Bargaining or Regret (Artist: OtherCoraline)

Couldn’t decide which text went better with the picture. So posted both.


Edit: If you’re wondering what brought on this wall-o-text, I was just thinking why would a fluffy try to bargain with a rat a fraction of its size, when it could just stomp it with it’s hooves. And it’s because fluffies are toys. They are programmed to avoid aggression and conflict at all cost. All they can do is grovel, beg, and bargain. Which is the exact opposite of what Hellgremlins do.

This is why the FC is better than the old booru, we can have discussions like this. Argue with me if you want, just keep it civil so our wonderful administrators aren’t overtaxed. :hugs:

Also, this isn’t a call for banning or even quarantining Hellgremlins. This is just my thoughts on why they break the internal consistency for most headcannons they are present in.

Warning: Incoming Hellgremlin Wall-o-Text

Just wanna rant for a second, not at anyone in particular, but another rant on why Hellgremlins just don’t make sense.

I know every headcannon is different, so I’m gonna try to discuss why Hellgremlins don’t make sense for the majority of headcannons. There are a few where they fit. But here are some facts:

  • Fluffies were designed.
  • Fluffies were designed to be toys.
  • Toys are meant to be played with.
  • Toys are not meant to hurt those who play with them.
  • Ergo: Fluffies are much more durable than they are strong.

Fluffies are meant to be gentle. They are the soft and easy replacement for cats and dogs. No sharp claws to scratch you or your children. No sharp teeth to puncture anything with. They are as harmless as a plush toy. They can move themselves around, but can’t run or act in self-defense in any way. They are toys. They are meant to be subservient. If something doesn’t go their way, their only recourse is with bargaining, begging, illicit sympathy/pity, or threaten with sorry poopies (for smarties). These are they only methods of recourse. They have no claws and they jaws are too weak to break the skin on a human. Violence isn’t their last option, it’s not an option period. These are toys and if they were capable of hurting the children they were bought for, you’d have litigations out the wazoo and plummeting value prices.

So fluffies are weak. They waddle, can’t chew anything tougher than kibble, and rarely weigh more a dozen pounds. So are they fragile? No.

I know planned obsolesce is a thing, but I don’t care how neo-libertarian-read-the-fine-print you are, fluffies need to be durable. They are meant to be played with by children. They need to be able to take some tumbles and falls without breaking bones or having viscera spill out their orifices. These things are meant to replace traditional cats and dogs. And if you own one, then you know they can take some tumbles and keep coming back.

Fluffies, like all toys, are meant to last a reasonable amount of time (reasonable can vary from a few months to a few years in your headcannon). These things can fall down the stairs. Yes they’ll cry and huu and make a toddler look like a composed adult, but it’s not gonna kill them or shatter all their bones. It’d be like buying a remote-control car made of papier-mâché. Doesn’t matter how cool or novel it is, no one would bother because it breaks too easily.

So fluffies are more durable than they are strong. So how do fluffies cave each others’ faces in? Totally disregarding the behavioral aspects of Hellgremlins (that’s a separate post), how would they even function? Eating/killing babbehs? Yeah, I’ll grant you that due to simply the size difference. Rampant libido causing stallions to rape foals to death and being serial rapists to mares? Again, sure. Size difference with foals, and fluffies are designed to be subservient, so most mares would simply beg, bargain, appeal to sympathy, as mentioned above. Only the most strong-willed would threaten poopies or boop the Hellgremlin on the nose. So yeah. Fine.

But Hellgremlins caving in skulls, tearing limbs off of other fluffies? That’s just stupid. That’s a scenario where either fluffies are strong enough to do damage to young children (and maybe even adults) or they are so fragile that they truly are “broken by all” and shouldn’t be alive. Period. If you’re that fragile that a toy can rip limb from limb then even a saferoom isn’t enough to protect you. Every fluffy would be dead during the car-ride home, being shipped in a container, or simply being dropped in a cage. Forget things like Foal-In-A-Can, jostling the can would shatter every bone in their little broken bodies.

And this is even worse when foals are ripping each other limb from limb. They can barely support their own disproportionately-large heads, and yet they are glomping on with gummed jaws and tearing their siblings apart? They can get a grip without teeth and their weak jaw strength? They can find leverage with their tiny body to tear the limbs from the sockets? Why does the victims limbs get torn off, why doesn’t the attackers neck or jaw come unhinged. Why is the victim fluffy always more delicate and fragile than the attacking fluffy? A little consistency would be nice.

Tl;Dr: If your fluffies can harm each other, either (1) they are too strong to be sold as toys or (2) they are too fragile to be sold as toys. And don’t @me with “they are defective prototypes”, most headcannons have them being sold as toys despite the “PETA Early Access Trial”, so they are being sold as toys in the vast majority of headcannons. Fluffies are durable but weak. This also goes meta in that abuse would be no fun if they died instantly to a OHKO. Also, I hate that I’m saying this, but pedophile rapist Hellgremlins actually make more sense than limb-tearing sociopath Hellgremlins. Consistency is important, even for fictional abuse critters.



