Before The Storm - Part 3: Love Is Strange Ch. 2 [By BFM101]

Chapter 16: We Found Love In A Hopeless Place

Angel giggled as Travis agreed to be her new friend, she hopped on the spot for a moment out of glee.

“Yay, Angew nu hab nyu fwiend in su many fowebas. Come wiv Angew, show Twavis sweepie pwace.”

As Angel turned away to lead Travis to her home, a waft of something musky tickled his nostrils. Travis had no idea what he was smelling but it was making his lumps feels funny. Travis wasn’t ignorant, he knew that his lumps were connected to enfies which made babbehs, but his sexual education was Crow raping him as a foal and watching Crowley’s herd give bad-enfies to their prisoners. All he knew of sex was pain and he didn’t want to see Angel in pain, if anything he wanted the opposite.

Ignoring his confused young mind for a moment, Travis followed Angel down her alleyway, the skip he was hiding under was right at the entrance with a few doors leading into Human Towers close by to it. Angel ignored those doors and continues downwards towards the end of the alleyway, even from this distance Travis could see the massive brick wall blocking any path out of the alley, but he kept quiet and put his trust in Angel.

Eventually, just a few feet from the dead-end, Angel turned towards one of the side-wall, moving a sheet of cardboard with her nose she presented Travis with her home, a small hole in the brick wall that she had lined with newspaper and tufts of grass. The whole set-up was small but looked very cosy, and seemed to be well-protected from rain, wind and monsters.

“Dis am whewe Angew gu sweepies. Nu many udda Fwuffies come hewe su awways can hab nummies fwom hoomin wubbish. Am Twavis hungwy?”

Travis nodded, he could hear and feel his stomach growling after going most of the last two days with very little food. Angel led him into her hole-home and took out some stale pizza crusts from her stash.

“Dese nu da bestesh, bu dey stiww hab sum cheesies on dem.”

The two Fluffies lay down for their first meal together – Travis almost instantly noticed that the hole made for a tight squeeze with the two of them now inside – and sat in a momentarily silence while they both ate. The pizza crusts were tougher than Travis expected, but thankfully by now his teeth were almost fully formed and he could handle the stale crusts with minimal pain, plus the occasional sliver of cheese was worth the small amount of mouth hurties.

“Fank yu fow shawing nummies nyu fwiend.” Travis said after swallowing a chunk of crust. “Twavis git mowe tu make up fow…”

Angel shook her head. “Twavis nu haf tu, Angew happy tu shawe wiv nyu fwiend. Nu hab nyu fwiends in… eba.”

“Wai nu? Angew am nicesh Fwuffy Twavis eba see.”

Angel blushed slightly but lowered her head as she told her story. “Angew hab hoomin daddeh, wived wiv Fwuffy mummah an bwuddas and sissies. Bwuddas and sissies gut u nyu mummahs and daddehs bu Angew stay wiv owd daddeh and Fwuffy mummah tiww mummah gu foweba sweepies. Wen mummah gu, daddeh say dat Angew am nyu ‘Cash-Cyo’, say dat Angew am gun hab wots of babbehs dat aww gut u nyu homesies, make daddeh wots of munies. Angew wan by mummah, bu nu wan wose aww babbehs, wan hab famiwy and waise babbehs pwopawy. Daddeh gib Angew wowstesh huwties wen she teww him dat.”

Looking closer at Angel, Travis could see a few patches of rough skin on her back, hidden just underneath her white Fluff, evidence of where her old owner had hit her.

Angel continued her story. “Daddeh take Angew see stawwion, say he gib enfies if Angew wan it ow nu. Bu daddeh make miss-take, stawwion neba see a pointy-wingie Fwuffy befowe, caww Angew a ‘munstah’ an stawts making scawdie-poopies. Daddeh an udda mistah twy tu stop dummeh stawwion, su Angew wun way whiwe dey nu wookin. Been awone eba since, see udda Fwuffies bu dey twy tu gib huwties ow enfies, tiww dey see dat Angew am wingie-pointy, den dey wun way, Twavis am fiwst Fwuffy nu tu caww Angew a ‘munstah’.”

“Twavis see wingie-pointies befowe, wun of dem in wast hewd, he… he nice tu Twavis and famiwy.”

“Whewe am Twavis famiwy nyo?”

Travis sniffled slightly, remembered how quickly everything went to shit. “Twavis nu knyo. Yoose tu wive wiv mummah, daddeh, bwudda an sissies wiv Big Mummah, she nicesh hoomin Twavis eba meet. Bu Big Mummah hab big huwties, Twavis and famiwy hab tu wok afta sewfs, tiww Cwowwey come. Mummah and daddeh wun way fwom Cwowwey many fowebas ago, bu he find dem, gib daddeh foweba sweepies an fowce famiwy tu be pawt of Cwowwey hewd.”

