Before the Storm - Different Forecasts: Love Hurts Ch 2 [By BFM101]

Warning: This chapter contains gay Fluffy sex. If that ain’t your thing then leave now and let other people enjoy the story.

Crassus found Breaker by the river, the blue toughie splashing the water with his hooves to try and soak his face without the risk of drowning. Breaker was clearly flustered and freaked out about something, and Crassus had a decent idea what it was.

The question now was, did Breaker?

Crassus made his presence known with a clear of his throat, startling Breaker just a little bit as he jumped into attack position until he saw who it was.

“Su?” Crassus spoke softly, trying not to laugh at the frazzled expression on Breaker’s face. “Gud fight?”

Breaker snorted. “Wha Cwassus wan?”

“Come see if Bweaka ok. Yu wun way fwom fight, dat nu wike yu. Udda Fwuffies tawkin, wowwy bout yu.”

“Fwuffy gud, nyo gu way.”

Breaker huffed and turned away from Crassus, softly lapping at the running water beside him. Crassus slowly got closer until he was side-by-side with Breaker.

“Bweaka nu hab tu tawk if nu wan, bu jus teww Cwassus wun fing. Am dis bout nyu Fwuffy?”

There was a momentary pause before Breaker slowly nodded his head.

“Du Bweaka wan gib nyu Fwuffy huwties?”

“Nu, yeh, nu knyo. Dis am gibben Bweaka huwties in his finkie-pwace.”

“Maybe Bweaka twy bein nyu Fwuffy fwiend, see wha happen den.”

“Wha if… wha if udd Fwuffy nu wan be fwiends? Bweaka jus twy tu gib Fwuffy foweba sweepies, Fwuffy nu wan be fwiends wiv Bweaka nyo.”

Crassus smiled. “Fink dat nu be pwobwem.”

There was a beat of silence between the two Fluffies, Crassus took the moment to lay down next to Breaker, softly lapping at the river as well.

“Wai Cwassus du dis?” Breaker asked after a moment. “Wai twy hewp Bweaka?”

“Wen Bweak knyo wai, he nu hab tu ask.”

Crassus was certain his hunch was right, but he wasn’t about to tell Breaker what he was right about. No, Breaker needed to discover this answer on his own.

Breaker and Crassus returned to the herd not long after their talk. The first thing they saw on their return was a furious Graham stomping over to them.

“Wha happen? Wai Bweaka wun way fwom gud fight?”

Breaker went to answer but Crassus got in first. “Bweaka hab finkie-pwace huwty, dis fight tuu cwose tu wast wun, it am twaumatic fow him?”

“Twohmah-wha? Wha Cwassus say?”

“It meen Bweaka need wong west, nu mowe fights fow few bwite-times. He be ok den.”

Graham scowled at the two of them, but he knew better than to question Crassus on matters he didn’t understand.

“Jus nu wet it happen gain, ok?”

“Yeh Smawty.” Breaker nodded, knowing that Graham was still angry with him for abandoning the fight and ruining the herd’s bloodlust. But Crassus had saved him at least some punishment and the two of them were allowed to rejoin the herd.

Graham snorted derisively at them both and turned away, heading back to his ‘Throne’. As he got closer he spotted Browner waiting for him, along with a very excited looking Coral.

Graham shuddered, he knew what Coral was going to ask him, and he wasn’t in the mood.

“Smawty?” Coral asked as soon as Graham was close enough. “Cowaw wan knyo if can hab Smawty babbehs, be gud speciaw-fwiend.”

Graham rolled his eyes. “Nu Cowaw, nu wan Cowaw be speciaw-fwiend. Hab towd dis befowe, MANY befowes. Wisten tu Smawty an stop askin.”

Coral looked disappointed with Graham’s answer until she remembered Browner standing next to her. “Wha bout Bwowna? Can Cowaw hab him babbahs?”

Browner suddenly looked very flustered. “Um… Bwowna nu hab pwob… pwobwem if daddeh wet…”


Browner let out a small eek and looked over at his furious father.

“Come hewe, wet Cowaw gu bak tu wowk.”

Coral grumbled and left the two stallions alone, though she made sure to put some more swing in her hips to entice Browner. He might be the Smarty, be he was next in line and that was close enough for her.

Browner turned back to his father as Graham sat himself down on the shaded stump. “Wai daddeh nu wet Bwowna hab enfies wiv Cowaw?”

Graham snorted again. “Cowaw nu wan Bwowna enfies, jus wan Smawty enfies, fink she impowtant. Nu wan mawe wike dat, if Cowaw wucky, she can hab Bweaka enfies wen he dee-side tu enf sumfing fow wunce.”

Browner looked back at Coral, wondering if a mare would really do that, trick a stallion with enfies. But he trusted his father’s judgement and took his place by Graham’s side, trying not to think about how dumb he almost was to fall for Coral’s tricks.

