Better Babies Ch. 5 (end) (by fluffysomething)

You are Princess, and you think you know exactly what to do with that sickie-friend’s babies. You just have to give them forever-sleepies because they’re cuter than your babies!

“Sickie-babbehs git foweba-sweepies!” You yell at the babies in your hooves, dropping them and starting to stomp on one of them.

“Nuuuuu! Stay 'way fwom bay-bees!” One of the sickie-friends yell, as the other one runs out of the room… and comes back with your daddeh! You didn’t even get to stomp on another one yet!

“Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhh! She giv bay-bee owwies!” One of the sickie-friends sob, pointing at the broken mess of what used to be a baby Bestest Sickie Friend on your front hooves.

“Princess! You killed someone’s baby!” Your daddeh yells, smacking you across the face before you even get a chance to talk.

“Am wowstest pawentaw viwus evah! Wai!?” One of the sickie-friends cry loudly, their words being broken up by sobs.

“Du sumting! Pwease!” The other sickie-friend begs your daddeh, as his mad face turns into a grin.

“I’m going to make sure you never hurt anyone’s babies again.” Your daddeh decides, dragging you to another room and laying you down on a table with four holes meant for your leggies.

“Wai nu can move weggies? Am gud mumma-” You get cut off by a sickening slice sound and overwhelming pain.

“SCREEEEEEEEEEEE! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!” You screech, trying desperately to move your now non-existent leggies, as another flash of pain runs through your new stumps.

“WOWSTESH BUWNIE HUWTIES! SCREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!! SABE BABBEH!” You scream, quickly resorting to peeps and chirps as you reverse into a state of infancy.

“That’s what F.A.07 was telling me to do after you stomped on their baby.” Your daddeh smirks, placing you in your litter-box and cleaning up the hurtie-poopies you made in the other room.

You are FV-0446, and you have even more babies! Your daddy said Princess can’t take care of her babies anymore, so he said you can take care of them! You have… ten babies now!

“Wuv bay-bees! Speshew-fwiend, come hewe an’ wook at bay-bees!” You smile, as your special-friend toddles over and picks the babies up one by one, putting them down in your small beds.

You really do love your babies! You hope they grow up happy, like you did! You do still miss your forever-night-nights baby, though…

AN: What should I write next? Comment!


Since 0446 and F.A.07 are raising their own sickie babies as well as Princess’ regular Fluffy foals, it might be interesting to see how cohabitation affects them growing up.

Maybe growing up with Fluffies as ‘big bwuddas an sissies’, the sickie-foals are less inclined to give replication huggies because they know it will kill the Fluffy host. Maybe turn it into an allegory for asexuality with 0446 trying to come to terms with their child or children not wanting to have replication huggies.

On the other side of things, Princess’ foals growing up with viral siblings has warped their minds too far in the other direction. They want to have children but can’t understand why special-huggies aren’t working, to which Clarke has to explain to them that mouth huggies don’t result in pregnancies, even though that’s how sickie mummy and daddy do it.


I’d say growing up with fluffies would make someone MORE likely to want to murder them.


Really liked this, I’m curious if both of the sickie friends will take to the new babies. I’m sure they’d love them considering they wanted them to be friends with their babies.

Also princess should totally be strapped up to something and forced to watch as the sickie friends raise and love her babies, fuckin bitch.

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