The Fluffies Of Foxglove Manor: Prologue [By BFM101]

Morning rose on Foxglove Manor, and with it came the Bell.

“Rise and shine fuckers, it’s Enfie Day.”

The loud ringing and battle cry of their new master scared the piss out of the Fluffies, but it got them moving. They knew better than to argue.

There was 6 Fluffy couples, plus an extra female, and all of them had varying amounts of foals with them. Enfie Day meant that they would soon be having more babbehs, usually a day of great joy for a herd, however for the Fluffies of Foxglove Manor, it meant losing their talkie-babbehs to their mean master.

If they were lucky, their foals would be good and put into a box to be taken away. But if they were unlucky, the master could be cruel in their punishments of bad foals.

The Fluffies lined up outside their tiny, uncomfortable homes, 3 couples on one side of the enclosure, another 3 plus the additional female on the other and then their foals in front of each parental pair. With everything in place, their master stepped forward, ready for inspection. The Fluffies had been through this a few times now since their arrival to Foxglove Manor but they never stopped being scared, part of it was their short memories, they always forgot just how horrible their master could be when they were displease.

Mostly though, it was the master themselves. None of the Fluffies knew what their master looked like, they always appeared with a long flowing black trench-coat and a black gas mask, they had done so ever since the Fluffies arrived, none of the Fluffies knew their masters face, or their masters real, unmuffled voice, they didn’t even know whether to call their master mummah or daddeh.

All the Fluffies knew was a name; Jack.

Jack stepped forward towards the Fluffies, flanked on either side by their Fluffy guards, a red stallion called Warden, and his white mare wife Scout. Both of them were as despicable as each other and the source of many a nightmares for the foals, whether it be their love of maiming bratty children, or their equally strong love for each other which they were not afraid to show in public.

The trio stopped in front of the first couple; Stallion; Tanner, a bronze unicorn with a cream mane. Mare; Keller, a peach earthie with a yellow mane. Jack checked their notes, both had done well before, there was hope for their foals in putting them together.

“Hello Tanner, Keller, how are you and your foals today?”

“Gu… gud Jak.” Tanner answered shakily, trying hard not to look at or look away from his frightening master. “Babbehs am weady fow in… inspec-shun.”

Jack knelt down to look at the foals, four of them in total, their colours weren’t spectacular, but Tanner’s bronze coat saved them from being complete shit. Jack noted that while like their father, the foals were shaking with fear, none of them had screamed or yelled ‘munstah’, which was a good sign.

Jack looked over at Warden and gave a nod, signalling the Pegasus to sniff out any defects, this was also a test to see how the foals reacted to other Fluffies, specifically Fluffies they knew to be dangerous. The foals managed with only one of them pissing themselves in fear and no cries of fear and anger, an acceptable results, Warden looked up and shook his head.

“Babbehs smeww gud.”

“Ok, thank you both, all your foals will be taken to a new home, say good bye now.”

The final test and the one most parents failed was the goodbye, none of the foals were kept so it was a hard wound for the parents to suffer, especially when Jack had them go through it multiple times. But credit where its due, Tanner and Keller both managed to give up their children without any fuss as Scout collected them and put them into the Adoption Box.

Jack made a note in their notes and moved onto the next couple. Stallion; O’Reilly, a green Pegasus with a red mane. Mare; Betty, a black and pink stripped unicorn with a pink mane. They had five foals, including one Alicorn, judging from Jack’s note they figured O’Reilly was the one with the Alicorn gene, colours were better but the pink and green clashed on a couple of them, making for an unappealing effect.

“O’Reilly, Betty, you both ok.”

O’Reilly nodded. “Aww gud Jak, babbehs am weady.”

Jack looked over the foals, again they were shivering but no outbursts, not even when Warden sniffed them over. With the check complete, Jack pointed to three of the foals, the prettier ones without the clashing colours.

“I’ll take these three.”