The two scenarios are pathetic but I prefer the second one because it has more novelty for the fluffy reasoning.


Head cannon I’m going for is Hasbio has another branch building and designing flurries… For purpose of war, and battlefield assistance… And if need be, homing ordinance. Looks like fluffier, but none are bright colored… Slightly stockier, actually has harder bones, higher pain tolerance… But still no real offensive abilities beyond a norm fluffy, other than all bland mute colors, and always have black hard hooves… I gotta draw one, one day… The Grunties replaced Dogs, and degree of robots for cost effect, and lowering soldier stress (abuse is NOT Tolerated, they are still Govt Property!)

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In the headcannon I’m working with in AI dungeon they have been feral for a long time, becoming stronger than the first toy version, is that ok to allow me to make them fight and hurt each other? Well maybe in headcannons were fluffies were just experiments and not planned as toys this would be completely possible without the whole PETA thing


I always say to write fluffies as if they have the mind of a child and the body of a plush toy with a plastic skeleton. They can hurt other fluffies, sometimes seriously if it’s a unicorn or alicorn that happens to thrust its horn in the wrong spot, or if it’s foals, but in that case it’s almost always unintentional.

But there is one important thing to note.

Fluffies are as durable and fragile as you want them to be,
They are as smart or dumb as you want them to be,
They are as nice or mean as you want them to be,
Complete or unfinished as you want them to be,
Fluffies are whatever and however you want them to be.


Well, it’s your headcannon. So obvs you can do what you want. I just personally don’t like the contradictory ideas of “broken by all” and yet “smawtie smash poopie fwuffy skuww in!!!”

And if they are durable AND strong, then they aren’t pathetic little creatures, they actual animals. And where’s the fun in that? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

BUUUT. The fact that you are working on a game is dope AF. Fluffies need to be pathetic in non-interactive media like pics and text, imo. You’re doing something else so do your thing, man! I’m excited to see what you come up with :smiley: My main gripe with hellgreminlins is headcannon consistency. If your headcannon is that they weren’t meant be toys, or have evolved, or something else that would explain why they can tear each other apart, have at it!

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man i’ve always had the same issue with that. fluffies nearly exploding by dropping two feet on to the ground while in the same story caving a grown fluffy’s face in and making it leak brain through it’s ears.


Yes. I hope I didn’t come off as too dogmatic with my rant. My main take away is fluffies are toys. Toys must be durable, otherwise they are difficult to play with. Toys must not harm the user, otherwise you would not want to play with them.

Everything else just stems from that logic branch. It’s mainly internal inconsistency that gets me. If hellgremlins work well within your headcannon, then I’m fine with it (the two main examples I can think of are Artist-Kun and Shaferaraks where the fluffies are much less intelligent and more animalistic and less toy-like than the standard fluffy).


Yeah, as much as I rant, I’m not against violent fluffies in principle. If you can make a headcannon where they feel logically consistent, then I’m down. You can do it by having over-the-top headcannons (like CD or Micron) or really heavy and depressing headcannons (like Shaferaraks - hellgremlins work in his world because there is NO hugbox. Everyone hates fluffies). I’m just not a fan of a smarty being like a demi-god among fluffies and no one can stand up to it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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“PETA Early Access Trial.”

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I see where you’re coming from. My normal fluffies aren’t very strong and pretty durable when taken care of. Don’t take care of your toys they break. My fluffies do have the “protect future products” programming. But they’re pretty nonviolent otherwise. They will drown defective foals in their water bowl though.


Damn. How do they define “defective” and how do they detect it? I like the idea of fluffies culling “defective” units due to programming (it’s what a mega corp would want after all, can’t make (as much) money selling less than pristine fluffs).

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What was your baby doing not being on your back?
Baddest mummah 0/10.


There’s the obvious physical abnormalities. Like my two headed fluffy would have been drowned if not taken. If the foals show signs of anything unusual, behind in developmental milestones, bumping into things all the time, not responding when called, ticks. And so on.


Some headcanons they can taste the bad foals when they’re cleaning them after birth, in other headcanons first to go are obvious physical deformities, followed by foals who cannot keep milk down, as it indicates incomplete or malformed organs.


Things look promising, I just witnessed a ghoul killing alley fluffies, said ghoul then ransomed me from the streets with a knife on my throat and then I died on a tunnel collapse after trying to implode, everything as a Fluffy

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I love your rants

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headcanon can be whatever you want but in most fluffies are kinda pathetic in one way or another

really like the attempt of “bargain”

… though even hamsters can hurt you and especially each other, though it is mainly about the teeth

but you can still argue how much (pet-)animal is in a fluffy and there the canons can differ … and especially about the part if they are perfectly finished products or escaped or have been freed … or Hasbio at some point had to realise it is hard to play toy-gods

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That makes me happy. I fear that I’ve scared some people away from the community with my dogmatic ways. But occasionally I just got to get it off my chest. I’m trying to be more civil and less dogmatic about it.