Bestest no More---Warhammer 40k x Fluffys——Cmsn for Gibhuggies—-Art by Inshi

Terrifyingly cool! I loved that skinned one- really well done!


this site needs a “Fuck yeah” style emoji.


This servant of chaos has the noblest goal I’ve ever seen for their kind. It’s so heretical, that it loops back around to being blessed.
This is the kind of distilled, refined, concentrated bleackbox content I crave most.
Fantastic work.


Absolutely sublime. I’ve always been a fan of industrial abuse and this particular crossover seems just loaded with opportunities like this one. How ironic that the fluffies raised by Chaos are given a tiny modicum of slightly better treatment- so that they can suffer even further when they are inevitably forced to watch their beloved offspring be fed to daemons! Though I fear the Imperium probably has the advantage of not losing out on the designated bestest babbehs since they never manage to form enough of a family unit to create any sort of hierarchy like that.

These comics are fantastic- kudos both to the artist and the kind individual that is commissioning them to create this delightful crossover!


Thats one way to give a cure for bms. Man those meds really kick off.

Love how the droid ready to eliminate anything showing bestest mood.


I am very supprised… This is one of the best I ever read!!! Please tell me they made fluffy servitors!!!

For a black legion warship, the chaos cultist/scientist/crewmember lacks the eight-pointed sign of chaos, and seems just like a normal generic imperial citizen conducting tests on the fluffy ponies.

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Redditor spotted. Beginning exclusion from Armenians



Fuuuuuuuck me I need a cigarette and I don’t even smoke

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I Love it​:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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Amazing as always




Fuckin A grade abuse right there, never boring and there’s always a newer more sadistic form lurking around the next corner. Add foal abuse as well? Instant Classic, Guaranteed.


Chaos generally prefers demons over servo skulls. He was remarkably deliberate for Chaos, too. He had a goal and he worked towards it as opposed to merely going to the greatest extent possible. I do wonder what Fabius Bile would make of fluffies.

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Peak Fiction at its finest

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You know, fluffies fit strangely well in 40k, especially as a food source for loyalists and traitors alike. It does lead me to wonder how the Tau would feel about them, and whether they’re popular in Commorragh as a child’s pet, just to really get them used to torturing things to death before moving on to humans.


Oh they’d be exceptionally good as pets or playthings in Commorragh and they would make what happened in this comic look like child’s play… especially when the Dark Eldar are very good at keepingbthings alice and can torture them for 100s of years and iirc they can resurrect themselves or prisoners sooooooooo yeah thats a thought, maybe there will be a future chapter in Commorragh.

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Probably super popular among the Half-Born too, in the way of being a cheaper, less satisfying means of staving off Slaanesh like a fluffy torture Hot-Pocket.

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Also you know they will have fluffy banquets wgere they are eaten alive kike the previous chapter if this…
Tho Haemonculi woukd have a field day experimenting on them and wytches would turn their deaths into spectacles in the arena