Betty’s face dropped. “Bu… Wha bout udda babbehs?”

“They’re not what I need, but you’ve raised them well so they’ll go quickly.”

With a snap of their fingers, Jack set Warden and Scout onto the two rejected foals, the guard Fluffies pounced and in an instant, both foals had their necks snapped. Betty and O’Reilly could only stare in horror, it was only the vague memory of a much worse fate for rejected children that stopped them from losing their minds.

Jack continued with their notes while Scout gathered the rest into the box. “Still, 60% clearance reating, not the best but I’ll have to try the two of you again and see…”

“NU!!” A little cry of fear shot out from the Alicorn colt as Scout moved in to pick him up. “Munstah gab brudda an sissy foweba sweepies, nu wan gu wiv munstah. Mummah, sabe babbeh!”

Betty’s eyes darted between her son and Jack, not knowing what to do. In a desperate plea she pushed the colt towards the box.

“Nu be siwwy babbeh, gu wiv Jak tu nyu mummah an daddeh.”

“Nu wan gu, wan stay wiv mummah, wan…ERK.”

The colt was suddenly and violently grabbed by Jack, they pressed their fingers around the colt’s neck and squeezed.

“I’m disappointed, you were seconds away from a good home, now you get to die.”

The colt struggled to find its breath from Jack’s tight grip. “Pwease, ‘kaff’, no wan gu foweb… ‘kaff’, foweba sweepies. Am onwy, hhffff, wittew babbeh.”

“You’re not too little to know how to behave.”

Jack pressed sharply on the colt’s neck until they heard a crack, the foal’s head went limp and his tongue rolled out. He was gone.

Jack dropped him next to the bodies of his siblings and shook their head. “40% clearance, not a good sign. Won’t be putting you two together again that’s for certain.

Leaving the traumatised parents, Jack moved onto the third couple. Stallion; Harry, orange Alicorn with green mane. Mare; Doris, silver Pegasus with white mane. They had four foals but Jack only saw three, there was notes that Doris had tried to be sneaky before, Jack figured it was the same situation here.

“Harry, Doris? Has something happened to one of your foals?”

Doris nodded a little too quickly before remembering to put on a sad face. “Babbeh hab foweba sweepies, nu wakies dis bwite-time. Fwuffy hab wowstesh heawt huwties.”

The gas mask hid Jack’s unconvinced sneer but they kept quiet and looked inside the nest, sure enough there was the foal, laying supposedly dead on the bedding. Jack noted that it was a silver filly, likely Doris’ favourite child given their matching coats, and while the filly was smart enough to keep her eyes closed, her breathing was way too pronounced and noticeable.

Jack played along and picked up the Filly’s still warm body. “Oh Doris, I’m so sorry to hear that, look she has your coat as well, you must’ve loved her so much.”

“Dowis wub pwettiesh babbeh, su sadies dat babbeh am foweba sweepies. Can Dowis hab babbeh bak? Nu weady tu say bye-bye.”

Jack saw Harry looking uncomfortable and figured he wasn’t 100% behind this plan, but it was too far gone to intervene. Jack turned back to Doris and pet her mane.

“Of course you can Doris, I know this must be a difficult time for you. But I’ll need to sort out the body for you first, you hear that wheezing sound?”

Jack brought the filly’s clear sounds of breathing up to Doris’ ears, Doris nodded not understanding what Jack was doing.

“That’s the sound of air escaping the body, it’s called a Death Rattle. It can sound like someone is breathing when they’ve already died. And since I don’t want you to think your babies is still alive, I need to clear the airway to top her rattle.”

With a motion so swift, Doris barely had time to register what happened, Jack twisted the filly’s neck and killed her, they placed the corpse down in front of Doris, just as she asked.

“Ba… babbeh?”

“I know it’s hard to lose a foal, but I’m proud of you for telling me.”

The other foals were decent colours so Jack took them all away, it would’ve been just as east to tell Doris that the ruse wasn’t working, but tricking her into thinking that Jack believed her and STILL lose her foal would ensure she didn’t try that again.