Across the den, Crowley watched his father and brother, keeping an eye on their every move, waiting to see a pattern, or a slip up, something he could use against them.

“Am speciaw-fwiend stiww bein sneeky?”

Crowley turned to see the smiling face of Scorch as she lay down next to him, she rubbed her head against his and joined in his snooping.

“Cwowwey jus watch daddeh an bwudda, wan see wha dey up tu?”

“Scowch fink dey jus bein dummehs.”

“Dey awe, bu Cowaw wiv dem befowe, dey tawk tu hew bout sumfing.”

Scorch blew a raspberry. “Pwobabwy twy tu git wun of dem tu enf her. Dummeh Cowaw jus wan hab Smawty babbehs, nu cawe who da Smawty is.”

“Cwowwey fot Cowaw awweady hab babbehs.”

“Had sum befowe she join hewd. Say dey aww gu foweba sweepies. Yu ask Scowch, nu fink she hab tuu many heawt0huwties bout it. Bu enuff bout Cowaw, Scowch miss speciaw-fwiend, be away fow tuu wong.”

Crowley smiled apologetically and leaned in to nuzzle his mate, the toughie excursion were taking longer now that Graham was forcing him to go out further to find new herd members. Crowley knew it was punishment for his backtalking but he refused to give in to his father’s demands.

“Cwowwey am sowwy, nu see hewd in wong time, jus wan knyo wha nyu. Wike Bweaka, wha happen wiv him?”

Scorch shook her head. “Nu, dat nu happen tiww speciaw-fwiend wetuwn wiv udda Fwuffies.”

“Hmm, wonda wai he act stwange.”

A coy grin grew slowly on Scorch’s face as she watched Breaker approached the red/green stallion. “Scowch hab sum finkies.”

Cautiously, Breaker approached Red/Green, he didn’t know why he was so nervous, but something was eating away at him.

And his lumps still tingled at the sight of the stallion.

Despite everything though, Red/Green looked up at the approaching Breaker and smiled, as much as he could with a bruised face. “Hewwo Bweaka, dat am gud-fight.”

“Yeh, Fwuffy am tuff.”

Red/Green shook their head. “Nu tuffa dan Bweaka, see wai yu hab dat namsie.”

“Bweaka am sowwy fow gibben huwties.”

“Dey nu huwt tuu mush.” Red/Greed lied through his teeth as the chunk missing from his neck still stung in the air.

“Bweaka awso sowwy fow…£

Breaker’s tongue froze in his throat, he was about to apologise for almost enfing Red/Green but he stopped himself and wondered; Was that really what he was doing? Did he misread his own situation? Did Red/Green even know what happened? He decided not to risk it and moved on, shuffling awkwardly for a moment before finally continuing.

“It nu matta. Du Fwuffy wan be fwiends? Nu gib huwties nu mowe.”

Red/Green was taken aback slightly, but he quickly recomposed himself and nodded. “Fwuffy wike dat.”

Unable to help himself, Breaker burst out into a big grin. “Ok, du Fwuffy wan pway Hidesies?”

Red/Green looked over towards his brother, seeing that Red/White had spent the entire time just slowly rubbing himself on the grass as he stared longingly at the mares. Red/Green shuddered at the sight and turned back to Breaker.

“Dat sound gud.”

Red/Green stood up and followed Breaker away from the rest of the herd. Crassus watched them both leave and smiled, hoping some alone time would help them both see the truth.

As Breaker and Red/Green approached the river, Breaker found himself with so many questions about the stallion’s life.

“Su yu neba been in hewd befowe?”

Red/Green shook his head. “Jus Fwuffy, bwudda an mummah. Wen mummah gu foweba sweepies, Fwuffy twy wook afta bwudda an hab enuff nummies tu nu hab many tummeh-huwties.”

“Bweaka nu wememba mummah, wememba gud smeww wen Bweaka was babbeh, bu nu wememba wha she wook wike. Daddeh waise Bweaka bu he… he meanie, gib Bweaka wowstesh huwties, teww Bweaka mush be stwonga Fwuffy, betta Tuffie. Bweaka nyo knyo daddeh twy tu make Bweaka stwong tu suwvive, bu bak den, Bweaka HATE daddeh.”

“Whewe am Bweaka daddeh nyo?”


“Gun whewe?”

“He gun, dat aww dat matta.”

Red/Green could tell this was a tough subject for Breaker and decided not to push it any further. Instead he just leaned in and cuddled Breaker as best he could.

“Fwuffy sowwy Bweaka hab heawt-huwties, huggies hewp?”

Breaker chuckled. “Yeh, huggies, hewp, huggies weawwy… hewp.”

