Barren Glory Part 8 by Karn

Tilting her head, Glory gave her new friend a puzzled look.

“Wat am dat Ebah’gween?”

Clearly shocked by her answer, his mouth agape in shock, Evergreen shook his head.

Gwowy nu kno wat speciaw fwend is?!”

Embarrassed, Glory looked down to the bank of the small stream, lightly dragging her hoof against the soft loam. She was clearly upset, bothered by yet another thing that she didn’t understand.

“Gwowy nu kno wots ob fwuffy tings…Gwowy nu see wots ob fwuffies edah…Gwowy sowwy Ebah’gween…”

Sniffling slightly as she began to cry, Evergreen quickly wrapped his hooves around her, holding her close, the fluffy now shaking in his arms. Putting her head on his shoulders, Glory closed her eyes.

“Wai Gwowy nu kno tings bout’ fwuffies! Gwowy fwuffy! Jus’ wike Ebah’gween, buh Gwowy nu kno dancies, no kno fwuffpiwe, nu kno anyting’! Wai…wai am Gwowy bwoken?”

Gwowy nu am bwoken fwuffy, Gwowy jus’ nu kno tings wike odah fwuffies. Nu am ba’. Nu mean am bwoken. Gwowy am gud! Ebah’gween pwomise!”


“Ob cowse! Ebah’gween tink dat Gwowy am da bestest fwuffy dat Ebah’gween kno! An’ Ebah’gween wuv Gwowy! Eben if Gwowy nu wa be speciaw fwends wiff Ebah’gween, dat am otay tu! Ebah’gween wuv Gwowy nu madah wat!”

Her crying slightly abated, Glory held Evergreen tightly, his embrace grounding her. Despite the emotional roller coaster that she had been through since losing her old life, Evergreen was the only consistent joy Glory had found. Pulling him closer, the pegasus couldn’t help but notice how good he smelled! Her face buried in his chest, she slightly began to coo as her tears subsided.

“…Gwowy wuv Ebah’gween su manies…an’ Ebah’gween smeww su gud…”

Gasping slightly, Glory realized that she knew that smell! When she had been taken to meet her breeding friend, Bartholomew . He had smelled wonderful as well, but the pegasus stallion had been so distant, so cold. Not at all like Evergreen. He was nothing like what Glory’s upbringing had told her fluffies were like. Warm, loving, and affectionate, Glory felt slightly dizzy just thinking about all the things that she loved about him. It wasn’t until after she had calmed down that Evergreen nuzzled her before letting her go, smiling as he faced her.

“Tank yu Gwowy…Ebah’gween wike hao Gwowy smeww tu…Gwowy?.”

“Yus, Ebah’gween?”

"Du Gwowy wan kno wat speciaw fwend mean? "

He looked slightly away from her, the green stallion clearly embarrassed as he spoke. Glory smiled as she closed the gap between them, nuzzling his neck. From the powerful scent of his musk and how warm he felt against her, the lithe pegasus had figured it out on her own.

“Am speciaw fwend mean wan be bweedin’ fwend? Ebah’gween smeww wike wan bweedin’ huggies…Gwowy wan hab bweedin’ huggies wiff Ebah’gween…wan be bweedin’ fwends wiff Ebah’gween…am dat wat speciaw fwends mean?”

Answering by nuzzling and then licking her face, the pair gave in to their passions. Collapsing afterwards, both fluffies took labored breaths, the couple still embracing and nuzzling each other. Once again,Glory found it odd how she didn’t have the strange sensation in her stomach, the one that her instincts told her she should feel. But lying down, in post-coital bliss with Evergreen, the worry was quickly dispelled from her mind. After resting, they stood back up with Evergreen trying his best to show Glory how to fill the bucket, with the pegasus occasionally nuzzling him as he explained.

Gwowy…dis am impow’tent! *giggles Yu nee’ tu kno hao tu du dis! *giggles”

Taking far longer than it should have, the pair gathered water and began to carry it back to the hollowed out log, with Evergreen carrying it occasionally, showing Glory how to hold it without spilling it’s contents. Despite how happy he had been while he had held Glory and was within her, Evergreen was quiet on the trip back, trotting slowly as he glanced around nervously, like the stallion had been doing before. Before Glory could work up the courage to question her new special friend, they had made it back to the clearing, the pair instantly confronted by the pink unicorn.

“Wat taek so wong! Bwu fwend am nu happies an’ wan Wascaww! Wen Wascaww gowna come back? Fwuffy nu can watchies obah bwu fwend foweba!”

