Bestest Mummah Ch. 8 (end) (by fluffysomething)

AN: This chapter will be short, since I’m working on other things. Enjoy!

You are Princess, and it is HOT! All your thick fluff is making it worse! You feel bad!

“Pwincess am hawt! Nee’ fin cowd pwace!” You cry out, fanning yourself with your hoof.

“Chirp… Chirp… Chir-” One of your babies peeped, before taking the forever sweepies.

“Oh, am poopie babbeh. 'Ou be fine!” You yell, hitting your child’s body firmly.

“Pwincess… Pwincess feew… Feew…” You mumble, taking the forever sleepies yourself.

You are Lavender, and you haven’t seen your bestest baby in a while. You should check on her!

“Pwincess? Is 'ou sweeping? 'Ou otay? Pwincess? Pwince-” You gasp, staring down at your bestest baby’s ‘slightly melted into the grass’ corpse.

“Nu! Nu! Pwease wakies! Nu gu foweba sweepies!” You continue, begging desperately.

“Chirp… Peep, peep… Chirp…” One of the babies chirps weakly.

“Wan- wan die. Wan die.” You say mechanically, sobbing and laying down beside your bestest baby.

“Wan die. Wan die.” You repeat, walking yourself to the nearby river until your hooves hurt.

As you put your face into the water, you think.

You couldn’t save your bestest baby.

Maybe you’re not a ‘bestest mummah’ after all.


I take it Princess died from infection or blood loss then. And if Daisy ate the bad nummies then Lavender is left with nothing.

Congratulations you dumb bitch, you fucked over both your daughters because you wanted “pretty” babbehs in the family


In the end, what happened with Daisy, what happened to Tulip, do we heaar from her again or did she just get abandoned and died. Great story, but the ending could go into a little bit of detail about some of the other characters, unless you have something planned for them. Regardless, great job!

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what an ending…

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Of course, this may be slightly overshadowed by the sickie-friend apocalypse in the background.

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Glad so many of these bad bitches fucking die.

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