Battle Fluffs: Bulldozer vs. Pepsi Power (By: PeppermintParchment)

Battle Fluffs Bulldozer vs. Pepsi Power

Here we have two Battle Fluffs representing the organizers of this event!
@Carniviousduck Bulldozer and @AMDk7 Pepsi Power!

Battle fluffs / BullDozer vs Bowzer Buzzsaw/ (carniviousduck) - Fluffy Image Self-Posting - FluffyCommunity (

Bulldozer is as powerful as an ox, with a turn radius that’s almost as bad as one! What he lacks in speed he more than makes up for with brute force. He is a lumbering earthie who loves to shovel up his opponents in his bulldozer bucket attachment or toss them into the air with his powerful horns. He also possesses a powerful buck, making his front end just as dangerous as his back. However, aside from his strength and tossing ability, Bulldozer lacks any true weapons and has minimal armor, making him an easy target for Pepsi Power’s quick stabs.

Battle fluffy reserves (swiftbitches) - Fluffy Image Self-Posting - FluffyCommunity (

Pepsi Power is a unicorn that is light on his feet, and he’ll definitely need it to dodge Bulldozer’s charges! Pepsi Power has a pair of branded shields on each hip, each topped with four spikes that’ll give a potential attacker reason to hesitate. His shoulders are adorned by a trio of spikes, which he utilizes in his signature shoulder tackles. He is quick, especially when hyped up on Pepsi, but due to his cowardly nature, he often relies on his opponent to strike the first blow, putting him at a disadvantage against the hard-hitting Bulldozer. Pepsi Power’s armor is minimal, leaving him an easy target for bucks and charges.

Well Battle Fluff connoisseurs, who do you want to gamble on? Place your bets below!

  • Bulldozer
  • Pepsi Power

0 voters


Get ready to ruuumbleeeeee!


Bulldozer is as tanky as fluffies get. If Pepsi is too cowardly to pursue strike opportunities, his fight will be a series of blunders until Bulldozer gets a single, critical hit in. It’ll be over quickly after that.


This is basically heavy tank build versus light armor build. I think Pepsi goes down after a few good hits, but perhaps he has a chance to wound Bulldozer enough for him to tap out. They’re house/reserve fluffies, so neither can technically die!

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I like to think he’s the underdog and he somehow gets a swig of Pepsi that clinches it for him in the end.


Pepsi is only a coward when he is not hopped up on cola. ( pepsi cola usually)
He could possibly take on Bulldozer but Bulldozer only has to get lucky once to flip Pepsi real good and break something.
All Pepsi can do is stick and move.

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Pepsi has to hit multiple times to do significant damage. Bulldoser can end the round in three hits or less.

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Well i doubt the extra 3 hour wait will help Pepsi pulling through
Despite the chugging of half a tray, it was not to be for him.
Pepsi is out.

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I like how people draw legs behind the wheels in my head there just grafted in the meat…

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