Best Served Cold 02 (by Booperino)

Sequel to Best Served Cold 01 (by Booperino)
Superficial checkup on both fronts. Snakefood fully embraced his role as assistant/therapist. Watching medical shows while Fixer is away from home might have helped : P


Like i said you cant save everyone, but you can sure as hell try.

Real live animal shelters have similar issues no doubt.


Snakefood’s really clever, to pick up on the lack of details in Buddy’s lie.


I imagine is like: if a fluffy is happy with it’s situation it would have been more excited and talkative about it’s owner. if a fluffy is mistreated it will act distant or won’t trust a new friend so fast.
Seeing how his response was the exact same as the other abused fluffy they treated from the same owner, he’s able to catch that it’s a trained response and not a natural/honest one.


IE you wil say this when asked or I swear the hurties wil never stop.


Oh yeah, the logic checks out, most fluffies would go babbling on about great their daddeh is, if he really was.


Pretty much a “if anyone ask say this or forever sleepies”


Sounds about right.


Dis hurts almost as much as little champ.


…Now kiss.


Love how you make Snakefood have his personal log on the subject as a therapist :+1:

Will see how it goes from here will Buddy open up to Snakefood :thinking:


Daddeh watching babbeh tell the cover story like:


let me tell you: i cannot begin to explain how fucking excited I am to see how this goes


Sadly my mind went straight to kids who’ve suffered abuse. They claim they’ve fallen down the stairs, swung a cabinet door open and banged themselves in the face because they’re clumsy, etc. When asked they say all is well, mom/dad would never hurt them. On a superficial level most would not notice but the eyes can never really hide the truth. The spark of joy is not there. This hit me in the feels way too hard. :cry:

Snakefood and Fixer are awesome to aid. They see and recognize the truth. :heart:


It’s similar with bullying too. Kids that are liable to be bullied don’t tell others about the problem. I myself still can’t really admit to having been bullied to people that know me. And that was, like, 6 years ago.

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Unfortunately those of us that did tell at school were ignored by staff. I once had the misfortune of walking into the teachers lounge to ask for something and overheard the school’s therapist mentioning me by name claiming I was “a paranoid thinking they’re bullied”. One would’ve hoped it gotten better since my experience in the early 90’s with all the anti-bullying programs but alas… Breaks my heart kids still has to endure this. :cry:

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I feel i’m more pro-hugboxer because of my experiences in the 90s/00s with school bullying when i think about it. When i see fluffys pleading and being harmed i can’t help but remember the times i kept being harassed and bothered by my classmates x_x

It’s a me thing yeah, but i feel my art and stories having a more hugbox tendency is a way for me to cope with my past trauma and depression by making the characters and readers happy


No shame in knowing why you feel why you feel.
Many people here write/draw as a coping mechanism I assume.
I know I do at least.


@Booperino I knew I felt a kinship to your art for some reason. It speaks volumes to me, hits me right in the feels on so many levels & makes me feel better seeing others who’ve been cast aside/ignored rise to the top and be loved just for who they are. Thank you for sharing it with the rest of us. :heart:

@Karn Art is theraputic :heavy_heart_exclamation:


“The leg… I have plans for it…
But it’s something I have to do or I’ll hate myself forever.”

I The Fixer planning something that has to do with his missing arm?

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