Next up, the forth couple. Stallion; Lee, dark blue Alicorn with red mane. Mare; Dottie; red unicorn with green mane. Jack checked over their notes, Lee was fairly quiet, suspected disconnect between him and his foals, but he had no complaints yet. Dottie on the other hand, she was a bit dense, not fully derped, just dumb.

And looking at her foals, it was clear that was still the case. She had three foals – Dottie consistently had low yields for some reason – and while two of them were up front and centre, scared but ready for inspection, the third was still behind them, their back nestled against Dottie’s stomach fluff. It was a purple colt, and a fat little bastard at that, nearly twice the size of the other two, Jack noted that the other two did look healthy and full so it wasn’t favouritism, likely she was spoiling the little shit.

Jack looked down at the foals. “Hello babies, how are we all today?”

The foals shivered with fear at the unnatural look of Jack’s mask but they managed to chirp out an answer.

“Babbehs gud Jak.”

“Weady tu gu tu nyu homesies.”

“Chirp, chirp, peep.”

Jack looked at the fat purple shit, he was the one chirping, and worst still Dottie was cheering him on, giggling away and tickling him like he did a good job.

“Dottie, why is your foal not a talkie-baby yet? His siblings have managed to start talking, why not him?”

“He he, siwwy Jak. Dis am Dot-ee’s wittew sensitibe babbeh, he need mummah wub aww da time. Is dat wight wittew babbeh?”

She nuzzled her nose on the purple colt’s head, eliciting a little giggle from the chirping mess.

“Chirp, peep peep, chirp.”

Jack placed a hand out towards Dottie. “May I see him please?”

Dottie paused for a moment, not a good sign. “Babbeh am sensitibe, need tu be wiv mummah.”

“I’ll give him back, just need to inspect him.”

Dottie relented, not wanting anything bad to happen to her little pride and joy, she knew he’d pass the inspection, there was nothing wrong with him in her eyes.

Jack took the foal, feeling the weight on him, he was over a month old at this point, he should’ve been talking and ready for solid foods. Instead he was still chirping like a baby and clearly still enjoying Dottie’s milk, too much of it judging by his fat fucking folds.

Jack eyed the fat colt with disdain, the little guy could sense something was wrong and immeditately burst into tears in Jack’s hands.

“Scree, peep peep, sceeeck”

Dottie stepped forward. “Oooh, gib babbeh bak pwease Jak, wittew sensitibe babbeh need mumah.”

Jack turned so violently that Dottie yelp in fright and jumped back. Jack stared at the idiot mother straight in the eye as they slowly and painfully crushed the fat foal in their hands.


The purple colts eyes bugged out, he fired a volley of scared shits out of his asshole followed closely by blood, bile and his own intestines as his ribs cracked and his organs were pushed out of him. Jack didn’t stop until there was nothing left to crush, then they dropped the deflated foal in front of his parents.

“You spoiled him until he was emotionally stunted. A talking baby who won’t talk is a bad baby, I can’t sell bad babies.”

Dottie was left to stare in abject horror at her crushed foal while her other two children were picked up by Scout – a difficult task since the two of them wouldn’t let go of each other – and placed in the Adoption box. Satisfied that the lesson was learnt, Jack moved onwards, a small smile on their face as they looked towards the next set of parents.

The fifth couple was one Jack had been looking forward to. Stallion; Chico, a yellow, almost golden Pegasus with a white mane. Mare; Mae, a purple Alicorn with a yellow mane. Mae had been a problem since she arrived, and Jack was getting sick of her, if she tried anything today then Jack was ready to be done with her. Mae presented her foals, six of them in total, once again she had the largest litter of the group, something she would normally be proud of.

Today though, Jack noticed she didn’t look pleased at all, if anything she looked furious. As Jack got closer they noticed that Mae only had five foals in front of her, her sixth was still clinging to her back, noticeably bigger than her weakened siblings.

