Best Served Cold 08 - Finale (by Booperino)

Ooohhhh very well. Perfect way to solve it. A fluffy beating up a human, pfff. What a joke. As if that’d ever happen.

The prosthetic trick was genius.

I am sad Buddy and his babies had to separate, but it’s probably for the best. Discovering who their parents actually were would shatter their heart. Also very lucky on the gene pool lottery, considering they were incest-born.


default dances happily


Beautiful, simply beautiful.

Dumbass crim, though. Dude, you know Fixer is some of cybernetics savant, but it didn’t occur to you that he might be augmented? I mean, if he can make a fluffy strong enough to kill a hunan, think of how powerful he can make a human.

Love the use of color in this one. And the stylized art is both expressive and hilarious.

We can’t crown you King of Weirdbox–Micron holds that title, and you’d have to get way, waaaay weirder to challenge Micron. But I think 'Prince of Weirdbox" (or Princess, if we are keeping the pseudo-MLP theme) would definitely be appropriate.


Great story, with an awesome ending! The abuser lost his fluffies, his fingers, his reputation and his sanity in a perfect cascade of well-deserved justice! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


also his balls, from last chapter lmao


Ahhh love this ending only the lost of a damaged prostectic arm for Fixer

And an asylum fo psycho guy :grin:


Dude got his jollies torturing small defenseless animals, I’m not sure he had balls to begin with.


Having video evidence of the abuser shooting him, I bet he managed to sue the psycho for more than enough to build a new one before he was convicted.


Yup and enough expenses as well for his days inside the asylum.

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beautiful ending, i hope for the best for poor buddy. I’m really hoping you do more with snakefood and mr fixer too! They make a great duo

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i actually released a new short story with them today :slight_smile: Spitefull Hope (by Booperino)




Still kinda feel bad for the guy didnt need to break his arms maybe 1 than make him loose it but not both i know he hurted them but thats uncalled for

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…i guess? Ya also gotta remember he made the fluffy fuck his own sister, (for fucking laughs…and recording it.) who gave birth to kids. Yeah it’s brutal but that last part makes sympathy go out the window.

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Makes sense but id think the fair trade would he 1 arm since the fluf problably wont even remember that maybe 1 broken arm but 2 is still to much the guy cant even enjoy october now its novemberand he coulsnt enjoy befoare no nut

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Lol. Maybe but nah. Plus its funny cause nobody believes him when a fluffy broke his arms lolz

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Ye tru still kinda sad cuz IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY(maybe i dont ill check) he never killed a fluffy he did mental and phisical abuse but not full on killing

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Plus he got arrested for killing an considerate as pest species i dont remember people getting arested for killing rats or such it was funny tho i give u that

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He stomped one of the foals and ordered the sister to kill the others, when she didnt agree to that he made the brother rape her untill she died. but that was not the reason he was arrested

technically he was arrested for opening fire inside someone elses business in a populated area, not for the fluffy abuse.

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That makes so much more sense

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