Travis swallowed slightly, he’d intentionally left out the part about Crow’s assaults, not wanting Angel to think less of him for being attacked like that.

“Cwowwey hewd am biggesh meanies, gib Twavis an famiwy wowstesh heawt and finkie-pwace huwties, gib mummah bad enfies. Bu… fings happen, sum Fwuffies gu foweba sweepies, Twavis an bwudda Tom and sissie Iwis wun way tuu, bu Twavis woose dem in twee-pwace. Nyo Twavis nu knyo whewe anee famiwy awe.”

Travis didn’t even realise he’d been crying until he felt Angel wrap her hoofs around him, he buried his face into her shoulder and felt the wet patch building underneath.

“It ok fwiend, nu hab saddies. Angew gib nyu fwiend huggies, make ebewyfing betta.”

After everything Travis had been through with Crowley’s herd, he didn’t fully believe in the power of huggies anymore, but he had to admit that he felt slightly happier in Angel’s arms.

“Angew nu knyo whewe Twavis famiwy awe, bu Twavis can stay wiv Angew tiww he find dem gain.”

“Weawwy? Twavis can stay wiv Angew?”

Angel nodded. “Twavis an Angew onwy fwiend, dat make Twavis Angew’s beshtesh fwiend, nu wet bestesh fwiend nu hab homesies.”

Travis smiled and hugged Angel tighter, he would miss his family but at least he had a friend with him.

While Angel wasn’t in desperate need for food anytime soon, she still took a moment to teach Travis how she was able to keep herself fed. As the sun started to get lower, she led Travis closer to the skips near the entrance to the alleyway but kept hidden behind some bin bags. After a short wait one of the doors into the human tower opened and a man carrying a black bag came out, heading straight for the skip.

“Howd on.” Angel whispered to Travis. “Need wait fow wight moment.”

Angel watched intently as the man lifted his bag up to throw into the skip, she waited until it was just by his head and…


The sudden cry caught the man off-guard, setting his throw off-balance and causing him to drop the bag, sending a good chunk of its contents spilling out onto the ground. The man looked around for where the noise came from, but Travis and Angel had hidden themselves quite well.

The man looked down at his spilled mess, a detritus of wet cardboard and bad food. He grumbled about ‘fuckin shitrats’ and left it on the ground, too grumpy and too lazy to pick up his mess. Once he was inside, Travis made to run for the food but Angel stopped him, she waited for a moment before declaring it safe to move.

“Sumtimes hoomins wait fow Fwuffies tu show, gib dem wowstesh huwties. Angew wait tu make suwe hoomins nu twy twick Fwuffies.”

“Dam am smawt, Angew am su cweva.”

Angel blushed at the compliment and went to check out their stash. It wasn’t a motherload, a lot of fruit had already started to rot, but there was some still edible bread, some cold pasta with a little sauce still on and a couple forgotten sweets at the bottom of their bags.

“Dese gud nummies.” Angel said mostly to herself but Travis nodded in agreement all the same. As Angel dove underneath the skip to see what else had spilled out, Travis started pulling the good food to the side to make it easier to carry back to their hole-home later, until he saw a massive shadow cast over him.

“Dummeh git wost, dose am Weon’s nummies nyo.”

The huge grey stallion from earlier had arrived, either following Travis or the scent of food was unknown, Travis recognised him and he recognised Travis.

Behind the stallion, his mate and their foals glared at him, the fatter pink filly snorted in his direction from the safety of her mother’s nape.

“Dummeh pointy Fwuffy steaw bestesh babbeh’s nummies, gib him wowstesh sowwy-hoofies daddeh.”

Leon took a few steps towards Travis when movement caught his eye, he looked over to see Angel pulling herself out from under the skip. In a deliberate move, she buzzed her wings and gleaned her horn towards the intruders.

“Wha dummehs duin in Angew’s home?”

“Mu, mu, MUNSTAH!”

Leon instantly shit himself at the terrifying sight of a munstah Fluffy, he turned tail and run, knocking into his mate and sending her foals flying off of her.

“EEEKKK! Dummeh speciaw-fwiend watch, mummah wose bestesh babbeh, need tu gib…”

The mare froze as she saw Angel smirking at her, her horns and wings still on full display.

“Munstah gun num yuw bestesh babbeh nyo.”


