ideas there. I’ve heard from some headcanons that bitch mare syndrome comes from the mare being breed too young while others say that the change in hormones triggers a mental disorder like how puberty can trigger schizophrenia. I tend to think both are possible, at least for when a well adjusted fluffy turns into a bitch mare.

As for the color bias, my own headcanon was that it was programmed in to fluffies but not very strongly so it can be trained out quite easily, and even if it isn’t and the mare is given no instructions she will still care for all her children but will show obvious priority to the “pretty” ones. I could see bitch mare syndrome causing the instinct to become hyperactive going from a mild urge to a full on nurrosies.


I have long held the idea that fluffies have anal glands and that’s actually where sorry poopies come from. Kinda sounds like that here.


Why would they have those? Why would hasbio make em able to spray shit on purpose? They’re designed as a pet and that’s about the worst trait for a pet I can think of that’s not lethal lethal. Like it’s one thing for them to have poor digestion and be able to shit on people if incensed, but for them to be able to spray shit like a firehose it must be intentionally designed or evolved. Cause nothing in nature has that kind of adaptation including horses, rodents, birds, carnivorans or primates which tend to be the main fluffy bases according to most people.


Actually, dogs have them. Grant it they can only spray a very small amount and they take days to refill but they do have them. I imagine fluffies have at least some dog dna in them and maybe an unforeseen gene combination caused them to produce more discharge. Also, maybe these genes are tied in with other necessary gene sequences so they can’t be removed without messing up other desired things.


Cats also have anal glands and they work the same way as they do for dogs. We had a cat who had problems with her anal glands emptying on their own and either we or the vet had to empty them by hand. There was never much but is foul smelling and oily.

I can easily see something in the genetic tinkering that was done to create fluffies causing them to have larger anal glands that can be emptied as a defense mechanism.


Whelp, I guess you gotta get the grinder for the “wittle babbehs”


Yup. I knew this would happen. She’s too far gone. This is what happens when you spoil your fluffies.


Should have cover her eyes with a blindfold and told her she went blind from not listening to those show to teach her how to be a good mammah. The only cure was to pass the good mammah quizzes. Forgot the wet wipes, spay bottle on the steam setting. And make her ask politely for everything. Otherwise, she doesn’t get it. Pretend you don’t hear her when she’s demanding. Everything breaks when it’s hungry enough.


Oh fuck no she doesn’t deserve to be with her foals until she redeemes herself


That’s a good idea


Maybe because they knew that some spoiled stupid kids would get rid of there knew toy to get a knew one . Like a way to punish little brats.


There are less disgusting ways to punish your kid for being a little brat than having their pet shit all over them.


Id never though to hear a bitch mare go to far asked her owner, to lick her ass!!! :grimacing:

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no no no, thats not how you fix a disobedient fluffy. she needs a constant, healthy dose of torture to make sure that no matter how dumb she is she understands that her lord and master will take no shit from her. the moment she started this behavior he should have pulled all her legs off, rubbed lye in the sockets, used the substance to make her permanently bald, yanked one of her eyes out, cut slits in her anus and sodomized her in there with one bottle end dipped in the aforementioned matter while raping the eye socket with another such instrument. he could even have her supported as such on spit roast only just high enough that the fire beneath wouldn’t kill her foals. and if she ever gets uppity just announce that it’s special spit roast time. in between corrections, she merely needs to be left in front of a mirror to gaze at her own hilarious hideousness (don’t forget to scar her face beyond recognition with a boxcutter) and only her own litterbox to eat from. no sand necessary. just have two such boxes, put one behind her and when it’s full put it back in front so she can have to eat her own shit to survive

and of course there’s so much that can be done to her bestest babbeh (or bestest bastard, as i like to call them) while forcing her to watch. it would even work to force her to have foals over and over again just so you can force her to watch while you torment them. there’s also turning them against her, using deceptive inbreeding to induce hilarious trauma…the list of fun activities is endless!

Something tells me the immobility board is going to see extra use
