Big Baby, Part 5 [by ChungusMyBungus]

Eventually mama’s assault on pink stopped and she waddled away in misery. Yellow continued to sulk by himself, and pink was left crying in front of his mound of turds, some slight bruises visible through his soft fluff.
The abuser got up and left, but kept watch through the keyhole again, just in case anything happened in his absence.
Sure enough, something happened almost immediately.

Yellow picked himself up and plodded over to where pink was slumped on the floor, quietly 'hu-hu-hu’ing to himself as the rancid stench of his turds filled the room.
“Hey bwuddah!” Yellow said, jabbing him in the head. “Wan pway wif yoo!”
“Snff. Pway?” Pink asked. “O-otay…”
He shakily got to his feet, and the abuser saw yellow actually smirk.
“Otay bwuddah! Dis way!” Yellow announced loudly before walking away. Pink attempted to follow, walking towards where he had heard yellow’s voice coming from… but with his sightless eyes, muffled hearing and the general lack of co-ordination that all fluffy ponies are typically without… he was quickly lost after only three steps.
“B-bwuddah?” Pink asked nervously. “Whewe awe yoo?”
“Obah hewe!” Yellow called loudly. Pink began to waddle towards his voice… at which point yellow scampered in a different direction, circling back around to be behind pink.
“Nu dewe, dummeh!” Yellow shouted at him. “Hewe! Obah hewe!”
“O-otay, sowwy…” Pink murmured, turning 180 degrees and walking back. As he neared yellow, yellow turned and bolted, running all the way over to where pink’s mound of turds had been left.
“Nu, dummeh bwuddah!” Yellow snorted. “Obah hewe!
“Otay! Otay!” Pink wailed, running towards yellow’s voice once again, anxiety growing in his small mind. Why was he having so much trouble finding his brother?! It must be all his fault, of course, his stupid eyes weren’t working anymore, and that was clearly the prob-

Pink’s foot landed in something soft, warm and wet.
“Eep! Wha-”
Suddenly, there was a violent buck from behind him, and pink landed face first in his own turd pile, his face completely smothered in feces.
“HEE-HEE-HEE!” Yellow wheezed, laughing so hard that he fell down on his side. “STUPY DUMMEH BWUDDAH FAWW IN DA POOPIES! DUMMEH NU CAN SEESY! NU CAN SEESY! HEE-HEE-HEE!”
Yellow evidently found it the funniest thing ever that his brother couldn’t see.
Pink pulled himself out of the turds, spluttering and coughing and sobbing.
“WHA! PINK FAWW IN POOPIES!” He wailed, clobbering his own face with his hooves to try and wipe the shit away from his nostrils and eyes, but to no avail. “HEWP! BWUDDAH! MUMMAH! PINK HAB POOPIES ON FACESY!”
“HEE-HEE-HEE!” Yellow continued to wheeze, gasping for breath at the sight of his blind brother, turds caking his face, tears pouring from his sightless eyes, as he looked around helplessly, begging anyone around to take pity on him.

Meanwhile, mama had ignored the entire thing. She had trudged away to be alone, and she had tuned out everything else that was going on.
She was still trying to wrap her head around it.
First, there was blue. Blue had been born just as fine as pink and yellow had. But then he just… hadn’t grown up. He’d gotten bigger and fatter, but he never talked, never walked, never even opened his eyes. He was just a big baby all his life. So she, pink and yellow had seen to it that he wouldn’t be trouble for them anymore. When you really thought about it, it was all blue’s fault he was dead.
But now, there was pink.
Pink had been even better than blue, he’d had no problems at all. Okay he was a bit stupid and basically just repeated everything yellow said or did, but he could see, he could talk and he could walk! So in other words, he was perfect! But now… now what had happened?! He couldn’t hear so well anymore, and he couldn’t see anything either! And nothing had happened! He hadn’t been hurt or sick in any way… so what had caused it?
There was only one answer, but it was an answer so vile, so hurtful, so mean that mama dared even acknowledge it. The only possible answer was that she had somehow been… a bad mama. She hadn’t taken care of them properly, and they had suffered as a result.
But that was impossible! Mama had loved and cared for all of her babies! There wasn’t a second of the day when she wasn’t looking after them, doting on them, cuddling with them… why, even right now, she wa-