The mare shit herself as well and followed the trial of piss and tears left by her mate, one foal still holding onto her back Fluff with everything they had, one chasing after their mother, crying about ‘meanie mummah’ and the bestsesh left on her fat back, too round to roll over properly and save herself.

“Eh, dummeh mummah git bak. Bestesh nu can woww oba. Gib bestesh hewpies ow…”

The fat filly froze when Angel loomed over her, a small fart of fear totted from her overweight bottom.

Angel just sneered at the filly. “Hmm, tuu ugwy, nu wan num yu.”

“Wha? Bestesh babbehs nu am ugwy, am pwettiesh, bestesh babbeh eba.”

“Den maybe munstah du wna num pwetty babbeh?”

Travis could basically hear the cogs in the bestesh’s mind break, if she really was the prettiest babbeh ever, then the monster would eat her, but she could never admit that he was ugly because that would go against everything she thought to be true.

After a moment, Angel took pity on the idiot and rolled her onto her front.

“Munstah nu wan num yu, gu teww udda Fwuffies dat munstah nu num aww babbehs.”

It was likely the filly wasn’t listening as she ran off screaming and wailing towards where her family had gone to. Angel just turned and smiled at Travis.

“Sumtimes it gud tu be munstah.”

“Fank yu Angew, nu knyo wai meanies hewe, twy tu gib Twavis wowstesh huwties befowe.”

“Dey gu nyo, nu twy huwt Twavis nyo he hab munstah fwiend.”

Travis laughed but inwardly he wondered why Fluffies thought of Angel as a monster, she didn’t look like a monster, in fact she looked to be as angelic as her namesake. Travis for one often found himself unable to keep his eyes off her.

The two of them spent the last few moments of daylight carrying the food back to the hole-home, once stored away the two of them tried to make a Fluff-pile to sleep in, but given the small space the two Fluffies ended up quite squashed together.

Angel found it all quite hilarious. “Heh heh, Fwuffies hab co-see-esh Fwuff-piwe eba nyo.”

Travis was much less enthused as he felt his heart racing from being so close to Angel. “Uh… yeh… wet’s twy gu sweepies nyo.”

“Ok, gud sweepies nyu fwiend.”

“Gud sweepies.”

But as Angel lay her head down onto her makeshift bed, Travis did not have good sleepies, in fact he didn’t have any sleepies. His nostrils were filled with Angel’s alluring scent, his pounding heart was right on top of her soft, cotton-like Fluff, he could feel her warmth emanating from her as she cuddled closer to him.

And worst still, his nu-nu stick was growing.

“Pwease.” He whispered. “Pwease nu-nu stick, pwease be gud.”

His stick didn’t listen to him, it kept growing and growing until it touched something, something very hot and very wet.

At that point, Angel woke up. “Twavis?”

Travis pushed himself off of her and ran outside, cowering away in shame. “Huu, am sowwy nyu fwiend, am wowstesh Fwuffy. Twavis nu meant tu, bu Angew am bestesh Fwuffy Twavis meet. Am su smawt an so pwetty an Twavis neba hab fwiend wike Angew befowe, Angew just gib Twavis huwties in wumps an in heawt an…”

Angel cut him off with a lick of the cheek. “Twavis nu hab wowwies, Angew wub Twavis tuu.”

“Angew wub Twavis?”

She nodded. “Twavis fiwst Fwuffy nu tu tweat Angew wike munstah, Twavis am happy tu be wiv Angew an dat make Angew happy to be wiv Twavis.”

“Twavis wub Angew tuu.”

The two Fluffies ran to each other and hugged, nuzzling into each other and shared their declaration of love.

“Coo, wub Twavis, wub nyu fwiend.”

“Angew smeww su pwetty, twavis wan gub huggies.”

“Du… du Twavis wan gib speciaw-huggies?”


Travis swallowed the lump in his throat, biology was taking over and his need to mate with Angel and grow his new family overrode everything else, he could only nod as he didn’t trust his words to work.

Angel smiled and turned around, presenting herself to Travis. The little unicorn was on auto-pilot as he softly grazed his hoofs over her back, his nu-nu stick raised towards her special-place and…

He froze, Angel could feel Travis go completely still for a moment before he started shaking, getting more and more violent by the second.

“Speciaw-fwiend? Speciaw-fwiend am yu ok?”

Travis could only look forward, his eyes locked onto his front legs, only they weren’t his green legs. They were Crow’s black legs.

“Nu, nu pwease nu.” He whined out, tears streaming down his face. “Yu gun foweba sweepies, pwease nu huwt Twavis gain.”

Travis couldn’t move, every muscle in his body had locked up, all he could do was blink and every time he did he saw Crow’s face, his evil smirk, his cruelness, his pleasure.