Breaker trailed off as he found himself lost in Red/Green’s eyes, a beat passed between them before Breaker slowly leaned in, nuzzling his face against the Red Stallion’s. The two of them softly rubbed against each other, but it wasn’t until Red/Green let out a soft ‘coo’ that Breaker jumped back in shock.

“Wha am Fwuffy duin?”


“Dummeh Fwuffy am pwayin twicks on Bweaka finkie-pwace, nu wike, weave Bweaka awone.”

Red/Green looked around confused. “Wha am fwiend sayin?”

“NU FWIEND! Yu weave Bweaka awone, nu wan yu gibben him finkie-pwace huwties nu mowe, nu nyo, nu wen habben fight.”

“Am dis bout Bweaka nu-nu stick duwing fight?”

“Yu feew dat?”

Red/Green nodded. “Yeh, fot dat wai yu wan be fwiends, yu wan hab Fwuffy awone fow speciaw-huggies.”

“NU! NU, Bweaka nu wike stawwion, Bweaka wike…”

He caught himself again. Did he like mares? He’d never enfed one before, despite several offers, in fact until Red/Green he’d never considered enfies at all.

Breaker collapsed to the ground, covering his eyes and weeping. “Huu, Bweaka nu knyo wha wong wiv finkie-pwace, jus wan be nowmaw gain.”

Red/Green softly put a hoof on Breaker’s shoulder. “Fwiend AM nowmaw, dewe am nuffin wong wiv wha Bweaka feew.”

“Bu… it nu am natoowal?”


Breaker was about to argue when the two stallions heard rustling in the nearby grass, the two of them got ready to fight whatever was coming through. As it turned out, the invader was a single Fluffy, but a mangy, mean looking one, his black Fluff was knotted and tangled among the dirt and twigs stuck to his back and sides, one of his ears was missing, his unicorn horn was long broken off leaving a jagged base, and he had a cruel smile on his face.

Breaker hated him the moment he saw him.

“Hewwo.” The intruder spoke with a crackled, ugly voice. “Am yu da Smawty hewe?”

Breaker shook his head. “Smawty am wiv west fo hewd.”

“Gud, teww Smawty tu come hewe su Wippa can gib him foweba sweepies. Dis am Wippa hewd nyo.”

Breaker and Red/Green looked at each other, confused by the misplaced confidence this Fluffy had. Breaker looked back at Ripper and shook his head.

“Nu can du dat, dis nu am Wippa hewd.”

“Dummeh wisten tu Wippa, am nyu Smawty nyo, du wha Wippa say ow hab wowstesh sowwy-hoofies.”

“Twy it.” Red/Green snapped back. “Dewe we am twu Fwuffies, yu am wun, ee-see fight.”

“WIPPA AM STRONGESH FWUFFY EBA! Gib bov yu dummehs foweba sweepies, den gun hab bestesh enfies wiv aww yuw mawes an babbehs.”

Ripper rushed straight for the pair, aiming his head like he still had a horn to fight with. Breaker casually pushed Red/Green out of the way and stepped to the side, leaving a leg out for Ripper to trip over.

The Black Smarty caught himself on Breaker’s leg and fell ass over head, landing roughly in the dirt beside the river.

“AH! Wai am wowwd nu wight way up? Sabe Wippa, need hewp.”

Breaker and Red/Green loomed over Ripper and stared down at him, Red/Green scoffed at the sight of him.

“Fot yu gib Fwuffies sowwy-hoofies? Wai we hewp dummeh nyo?”

“Yu hewp Wippa up, ow Wippa gib yu bov foweba sweepies.”

Breaker smirked as he raised a hoof over Ripper’s back legs. “Nu, Bweaka nu fink we wiww.”

And with an almighty stomp, Breaker brought his hood down, completely shattering Ripper’s back right leg. Ripper screamed form the pain, then screamed even more when Breaker broke his left leg as well.

Seeing the smile grow on Breaker’s face, Red/Green positioned himself at Ripper’s head and started stomping on his skull.

“NU! Pwease nu gib Wippa sowwy-hoofies, wiww be gud-fwuffy, Fwuffy pwomise.”

His lies went unheard as Breaker and Red/Green started laughing, genuine heartfelt laughter as the two of them found a shared love of hurting. Breaker started pounding on Ripper’s stomach and special-lumps, making him cough and spluttered with every new hit, Red/Green kept stomping away at Ripper’s head, denting his skull further and further.

The last two things Ripper felt in his life, were his lumps bursting, and his skull caving in.

The two stallions kept stomping on Ripper’s body even long after he was dead, his body was ripped open with his guts spilling out, and his head reduced to little more than mush on the grass. Breaker and Red/Green looked up at each other, both of them panting, both of them sweating, both of them drenched in blood and viscera.

And they collided into a passionate embrace.