"HEE-HEE! POOPY BWUDDAH! POOPY BWUDDAH!" Yellow brayed, while pink ran in circles trying to shake the shit off of his fuzzy face.
Mama looked up from her position in the corner of the room, and saw what her remaining children were doing. Yellow was having a great time, clearly, he was laughing and smiling and just having the most fun ever. Pink was… being silly, she guessed. It was hard to tell what was really going on. He’d fallen in his own poopies somehow, and now he was spinning in a circle.
Mama sighed. She was tired. Tired from taking care of blue for so long, and tired now from having to do the same with pink. She’d hoped, after she, pink and yellow had murdered blue, that she’d have some time to herself, to rest and play and every other important activity that fluffy ponies concerned themselves with.
But no sooner had blue died than had pink been struck down with blindness and deafness…
Mama sighed again. It seemed she was never going to get a break. So she decided to take one now, and curled into her own fluff to fall asleep, while yellow continued to cry with laughter.
All while reminding herself that, despite what anyone else may think of her, she was a good mama.

“Hee… hee… hee…” Yellow gasped as he finally stopped laughing, pulling himself to his feet. “Otay bwuddah… hehe… Yewwow obah hewe.”
Pink stopped spinning.
“Yeh, yeh, dummeh. Bwuddah comin’.” Yellow said, waddling over to the huge pile of poopies (and the turds on the ground next to it, oh SNAP he was hilarious!) again.
“Huhuhu… pink su scawed… nu can seesy… smeww wike poopies… bwuddah pwease… pwease hewp…”
“Shaddup dummeh!” Yellow snorted as he waddled around to pink’s face. “Bwuddah hewe! Bwuddah hewpin’! Nao shaddup awweady!”
Yellow then rolled onto his side, angled his hips slightly, and began pissing directly into pink’s face.
Pink once again began spinning around in terror, desperately trying to find anyone who might help him, but all he had was the sound of yellow’s braying, wheezing laughter in his ears, and the awful feeling of warm urine trickling down his face.

Yellow, on the other hand, was having the time of his life.
He’d never liked his brothers much.
Blue had just been annoying, and stupid, and fat and smelly and ugly and and and… and everything else bad! He’d never played, he’d never been good for hugging, he just lay around making smelly poopies and screaming.
Pink was at least able to play, but he was stupid. He only ever copied yellow, and just got in the way. Plus he was really ugly and smelly and and and…
Then when pink had lost his sight, yellow had been worried it was just going to be a repeat of blue. A useless fatty smelly dummy who just got in the way all the time. But now… now things had changed!
Because yellow had bullied blue, of course, even pink had bullied blue, but blue never did anything about it. He was too fat and dummy to say anything beyond crying and screaming. But pink did say stuff! He said funny things, and did screamies and all sorts of other stuff! He was like the best kind of toy ever! Yellow could kick him and bite him and shove him into poopies, and he’d just scream and cry and it’d never stop being funny to watch!
Yellow took another look at his pink brother, with shit-smears all over his face, divided only by a thin lie where yellow’s urine had washed them away and similarly thin trails made by pink’s own tears, and he started laughing all over again.

The abuser watched it all, and made a decision.
Yellow was next.



Sometimes you have to break a few eggs to tease out the true grotesqueness of fluffy personalities.


you know
since the abuser has been patient enought
i think it would be a good idea to let yellow be a mother
let her think she is the best
wait till she cant walk for the pregnancy,and then hit his spine with a needle when sleeping so she cant realize that she cant move but after the birth of the foals
making green take care of all the foals AND yellow while yellow can just wonder why she cant move anymore,being completely unable to take care of her foals,maybe even add some milk supressors for yellow to add extra work on green
after all,a good mother should be able to help her babbehs to be good mothers themselves

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Wait…yellow is a mare?!

isnt she?
i thought that pink was the mare,but it was a stallion
so i assumed that yellow was a mare xD

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nvm i read part 6 and is a male

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Yeah i was thinking that lol but your comment confused me and was second guessing myself

well,we can do that with green anyways
you know,after she lost all his babies
gave her a “new hope”
and then let her see how all his chirpie babies die in front of her out of hunger and cold

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Yeah I don’t remember myself. I think it was two males and one female but honestly it got so hard to remember that I ended up just making them all males by the end. I don’t even remember which ones were female or not, but by now they’re all male, all brothers, and all equally worthless.


Cant blame you
I made an excel sheet with all the fluffies and characters that i intend to add to my history so i can remeber who is who
And they are not even gonna be that many xD

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Yeah I considered doing something like that when I was writing ‘Sewer Fluffies’ but it was just easier to keep fabricating new ones in ‘the herd’. Same here, in the end it was just easier to make them all male, fuck it.

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