Bestest Babbehs Ch. 3 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-3207, and you feel funny! You want replication-huggies for babies after seeing the most feel-funny show you’re ever watched. But, your friend wants to talk, and so you will.

“Wun ‘way!? Buh, Mom-mee say nu wun way, even fo’ bay-bees!” You whisper-shout, looking scared for your friend. You know she wants babies, but this is too far!

“Buttascotch nu cawe, wan babbehs NYOW! Dummeh mummah nu wet hab babbehs, su am wunning 'way tu hab dem.” Butterscotch explains, stomping her hoof on the ground.

“Oh-tay, buh be cawefuw.” You sigh, watching as your friend sneaks out the garden doggie door and goes under the fence.

You are Butterscotch, and you ran away! You’re gonna have the bestest babies and-

“Oooh, pwetty babbeh. Wan be… enfie babbeh? Smawty gon hab bestest babbehs wit enfie babbeh.” A fluffy asks, getting behind you and sniffing your special-place.

“Babbehs? Wan babbehs! Yeh, gib babbehs!” You say, pushing your special-place in the fluffy’s face.

“Enfenfenfenfenf. Babbeh-enf-su gud! Su-enf-gud…” The fluffy groans, inserting his no-no stick into you.

“GUD FEEWS! Babbeh am bestesh enfie-babbeh eba. Wan’ be pawt of Smawty hewd? Gon be babbeh speshew-fwend!” The fluffy questions, walking in front of you and giving you a hug.

“Yeh, buh am babbehs tuu wittwe fo’ speshew-fwends?” You ask, confused by his request.

“Nu, babbehs am nu tuu wittwe fo’ enfies, su nu tuu wittwe fo’ speshew-fwends. Wan be babbeh speshew-fwend?” The fluffy inquires, again hugging you.

“Yeh!” You agree, walking off with the fluffy into a forest.

You are FV-3207, and you feel so bad! You let your friend run away to get babies! What if she gets hurt? Or worse, what if she goes forever night nights?

“FV-3207, mommy has a question.” Your mommy says, sitting down beside you.

“Wha ques-ion?” You ask, slightly nervous at everything she could ask.

“Where’s Butterscotch?”