The stallions rubbed against each other, nuzzling their faces into the other’s neck, Breaker nibbled on Red/Green’s ear, Red/Green licked Breaker on the side of his face. Neither of them cared about the blood, if anything it just excited them even more.

“Bweaka, gib Fwuffy enfies, wan gud-feews nyo.”

Without even stopping to question what or how they could do that, Breaker leapt over while Red/Green knelt down and presented himself. For a brief moment, Red/Green worried that Breaker’s natural enfie instincts would make it harder for him to find the right place for good-feels.

Those worries were almost instantly forgotten as, almost by instinct, Breaker found Red/Green’s poopie-place in just a couple of thrusts. Breaker held on tight as he pushed his nu-nu stick into the tight passage, all the while Red/Green shuddered with delight.

“OOOOHHHH! Poopie-pwace hab bestesh huwties. Keep guin speciaw-fwiend.”

Breaker latched himself onto Red/Green’s shoulders, using the leverage to pull the red stallion closer with every thrust.

“Enf, enf, enf, enf, enf.”

Red/Green’s hips started bucking to match Breakers, the blue Toughie could feel his partner’s own nu-nu stick rubbing against his leg. Breaker pushed his leg forward, trapping Red/Green’s erection between his leg and Red/Green’s own, the sensation of every stroke tickled the stallion in a strange but fascinating new way, combined with the wonderful pressure in his anus and he was getting closer and closer to an explosion.

“Fwuffy cwose speciaw-fwiend, keep gibben bestesh poopie-pwace enfies.”


“Fuwffy gun… GUD FEEWS!”


The two stallions finished, Breaker inside of Red/Green, Red/Green onto Breaker. The two of them collapsed next to each other, Red/Green felt his breath catch as Breaker pulled himself out, but the mild pain made way for a comforting hurt, and a slight giggle as Red/Green felt Breaker’s nu-nu juice leaking out of him.

Red/Green turned around to face Breaker, the stallions smiled at each other before Red/Green lovingly licked Breaker on the cheek.

“Dat was… SU GUD!”

Breaker nodded, the smile not left his face since he climaxed.

“Fwuffy caww Bweaka speciaw-fwiend.”

Red/Green looked slightly embarrassed. “Sowwy, Fwuffy git stuk in moh-ment.”

“Nu, Bweaka wike it, Bweaka wan Fwuffy be speciaw-fwiend.”


Breaker nodded. “Nu cawe wha udda Fwuffies say, Bweaka wub speciaw-fwiend.”

Red/Green cuddled up closer to Breaker and licked his face again. “Fank yu speciaw-fwiend, Fwuffy hab biggesh heawt-happies heaw dat.”

Breaker grinned as a thought entered his head. “Stiww, speciaw-fwiend need pwopa namsie. Bweak fink yu be cawwed… Cwusha.”

Crusher gasped. “Speciaw-fwiend gib namesie? Cwusha am su happy, wub yu speciaw-fwiend.”

“Wub yu tuu.”

As they lay there on the grass, covered in blood, sweat and cum, Breaker found himself relaxed for the first time in… maybe ever. He pulled his new special-friend in closer and held him tight as they both slipped into a restful sleep.

So apparently, this is my 150th story entry. Hell of a way to commamorate the occasion, right?


Hope these two survived and move on after the fall of horny Crow.

I found it weird for Ripper boldly try to challenge Graham for his herd, or he is just an overconfident smarty(?) or just dumb.


Dumb and overconfident. Saw two strong stallions and thought he could take them on.

Probably had one too many knocks to the head.


The way he shout and his broken horn, yeah got hit too many times in the “thinkin pwace” :man_facepalming:


As a vanilla ci-het guy, I never understood the appeal of being the recipient of anal intercourse. So, while I don’t claim to understand now this did seem to make a little sense to me.

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Congrats on 150!

Glad to see these two again and for Breaker to relatively quickly realize the truth. I’m expecting this to turn south once Graham finds out but that will make them easy allies for Crowley.

Well, people get enjoyment from it for various reasons. It could be from any one or combination of the following: the process feeling good on its own, it stimulating the prostate, being dominated, arousal from pain, or simply sharing an experience with someone you love.

As someone who falls on the asexual umbrella there are a lot of things other people enjoy that I simply don’t find appealing, but that doesn’t mean I can’t at least gain some understanding of why, at least in theory.


I always found gay fluffy couples interesting


I see gay fluffies, I click the like button. The whole having sex while covered in gore is like something straight out of a bad 80s horror flick. Love it.


It worries me that Breaker and Crusher go from kicking teeth in to :enfenf: at a drop of a hat (it happened during the “Enfie Raid” in the main story if I remember right).


Yep. They’re both turned on by the violence.

It’s almost fate-like in a strange, blood-thirsty way

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“Mama awways said, ‘wook fow a sociopaff jus’ wike yu.'”


Love Wins

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