That small smile on Jack’s face grew slightly.

“Mae, Chico, why aren’t all your babies up for inspection.”

Surprisingly it was Chico that stood up first. “Chee-co an speciaw-fwiend hab finkies, wan keep bestesh babbeh wiv Fwuffies, waise hew gud, Jak can hab mowe babbehs fwom bestesh wen she big Fwuffy.”

Mae snorted. “Jak can take dummeh babbehs, dey stiww prettiesh in hewd. Mae keep bestesh babbeh.”

Jack heard the filly on Mae’s back giggle. “Bestesh babbeh wub mummah, dummeh Jak nu take bestesh.”

Jack saw Warden and Scout starting to approach Mae, both of them snarling at her, and put out a hand to stop them. Instantly both guard Fluffies stopped and sat down while Jack knelt down in front of Mae, even with the gas mask on, Mae could tell Jack wasn’t happy.

“Mae? Do you know why I sell Fluffies to other people?”

Mae sneered and shook her head. “Mae nu cawe.”

Jack turned to the other Fluffies. “Does anyone want to take a guess?”

Keller put up a hoof. “Fow munies?”

“That’s right Keller, I sell your foals to other people for money, money I use to buy you all food and toys. And all I ask in return is that you follow my rules, and rule number one is ‘No Bestesh Babbeh’.

Jack got in closer to Mae, the purple bitch pissed herself in fear as she saw the glint of cruelty behind the glass eyes of her master. Mae turned to Chico for help, but the terrified stallion was hiding behind his own hoofs, hoping the monster would leave.

“You want to know the best part about all of this Mae? I don’t need money, I HAVE money, a lot of it, selling your foals isn’t a job for me, it’s a hobby. So if you break the rules, I haven’t lost anything when I dish out the punishment.”

Jack snatched the bestesh filly from her mother’s back and turned away, Mae went to follow only to be stopped by the growls of Warden and Scout. She was helpless as Jack carried her bestesh to the middle of the enclosure and placed her into the Sorry Holder. It was essentially a vice-grip that Jack had repurposed, simple to use and exceedingly painful for the Fluffy caught inside, as Bestesh discovered when Jack stuck her inside and tightened the grip until she could barely breath.

Then tightened it a little bit more just for fun.

As easy as it would’ve been to crush the filly and be done with her, that was so much less fun than what Jack was thinking. They took a stroll over to the toolbox near the fence, hearing a soft whimpering as they got closer.

“Hush, we’ll get to you soon enough.”

Ignoring the crying, Jack took out their tool and walked back to the vice-grip.

“Mae, do you know why I don’t allow mothers to have bestesh babbehs? It’s because bestesh babbehs grow up to become Smarties, Smarties get Fluffies into trouble, trouble comes back to bit me in the ass.”

Jack raised up their tool, showing the Fluffies the blowtorch as Jack lit it in their hands.

“No fucking bestesh.”

And with that, Jack set the blowtorch onto the bestesh foal, the filly’s Fluff lit up in a nanosecond while her flesh was instantly charred from the heat.


Mae tried to run to save her daughter, only to be knocked to the ground by Warden who sat on top of her, keeping a hoof on her neck so she could still see the display.

“Wet mummah gu, need sabe bestesh babbeh.”

“Your baby was dead the moment you broke the rules.” Jack replied with a coldness that chilled every one of the Fluffies. Mae could only watch as her bestesh babbeh’s head dropped, half their skull could be seen from the skin that melted away, the boiling remaining of her eye stained the parts of her fluff that hadn’t been burnt black. Jack turned off the blowtorch and looked down at Mae.

“That’s why I do to bestesh babbehs, remember that next time.”

“Hmmph, Mae hatchu meanie Jak, gib bestesh babbeh wowstesh foweba sweepies, bestesh du nuttin wong.”

