Big Adventures (by Labcoat) Part 3-7/18

I started to work on this and it turned into 18 pages…
Might be at this one for a while. Just getting back into drawing so sorry for the perspective inconsistencies.


This could definetly never end negatively. :slight_smile:

Maybe a mild scolding and a cleanup montage and a shelter deportation ~ at worst. ~smirks~


Well, someone is gonna be in hot water. And some flufflies are going to be a new rug.


Thats a loot of poop for a single house


Such tantalising possibilities now that mummah is on the scene!


Genocide by fire is the only appropriate course of action.


That’s the easy way out they need to suffer

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i think that’s the best case scenario. worst case involves fire and heavy beatings.


Just realized that one in the last page.
“Nu time foh gud poopies!”

In that case there’s also no time for you to fucking breathe ever again.


Hold them in a cage or safe room and wait for one of them to act up by slowly making things uncomfortable

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Well, the owners have only 2 things they can do now


Ohh, I want them to be okay…


No color racism. No ill intentions towards their own existing one.

That alone is worth keeping them. Though clearly domestication is called for. Any feral adoption, be it cat or dog, needs that too.

Except rats of course. That’s just not something they can learn.



Some people actually have found and adopted abandoned pet rats, but I wouldn’t take a wild rat, no.


I actually want them to be safe. What is wrong with me? Is it the friendly, grateful fluffies who love all their babies equally, or all the kitty cuddles and kisses I got last night lingering into daytime?


Rats are beautiful amazing creatures while fluffys are disgusting attempts play god but it’s ok if there safe to I guess


Oh this is so good, I’m hungry to see them tortured

can’t wait to see what direction you go with it!


I kept wild rats I found as infants for a while before setting them loose, and have had domestics for their entire lives a few times before.

They take ten generations of breeding allegedly to make a domestic rat, or at least that’s what I read.

The feral-borns are top tier escape artists and never stop trying, but don’t know what to do when they get out especially if their siblings are still in the cage so they just lurk all over the place and keep coming back to try and rescue their sibling at night.

Domestic rats rarely bite, feral rats will start nibbling on you simply because they can which makes catching them when they get out even harder because the instinct to let go even when they can’t chomp through a pair of rubber gloves to break your skin is so high. You snoot boop them, you get some rat fang punctures before you can pull back, hold your finger in gloves there and they’ll start doing a mix of chewing and sucking on it even as adults.

They dig. A lot. They’ll make underground tunnels by moving all the bedding to one side and overturning anything from plastic hiding places to food dishes while domestic rats just tunnel a little bit for fun and fall asleep in the open. Ferals also relocate all their food to that tunnel even if its only four inches from the plate.

They fight a lot, but never seemed to hurt each other. When domestics fight they draw blood sometimes.

Domestic rats clean themselves less but also mess up their cage less. I swear the ferals were leaving handprints in urine and food-tainted paws on the sides of their enclosure on purpose, but groomed themselves to a pristine state and looked so adorable, hence why I can tell you about them biting and why I started using gloves to interact with them. They also failed to understand a water bottle, refusing to use it after I replaced the plastic one they chewed open with a metal one. Their water dish was mostly for their grooming.


I stopped writing for a while when taking care of some rats. It gives a bit of unease to indulge in proxy cute aggression/intrusive thoughts when those become very real feelings for a very real animal you’re responsible for.


I hope Charlie doesn’t get in TOO much trouble. He’s actually being a perfect model fluffy. Selfless, compassionate, full of love.