Bestest Sickies: Mommy's Little Problem Solver Ch. 5 (by fluffysomething)

You are Dr. Harriet Roseman, and you are looking at your “adopted” virus at work. Now that you attached a camera to FV-0446, you can really see the insides of Fluffies™ for yourself.

“Okay, let your friends do the rest of the “playing”. You have inside-babies, remember?” You caution, speaking into your tablet.

“Oh-tay, bu’ pwayin’ fun. Wan wun an’ pway!” FV-0446 complains slightly, making the fluffy it’s in cough it out as you put it back in its tube.

“Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks stiww wan pway! Wan mak’ wunnies!” FV-0446 groans, swishing the liquid in its tube.

“Look, you have inside-babies now. If you play more, you could get hurt and have a mis- the babies might be come-too-early babies.” You warn, getting slightly annoyed.

“Wha’ am cum-tuu-eawwy bay-bees?” It questions, stopping to listen.

“It’s when… It’s when babies come out too soon and they’re born with the forever night nights.” You explain awkwardly, sitting the tube down beside you.

“Nu wan inside-bay-bees tu hav’ fowevew night nights! Oh-tay, Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks wisten tu mom-mee.” It panics slightly, calming down after you hug its tube.

You are a fluffy! Your mummah won’t wake up! You have the worstest tummy-hurties, and you need milkies!

“Chirp! Peep, peep, peep! Chirp, chirp!” You peep, begging to just one drop of mummah’s milkies.

“Chirp! Peep!” One of your sibling chirps, also looking for milkies.

“Hewe, babbehs. Day-see gib 'ou miwkies untiw mummah wakies.” The fluffy watching you says, putting you both on her milkie-places.

“Day-see fink mummah gu foweba-sweepies…” She says silently to herself, patting you both gently and putting another two babies on her milkie-places.

“Peep… Chirp…” You peep, before sleeping calmly.

You are FV-0446, and you have a funny feeling about all of this. You’re the first (and only) virus you know of to have inside-babies, and you can’t stop feeling weird and slightly upset about it.

“Nee be nowmaw an nu hab inside-bay-bees. Nee git wid of inside-bay-bees, bu’ stiww wan them tu nu be stiww-bowned.” You whisper to yourself, starting to bump against the walls of your tube to get them out.

As you bump on the tube’s walls, you feel something pop. You did it! You think. Oh, you know you did it as you feel the worstest hurties in the world! You need your mommy!

“Mom-mee! Hewp! Bay-bees huwt!” You cry out, holding yourself gently.

“What happened? Oh, god.” Your “mom-mee” gasps, putting you under her “special camera slide” and cutting you open.

“Huwties! Wai mom-mee huwt Eff-vee-zewo-fouw-fouw-siks?” You yelp, seeing the slight cut on yourself.

“You don’t have anywhere for those babies to come out, so mommy has to cut you open. I’m so sorry for the hurties, FV-0446.” Your “mom-mee” continues, taking something out of you. Weirdest thing about it, the “something” is moving.

“Bay-bees!” You exclaim, holding your psuedo-arms out for the babies.

“Yes, now get back to “playing” in your “housie-friends”. Mommy has to check the babies.” Your “mom-mee” gives you to another fluffy, then leaves to do… something with the babies. What could she be doing?


. . . Very strange, wonder if it’s changing from a virus to something else.

Usually viruses propagate by injecting themselves into the cells they’re infecting and more burst out of that cell like xenomorphs.


That was what the “cell huggies” were, but Dr. Harriet basically just decided to pull a “role-reversal” thing on it


Right and I figured the entirety of the virus was part of this iterations consciousness instead of a number of distinct entities (hive mind). Which is why they didn’t understand the concept of babies despite having propagated through several fluffies so far in the story.


Right, they have little to no understanding of what babies actually are in the series, just that they’re smaller versions of something else