Jack’s smirk was hidden behind the gas mask, but their body language showed a change in demeanour.

“I was hoping you’d say that. Warden, Scout, give her other foals a look-over will you?”

Mae felt Warden climb off her as he and Scout approached her other foals, all five of them huddled together, pissing and shitting their little bowels out, which granted wasn’t much since they had been starved and stunted by Mae’s neglect. Chico still had his hoofs over his eyes, trying to avoid seeing the horrors in front of him.

Warden leaned into the foal pile and sniffed, the disgusted look on his face from the smell of the skinny things said everything.

“Babbehs nu smeww gud, nu wike dem Jak.”

“Well, you know what to do then.”

With only a nod, Warden and Scout tore into the rest of Mae’s foals, taking their time to properly tear into their tiny bodies, ripping off limbs, shredding organs, the only sound that could be heard over the foals terrified screams was the crying of the other foals in the box. Mae herself was stuck watching the massacre in front of her, too shocked to move.

Jack sat down on the grass next to her. “You know, if you hadn’t made that little bitch your bestesh, your other foals might have been healthy enough to be worth something. But because you were a fucking idiot, now they’re too small and too weak to be of any use, now you have no foals to give. That means you have a 0% clearance rating.

Jack pulled Mae round and forced her to look at them.

“0% means no more babies.”

Before Mae could react, Jack pressed the still scalding hot metal of the blowtorch against her special-place, melting her sensitive skin with the scorching heat.


The noise that came from Mae was not natural, it was a screech of pain unlike anything the Fluffies had heard before, and it did not stop, for the entire time Jack held the blowtorch against Mae, she didn’t stop screaming, eventually there was an audible crack from her throat as her shredded vocal cords finally snapped.

Jack waited until they smelt burning flesh before pulling the blowtorch off of her, some of her melted skin stuck to the metal as it was pulled away. Any part of the remains of her vagina that hadn’t been turned hard and black from the heat, was tender and red from the blood seeping out of her ripped skin.

“wai gib babbeh pwace buwnie huwties?” Mae’s voice was rough, barely audible from her ruined vocal chords?

“Because you had bad babies, know you never will again.”

Jacked left Mae to wallow in her misery and finished up their checks, thankfully with much less drama. The final couple was Stallion; Britt, a green and red stripped Pegasus and Mare; Helen, a creamy brown unicorn with a coffee coloured mane, their four foals weren’t the best colours although the green and brown mixed well on a couple of them, but their temperaments were the best of the group since Helen’s former role as ‘poopie mare’ meant she understood the value of good foals better than most so all of her children went into the box.

The last check was on the lone mare, Marla; an orange earthie with a blue mane, she had three foals – initially four but one of hers did die of an illness unlike Doris – and all of them were well-behaved, if a little timid. Although after the events of the day Jack could hardly blame them, Marla was sad to see them go, having bonded with them a little more after raising them on her own, but she knew it wasn’t the time or place to argue.

With the surviving foals all set up and ready to go, Jack motioned for Warden and Scout to take the box back to the house while they addressed the Fluffies.

“Alright, you all know the next part, but since Mae’s out of action I want all of you to move up TWO spaces, ok?”

There was some minor confusion but the Fluffies understood what they needed to do, Jack was still experimenting with the Fluffies and seeing which ones produced the best colours together, there was a lot of crying about ‘special-friend’ when Jack first set them up, but they had learnt to ignore the Fluffies and keep them fucking away.

Since the mares were the ones who needed the nest suited to their needs, they stayed with the homes while the Stallion moved on to the next mare, under normal circumstances this would mean that Tanner would move to Marla’s nest, leaving Helen on her own. But with Mae unable to be given enfies, Tanner instead moved to Helen’s nest.

Keller in turn was joined with Harry, Betty with Lee, Doris with Chico, Dottie with Britt and O’Reilly with Marla, leaving Mae as the lone mare of the group. Most of the time the Fluffies shut up about their new partner, some of them got lucky and reunited with the special-friend on occasion, this time though Chico and Doris kicked up a fuss.

