Bestest Babbehs Ch. 7 (by fluffysomething)

You are FV-3207, and you had a amazing plan! Butterscotch would do anything if you didn’t hurt anymore of her babies, so you’re putting that to good use.

“Buttascotch, cwean Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven toysies an’ make suwe they am in wainbow owdah. 'Ou heawd of the Wainbow Song on Fwuff-Teebee, wight?” You command, pointing at the messy pile of toys sitting in front of you.

“Buh, nu wememba’ Wainbow Song. Watch dat when Buttascotch was wittwe babbeh! Buttascotch can nu cwean toysies!” Butterscotch says worriedly, pulling on her own fluff.

“Oh weww, guess Buttascotch bay-bee wiww hab git huwties.” You fake-sigh, raising your hand up to hit one of the chirping foals.

“Nu! Nu huwt babbeh! Fiy-ne, Buttascotch cwean toysies and put dem in wainbow.” Butterscotch sighs, walking over and dragging one of your toys with her hoof.

You like this idea better than anything–and it’s just beginning.

You are Butterscotch, and you are so scared for your babies! Your friend is taking care of them wrong!

“Wub bay-bees! Dwink sickie-juicesies an’ gwow up big an’ stwong!” You hear your friend sing as your babies start sniffling and coughing.

“Nu! Dat nu how tay-ke cawe of babbehs! Babbehs nee’ miwkies and mummah song!” You say, running over to help your babies.

“Am bestesh pawentaw viwus, knyo wha am duin. Gu gib Eff-vee-twee-tuu-zewo-seven toysies ow 'ou nu seein bay-bees for twee bwight-tiems.” FV-3207 orders, pointing at the arranged piles of toys.

“Nu! Git 'ou own toysies!” You shout, kicking it over.

“Wooks wike 'ou wan wun wess bay-bee.” It smiles at you, getting up, holding your baby and snapping its neck before throwing it at the wall.

“Nuuu-huuu-huuuu! Babbeh! 'Ou am munsta! We am nu fwends aneemowe!” You sob, running over to give huggies to your deceased foal. You are so sad! You only have 3 babies left now since FV-3207 killed the other two before!

Little did you know, three babies would turn to zero quickly due to errors being made by both you and FV-3207.


I’m interested by that last line, 3207 killing foals intentionally is one thing, but killing them accidentally is another.

I’m sure the Doc knows this and wants Butterscotch punished, but I’m wondering if she’s considered the emotional impact on 3207


Both Butterscotch and Harriet definitely haven’t realized how impacting this whole thing is for 3207, plus the fact it has to raise three foals that it has no idea how to care for is of course going to affect it in some way

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