Bella’s Vacation - Chapter 3 "Splorin" Baby (By: EzPete)

Over the next ten fowebahs, Bella was confined to the kitchen, she didn’t understand how but a bwinkie bawks on the counter watched them when gwandmummah was gone. If she said anything mean to her poopie baby she would hear gwandmummah’s voice from the bwinkie bawks chiding her.

She tried mumbling insults to the poopie but that just caused her to walk into the kitchen and sit next to Bella asking her to sing the mummeh song she saw Bella singing on the camera and refusing to leave until Gwandmummah heard the wonderful song that Bella was singing for her ‘beautiful’ brown foal. She wasn’t even allowed to call her green foal her new bestes bebbeh even though bestes bebbeh wasn’t a meanie word.

She learned very quickly that Gwandmummah really could see everything. But she hated her poopie baby and being forced to sing for it, and give it hugs and miwkies. But she never gave it wub because she didn’t wub it.

She would set all the foals in a fluffpile and go lie on the other side of the kitchen just to be away from her poopie. It worked until they learned to walk and would all start instinctively following her around the kitchen. It was around this point gwandmummah came into the kitchen to check the bwinky bawks and tell Bella that her foals had to play by the towel or Bella had to lay on the towel while they were playing. Bella figured if she couldn’t see the bwinkie bawks then the bwinkie box couldn’t see her.

Once while feeding the hissy munstah outside, gwandmummuh left a step stool on the kitchen to reach a can of cat food. Bella knew that the bwinky bawks was above it so it couldn’t see the stepstool. Bella hatched a plan, she whispered to the chirpy poopie that there was a new toysie and that he should climb it. She waited for the poopie to stumble across the kitchen to the stepstool while carefully planning out her next move. She knew gwandmummah would be in there quickly if she went after the foal.

“Oh nu bebbeh, pwease be caweful pwayin dewe! Oh nu!!! Howd stiww, mummuh wiww come sabe yu!” In all truth. The stepstool was too tall for the poopie dummie to even climb the first step. But she quickly grabbed him by his scruff and began to ascend the step stool. She had not climbed stairs since before she had given birth and was struggling with each rung. She set the foal on the top rung of the stepladder, hesitating for a moment. Gwandmummah couldn’t punish her if it was an accident.

Just then, the kitchen door swung open and Martha came walking in. Nuu faiw, Bella thought to herself. “What’s going on in here?” Martha asked. “Ow dank guwdnes gwandmummuh. Spwowin babbeh awmost faw an get bigges huwties! Buh fwuffy am gud mummuh an sabe spwowin babbeh fwom huwties.” She smiled up at gwandmummah as hard as she could, wrapping her two front hooves around the foal as if to steady him from falling.

“Oh really Bella?” Martha asked, plucking the poopie from her hooves. Secretly Bella was relieved to not be touching the foal anymore, but she couldn’t show it. “Weawwy! Mebbeh Bewwa desewve weward fow sabing bwown babbeh?” She watched carefully as Martha carried the now chirping foal across the kitchen and set it in a box across from where she was. It was a sorry box she thought.

It was set too far back on the counter to see from the floor. Bella felt a wave of relief wash over her, she had tricked gwandmummuh and now the poopie would get punished like he deserved. Then she saw a blinking light next to the box, like the one on the bwinkie bawks. Bella’s blood turned to ice.

“Ok, that sounds great. Let’s get you are reward, and let’s make sure your bestest gets a reward as well!” Martha said with enough sarcasm that even Bella was afraid of what would happen next. Martha began to walk towards the fluff pile that had formed after the post breakfast feeding. Bella panicked and tried to get to her bebbeh first.

But gwandmummah had to take two steps and she had to cross the kitchen. Bella took one step off the ladder, her hoof finding nothing to support her. She tumbled head over heel down the ladder landing face first on the cold kitchen floor.

“Huu Huu Huu! Nu, nu huwt bestehs bebbeh!” Bella’s nose was bruised from the fall and her teeth buzzed as blood rushed through them. How did gwandmummah know? She made sure to give each foal almost identical care. She made sure just to spoil bestehs a little more at miwkie times and to keep him next to her heart during sleepie times.

Bella managed to lift her head up just in time to see Martha’s hand wrap around her lime colored baby. She thought back to her speciaw fwiend and his green mane, just like her bestest’s fluff. His mane had just begun to come in and was the same bright orange as her speciaw fwiend too.

Then Martha walked over and scooped up Bella under her arm, “whoah there, that was quite a tumble. Now stop squirmin or your bestest will fall an die.” She warned as she set the lime colored foal on top of Bella. Bella held still. She could feel her foal kneading on her mane and knew the fall from Gwandmummah’s arms would mean forever sleepies for her foal.

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Suffer bitch