“Jak.” Chico whined. “Dowis am sissy, nu can gib speciaw-huggies.”

Chico saw the anger in Jack’s glass eyes and farted in terror at the sight. “Who the fuck are you to tell me who you will and will not fuck? After the shit both of you have pulled, consider this a light punishment for you both.”

“Bu, nu wan gib bad enfies tu sissy.”

Jack reached into their pocket and pulled out a small pink spray bottle, both Chico and Doris cried at the sight of it, recognising the aphrodisiac spray.

“Either you fuck her gently willingly, or I hit you with this stuff and you fuck her roughly whether you want to or not. You have until tomorrow to decide.”

With that, Jack left the crying siblings and returned to Mae, still whining about her burnt special-place.

“You ready Mae, you’re the lone Mare, you know what that means.”

“Bu Jak say Mae nu can hab babbehs.”

“You can’t, but I’m still gonna try if it means humiliating you a little bit more.”

Mae tried to turn and run, only to be easily caught by Jack and carried over to the fence, where the whimpering from earlier could still be heard.

“Hello Adams, you keeping well?”

Adams, a dark red unicorn with a purple mane and black spots, previously the herd’s Smartie when they arrived at Jack’s house, he had been nailed to the fence from Day 1, establishing Jack as the herd’s new leader. He hadn’t been taken down in months, Jack handfed him, bathed him and sometimes hit him, all without taking him down from the fence.

And of course, Jack also used him from time to time.

“Wet… Ad-ems… down.” Adams tried to speak with the very minute energy he had.

“Come on now Adams, you know what’s not going to happen. No, it’s enfie day, and I need you to lay back and let this happen.”

Fruitlessly Adams tried to shake his hips away from Jack as they attached a pump and vial to his cock, Adams felt a familiar pressure in his lumps as the pump stimulated his genitals until he was shooting out against his will.

Adams cried, he always cried when Jack took his seed. “Pwease nu-nu joose. Nu weave Ad-ems, need tu stay and make gud babbehs.”

But his no-no juice didn’t stay, it kept pumping out of him until his balls had been drained and the vial was full. Jack roughly pulled the pump off of Adams, attached the vial to a syringe like device and plunged it into Mae’s special-place, between the sudden pressure of Jack pushing the inseminator into her and the cracking of her blackened and tender skin, Mae starting weeping again, when she felt Adams cum coating her womb, she cried even harder.

“Huu, nu wan bad babbehs, speciaw-pwace hab wowstesh huwties.”

“I wouldn’t worry too much Mae, chances are your foals will be born dead with how badly you’ve been fucked up. Have fun with that.”

Jack left Mae to her misery and went back to the house, picking up the box of foals that Warden and Scout had left by the front door and took them inside. In the house, Jack was greeted by the sounds of ‘enf, enf, enf’ as Warden and Scout happily humped in the kitchen.

“Do you two ever give it a break?”

Warden shook his head. “Nu wan tu Jack. Enf, enf. Bestesh speciaw-fwiend need gud feews… enf, enf… ebewyday.”

Scout purred as her mate hammered into her. “Wawden gib bestesh enfies, wub Wawden enfies.”

“Ok, well I’m gonna tae the kids through to the nursery, I’ll cook up lunch when you’re both done.”

Jack left them to their humping and carried to box to the saferoom, it wasn’t a big thing, but for the newly weaned foals it would do the trick until they were picked up tomorrow. Noticing that most, if not all of the foals were sleeping, having been drained by the day’s events, Jack left the box in the safe room and went to their bedroom, taking a well-earned seat on the bed.

Finally alone, Jack took off the leather trench coat, their heavy boots, and finally their gas mask, letting fresh air hit their face again…

As Jack vanished from the world to be replaced once more by Jacqueline, after that display she was starting to feel tired too. But she wouldn’t give up her hobby for anything.