Looking past the angry unicorn, Glory saw the scarred pegsasus, wide eyed as he laid on his belly. He was suckling on his hoof while he occasionally looked around, whimpering slightly. As he noticed Glory, he took his hoof out of his muzzle just long enough to ask her one question before quickly placing it back in his mouth.

“…Hao wong tiww Wascaww?”

Not knowing how to respond, Glory looked to Evergreen, clearly desperate to help but unsure how she could. Trotting past her with a slight nuzzle, Evergreen made his way next to the scarred pegasus, lowering himself so he could be eye to eye with his friend.

“It am otay fwend! Wascaww gowna catch upsies wiff fwuffies aftah Wascaww gu taek cawe ob impow’tent tings. Fwuffies wiww taek cawe ob yu tiww den. Ebah’gween pwomise!”

Looking up his glassy stare slowly clearing, the scarred pegasus gasped, his hoof falling from his mouth as he smiled.

“*gasp Gween fwend hab namsies! Gween fwend am namsied Ebah’gween! Dat am dah bestest namsies ebah!”

Clearly excited to earn of his friend’s new name, the scarred pegasus leapt towards Evergreen, hugging him excitedly. The pink unicorn, on the other hand, was seemingly not as pleased. A confused expression on her face, she tilted her head as she confronted Evergreen.

“Wat? Hao gween fwend hab namsies nao? Onwy wan wiff gween fwend wus…”

Her eyes narrowing as she suddenly turned her head to face Glory, the pink unicorn glared as she approached the lithe pegasus, her hoof aggressively prodding Glory’s chest over and over as she interrogated her.

“Yu! Yu gib namsies tu gween fwend?! Wai dummeh meanie fwuffy tink dat otay?! DUMMEH MEANIE FWUFFY NU EBEN KNO GWEEN FWEND AN’…”

Sidling between them, Evergreen gave the pink unicorn an angry look as he blocked her from encroaching on Glory.


Not able to look Evergreen in the eye as he yelled, the pink unicorn shook slightly, the stallion’s display clearly out of character and frightening her. Falling on her rump, the unicorn covered her face with her hooves, as she shook her head back and forth.

“*SCREEEEEEE!!! *huuu…huuu…huuu…Wai gween fwend yeww at fwuffy…nu wike…*huuu…huuu…huuu”

“Cuz pink fwend wus bein’ meanie tu Gwowy! Pink fwend meanie tu Gwowy aww wast bwite time an’ dis bwite time tu! Nu mowe! Gwowy am Ebah’gween’s speciaw fwend nao an’ if pink fwend hab pwob’wem wiff Gwowy, den pink fwend hab pwob’wem wiff Ebah’gween! Nao, teww Gwowy yu am sowwy an’ nu mowe bein’ meanie! Otay?!”


Now looking to the rest of the group, Evergreen reminded the fluffies that they needed to leave, and soon.

“Fwuffies nee’ tu weave nao. Wascaww teww Ebah’gween wewe fwuffies nee’ tu gu an’ Gwowy hab wawa buckee. Wets gu!”

Nodding his head to the others, Evergreen then took the lead, trotting past the clearing as the others slowly followed. As they made the trek through the woods, Glory couldn’t help but notice how Evergreen would occasionally slow down and peer around cautiously, the stallion clearly concerned about something. Walking for nearly a forever, the fluffies took a small break, taking small drinks from the toy bucket as they foraged lightly for edible food. Seeing an opportunity to speak with Evergreen, Glory walked up to him, double-checking that the others were out of earshot.

Ebah’gween? Can Gwowy tawkies wiff yu?”

Turning around from a small bushel of reddish berries, Evergreen nodded as he walked over and nuzzled Glory lightly and licked her face.

“Ob cowse…wat Gwowy wan tawkies bout”?"

“Wai Ebah’gween keeps wookin’ wound wike sumtin’ am wong…wat Wascaww teww Ebah’gween dat hab Ebah’gween su wowwied…”

Peering beyond his special friend to make sure that the scarred pegasus and the pink unicorn weren’t listening, Evergreen got as close to Glory as he could, whispering to her.

“Ebah’gween an’ Wascaww nu wan wowwy odah fwuffies…Wascaww tink dat deww aw hoomins wookin’ fow fwuffies…”


ngl fam if you kill evergreen for Glory’s character development, I’m gonna write you a very strongly worded letter that will give you heart hurties.
You must protect the boi!


Oh dear humans! :astonished: Hope rascal is safe so he was leading the humans off their trail?

Hope evergreen is ready for the bad news bout glory


I too shall send the author a strong worded missive that shall make them weep bitter tears of despair if they shall not award Evergreen with good boi safety.


sad country music intensifies<