“Pwease… huu, huu, pwease stop.”

Suddenly Travis felt something on his back, it shocked him until… it started to feel nice, comforting. Whatever had frozen his muscles melted away as a small, soft voice grew louder in his head.

“It ok speciaw-fwiend, Angew hewe. Nu hab heawt huwties nu mowe.”

Angel kept stroking and cooing at Travis as slowly but surely, his panic attack dissolved, leaving him in a broken but fixable heap in the darkened alleyway.

“Am sowwy speciaw-fwiend.” He said after a moment. “Twavis nu teww yu wha happen in Cwowwey hewd.”

“Twavis nu need say.”

“Nu, Twavis du. Wen Twavis was babbeh, Cwowwey hab cowt cawwed Cwow, Cwow twy tu gib sissy Bet-see wowstesh enfies. Twavis stop him bu… bu Cwow gib Twavis enfies instead.”

The tears came again as Travis rememberd his assault. “Cawwed Twavis an enfie dummeh, gib poopie-pwace wowstesh huwties many times, nu cawed at Twavis nu am mawe, jus wan gud-feews. Twavis wan gib gud-enfies tu Angew bu nu can fowgit Cwow, nu can fowgit wowstesh poopies-pwace an heawt huwties. Am bad speciaw-fwiend, Angew nu wan…”

Angel hugged Travis tighter. “Nu cawe, Twavis am bestesh speciaw-fwiend an Angew wub him. Angew wan Twavis babbehs bu nu wan Twavis hab heawt-huwties. Wan hewp Twavis anee-way Angew can, hewp Twavis fowgit bout munstah Cwow su can hab weaw famiwy togetha.”

Travis sniffled and held onto Angel tighter, he wasn’t sure what they could do, but she loved him and he loved her. Maybe together they stood a chance against Crow’s violent memory.

The two of them kept hold of each other as tiredness overcame them, and they fell asleep in each other’s arms.

Chapter 3


I sighed at the end, and felt myself loosening the grip on my phone. Poor Travis. So glad Angel is understanding. I’ve known women who had been raped in the past. I wonder how many men I’ve known who were raped and abused but couldn’t bring themselves to get help or even admit it…


I keep looking around the corner for the other shoe to drop, looks like it will have to wait until at least next chapter. Glad to see Travis have this moment of happiness, hope he can get enough of them to learn to cope through his haunting past.

As someone who deals with both panic attacks and involuntary mental images, I feel for what he is going through and appreciate the kind sweetheart that is Angel.


Welcome to the BFM Happy Hour.

It’ll last longer than you think but not as long as you hope for.


Fine, I THINK it will last a day short of a fluffy lifetime but I HOPE it lasts a full fluffy lifetime.

Did I win?


Nobody wins in this story.


sobs I know…


More a matter of who loses the least. And not quantity-wise.

I think when Whipped lost he lost big but he managed to keep some very important things. And got a prestigeous grave as a consolation prize.

Travis still has a lot to lose, but he needs to gain some first. So, well, he’ll have more to lose. The big thing will be what he loses, what he keeps, and whether it’s worth it in the end. Does he come out with more regrets than not… In my opinion.


Hi, I’m a member of a Masochistic Fluffy Fans. Want a flier? Membership doesn’t cost any money!

It’s not free. You will pay. It just won’t be money.


Glad Angel is there for Travis bad memory. Im impress of her survival skill and scaring that fuckin feral family they seem following Travis to steal his food, what lazy ass bastatds.

Love scaring that fat bestes :joy:


The not-suffering will make the suffering all the sweeter.


That’s a good and bad start in to a relationship. I mean the heavy hitting problems are out of the way and they are still in love. So I love it.

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By the way I read the titles of the Future Chapters Fear leads to Anger, Anger leads to Hatred, Hatred leads to suffering… Na na na are you quoting the Sith codex not a little bit wrong it must go Hatred leads to POWER.!!!

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Angel is a good understanding fluffy. And it is good that they are not having foals. They are not in a good place and Trevis isn’t that strong.

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Oh no, it’s definitely suffering.

Power may factor into it, but there will be suffering.

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Strength is one thing, but I think mentally health is a big factor too.

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Strength is more than physical, it’s mental too. Travis has to fight his demons, and it’s good he has a good special friend to stand by him. That being said he lacks street knowledge atm. Not good if they have foals. At first Angel being pregnant will be fine. But she going to be out of action eventually and he will have to provide. This story, only pain and suffering comes with a money back guarantee. Happiness comes with a high price, and let’s face it, Travis isn’t done paying.

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