She was having too much fun.

Foxglove Manor is going to be the next series once I’m done with Requiem, but I wanted to write this down while I had it in my head because I’m still trying to decide what to do with Jack.

I’m writing Jacqueline and Jack as two parts of the same person, Jacqueline is biologically female with Jack being her violent male alter-ego. I did want to write Jacqueline as a trans character but I’m not sure if I’m being misrepresentative by having her alternate between the two using the gas-mask – in this instance, Jack is her TRUE self but they can only come out when the mask is on. Plus having my first trans character in the series be a violent Fluffy abuser might not send the best message.

So I wanted to throw Jack out there, if I’ve offended anyone I apologise and I will try to course correct going forward, if anyone has any advice or tips for future chapters please do share them, or if you’re fine with how I’m portraying Jack’s character then let me know and I’ll bring them back soon for more violent delights.


Interesting take of a character with two persona :thinking:

Man even in such tensioned atmosphere, mae still have time to be a bitch.

Dottie is a sad mare, as you said too dumb to realized her mistake was that fat foal spoiled too much cant even talk?

Doris, she just wasted a good foal to sell.

Interesting take on this will wait for the next chapter.


Wow! A new character!! Yay!!!


Sounds more like bi-polar or schizophrenia than a trans person. Either way, works well.

I love the little purple sensitive babbeh. I caught that reference!


This is great. Loving the story so far


What an exciting start to a new series. Love Jack/Jacqueline, It sounds more like genderfluid mixed with multiple personality disorder tho. Still can’t wait to read more


Absolutely cannot wait. This series looks like a bit of a classic in the making. Also love the addition of the sensitive babbeh canon haha.


Jacqueline/Jake made me think of a movie I can’t think of. And The Silver Eyes novel (I hate it but I read it). Because the killers in it have the same thing going on. Without the mask they are one person, with it on they are who they truly are.

Jekyll and Hyde Syndrome.


Since this is a trans character, shouldn’t it go into the LGBT stuff?


Honestly, I don’t see anything trans about the character since it’s more alter ego than anything else. Don’t see where they claim to be other genders inside the costume


I don’t think Jack realizes that incest in fluffies is waaaay more damaging to fluffies than to human babies :fearful:


Oh no, Jack knows.

Jack just doesn’t care


Are those one herd lead by Adam? Thats alot in its breeding room.


It’s all one herd but they’re kept outside in a little enclosure, each mare has their own habitat which the stallions rotate into.

I’ll cover the backstory in a future chapter


I sort of read this as the alternate reality Carter Creature Comforts.


Jacqueline/Jake kinda makes me think of a cross between Tigerlilly and Buffalo Bill. If you remember Dr Lecter’s description of the latter wasn’t trans even though he thought he was.


Oh boy! This take on industrial abuse that doesn’t include Josef and family, for now, is off to a great start! Jack uses a simple yet effective system to keep the breeders in line. Jack’s guard fluffies give off somewhat of a Crimson vibe, though it seems more tempered given that they have jobs to execute instead of just being around their mentally unstable owner with nothing else to do.

Curious to see how immoral Jack can go for this operation, as forcing fluffies to commit incest can be a glimpse of what the fluffies could be forced to do under the right conditions.

Loved the “sensitibe” babbeh Easter egg. Hopefully more of those could pop up at some point since they seem like great targets for prolonged suffering or quick examples of authority that Jack has over fluffies. Also seeing fat fluffies get scared and cry while not being able to do anything else is euphoric in a sense. :smiling_imp:


The Rules was soo easy to be followed but yet Mae’s still fuck it up.


I intentionally made Mae an Alicorn to show that while she is intelligent for a Fluffy, she still has nothing on a human.

There is logic in her argument, if Jack kept the best children then they would have a return on investment for the best genes. But Mae doesn’t comprehend how much Jack hates Smarties


Man this is first time i really read this story after find no good comic to read